
"Natural beautician" what is the function and effect of aloe? What can't you eat with? These kinds of people are not edible!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to aloe, we must be no stranger to it. It can be used not only for skin care, but also for cooking, for flowers to decorate the indoor environment, etc., so it has high economic value. At present, many people will raise it at home. What is the function and effect of aloe?

When it comes to aloe, we must be no stranger to it. It can be used not only for skin care, but also for cooking, for flowers to decorate the indoor environment, etc., so it has high economic value. At present, many people will raise it at home. What is the function and effect of aloe? What can't you eat with? These kinds of people are not edible!

First, what is the function and effect of aloe?

1. Skin care and beauty care: aloe contains aloin, aloe emodin, a variety of amino acids and active enzymes, which can moisturize human skin, promote skin metabolism, and make skin smoother and softer. Especially the face with acne, wrinkles, freckles and so on have a certain therapeutic effect.

2. Lose weight: aloe contains a lot of organic acids and dietary fiber, which can effectively promote the conversion of fat or protein into carbohydrates and reduce fat accumulation in the body to achieve the effect of weight loss. In addition, the dietary fiber can effectively promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, eliminate sundries and toxins in the body, make the intestines and stomach healthy and achieve the effect of weight loss.

3. Protect intestinal tract: aloe contains probiotics needed by human body, which can effectively improve the environmental balance of human probiotic flora, enhance human immunity and protect intestines and stomach.

4. Promote wound healing: aloe is rich in adhesive fluid, which can promote wound healing and stimulate the rapid growth of cells. In addition, it can also treat various diseases on the surface of the skin or on the body surface. For example, when there is acne or acne on the face, it can be smeared on the face properly and can be eliminated after a few days.

What can't aloe be eaten with?

1. Aloe can not be eaten with mutton: aloe is a cold plant and mutton is a warm food. If the two are eaten, the two will collide with each other and affect the edible value.

2. Aloe can not be eaten with Herba Epimedii: aloe belongs to cold, and Herba Epimedii is an aphrodisiac medicine. If both are eaten together, it can have an adverse effect. Especially for those with sexual decline, eating can aggravate the disease.

3. Aloe can not be eaten with crabs: aloe is a cold plant, and crabs are also cold. If they eat together, it will add to the cold and cause discomfort to the body. Especially for those with deficiency and cold of spleen and stomach, it will aggravate the disease.

4. Aloe can not be eaten together with towel gourd: aloe is a cold thing, towel gourd is a cool plant, if the two eat together will cause diarrhea, abdominal pain and other phenomena.

Third, aloe is not suitable for who to eat?

1. Pregnant women and menstrual women are not suitable to eat aloe.

Aloe has the effect of moistening intestines and defecation. Aloe is a laxative that acts on the mucosa of colon and rectum, resulting in congestion of intestinal wall and pelvic organs, so it is often accompanied by obvious abdominal pain at the same time of diarrhea. it has a certain degree of harm to pregnant women and menstrual women, so pregnant women and menstrual women are not suitable to eat aloe.

2. It is not suitable for lactating women to eat aloe.

Breast-feeding women eat aloe, will have a certain impact on the baby's gastrointestinal mucosa, serious will make the baby produce diarrhea, vomiting phenomenon, so it is best not to eat.

3. Those who are physically weak are not suitable to eat aloe.

Aloe is a cold plant, has the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire, moistening intestines and laxative effect, therefore, the weak physique, weak spleen and stomach patients had better not eat, so as not to hurt the stomach, resulting in abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea and so on. In addition, the old and frail elderly are not suitable to eat, so as to avoid diarrhea and other phenomena.

4. People with dry intestines and constipation are not suitable to eat aloe.

Aloe has the effect of moistening the intestines and relieving constipation, and has a significant effect on the treatment of constipation, but aloe is only suitable for the symptoms of hot constipation, and for people with intestinal dryness and constipation, long-term use of aloe will not have the effect of treating constipation. on the contrary, it will aggravate the symptoms of intestinal dryness and the degree of constipation, because aloe will cause patients with intestinal dryness and constipation to diarrhea and injure body fluid, thus leading to aggravation of symptoms.

5. People with physical allergy are not suitable to eat aloe.

For patients with physical allergy, when eating aloe and aloe-related products, there will be skin redness and swelling, skin itching, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, so it is best not to eat, if you do not know whether it is a physical allergy, wipe a little bit on the skin appropriately, wait a few minutes, make sure there is no allergy before use.