
"Rural weeds" a little red has so many effects and functions! What's the difference between dandelion and dandelion?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, A little red, also known as red back leaves, is a plant of the genus Compositae, which is common in rural areas and is generally eaten as a wild vegetable. It also has a certain medical value after drying. What are the effects and effects of that little red? What's the difference between dandelion and dandelion? First, a little red

A little red, also known as red back leaves, is a plant of the genus Compositae, which is common in rural areas and is generally eaten as a wild vegetable. It also has a certain medical value after drying. What are the effects and effects of that little red? What's the difference between dandelion and dandelion?

A brief introduction to a little bit of red

A little red, also known as red back leaf, Bauhinia, wild fungus, ancient hat (Guizhou), grandma Niu, red head grass (Yunnan), red back under leaves, red green, red back fruit (Hainan), purple back grass (Taiwan), distributed in tropical Asia, subtropics and Africa, Taiwan and Chinese mainland in Sichuan, Hunan, Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Guizhou, Hainan, Zhejiang, Yunnan, Hubei and other places Red flowers are pink or purple, growing in areas ranging from 800m to 2100 m above sea level, often on ridges, hillside wastelands or roadsides, belonging to plants native to China.

Second, the efficacy and function of a little red

1. Medical value

Efficacy one: a little red decoction can prevent colds and has a certain effect on the treatment of colds and fever.

Efficacy 2: fresh red pounding and decoction can treat swollen throat, oral ulcer, wind-heat cough, diarrhea, dysentery, urinary pain, carbuncle, breast carbuncle, swelling and other diseases.

Efficacy 3: a little red mash external application can treat scabies, fall injury, snake bite and so on.

Efficacy 4: a little red cool, bitter and slightly pungent, can effectively help us clear heat and detoxification, dissipate blood stasis and detumescence, cool blood, and is also effective in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infection, acute tonsillitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infection and so on.

The use of a little red

① pinkeye disease

Pinkeye disease, also known as conjunctivitis, is caused by bacterial and viral infections, and a little red has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, so it is effective to drink red water with it.

Methods: pick 15-30g of fresh red, then add appropriate amount of water to boil, cool and season with sugar to drink.

② has a sore throat

Wind-hot cold, fever, tonsillitis, pharyngitis can cause sore throat symptoms, with a little red plus Hedyotis diffusa decoction to take, can clear heat and detoxification, relieve pain, but also has the role of sterilization and anti-inflammation.

Methods: fresh red and white Hedyotis diffusa 15-30g, then add appropriate amount of water, finally add sugar to drink.

③ lung heat cough

Lung heat cough is often caused by stagnant heat in the lungs. For the symptoms of this kind of disease, taking a little red fried water can relieve cough and reduce inflammation.

Methods: fresh red 15-30g, then add appropriate amount of water, finally add sugar to drink.

④ urethral infection

Urine infection is caused by inattention to hygiene breeding bacteria, a little red has a germicidal effect, so use a little red and plantain to take together, can play a germicidal role.

Methods: fresh red 15-30g, leaf red 50g, plantain 50g, then add appropriate amount of water, add sugar to take.

Note: some folk pharmacies must be taken under the guidance of doctors. Traditional Chinese medicine will be effective only if it is symptomatic and the dosage is appropriate.

2. Edible value

A little red is non-toxic, so it is a common wild vegetable in the countryside. It tastes similar to Artemisia annua and has a crisp texture. It generally eats its tender shoots and leaves, which can be fried, made in soup or used as hot pot ingredients. Usually eat a little can also clear heat and detoxification, promote blood circulation and dissipate stasis, but pregnant women can not eat, should be used with caution.

Third, the difference between a little red and dandelion

Both red and dandelion belong to the Compositae family, and both have the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification. both seeds have white silk hairs, so the results look very similar. the most difference between them lies in leaves and flowers:

1. The leaves of dandelion are clustered from the base, the leaves are narrow and long and ribbon, the flower stem is drawn from the middle, the stem is unbranched, and each rhizome has only one flower, yellow.

2. A little red leaf grows on the stem, the leaves are alternate, long ovate or rhombic, the back of the leaf is purplish red, the stem is much branched, and the flower grows at the top of each branch, purplish red.

Through the introduction of this article, we all understand the efficacy and function of a little red. At ordinary times, if you need to use a little red, it is best to consult a doctor before eating it. In addition, the editor should remind pregnant women that they need to take it cautiously. It is a drug that is poisonous. You must pay more attention to it at ordinary times.