
What are the efficacy, functions and taboos of traditional Chinese medicine Zelan? What's the difference between Palin and Perrin?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Magnolia, also known as water incense, tiger orchid, chrysanthemum, wind medicine, sweet potato seedlings, square stem Magnolia, is a Labiatae plant is also a blindly traditional Chinese medicine, distributed in Xizang, western Sichuan, Qinghai, southern Gansu. What are the efficacy, functions and taboos of the traditional Chinese medicine Zelan?

Magnolia, also known as water incense, tiger orchid, chrysanthemum, wind medicine, sweet potato seedlings, square stem Magnolia, is a Labiatae plant is also a blindly traditional Chinese medicine, distributed in Xizang, western Sichuan, Qinghai, southern Gansu. What are the efficacy, functions and taboos of the traditional Chinese medicine Zelan?

A brief introduction to Zelan

Magnolia generally grows in the lowlands of the mountains or in the bushes and grasses along the banks of streams. It is harvested when the stems and leaves are luxuriant in summer and autumn, and begins to be harvested in the first and middle of April in the south, which can be harvested 2 or 3 times a year, but the aboveground part can not be harvested during the growing period. After receiving, cut into sections and flatten. After picking and digging, the rhizome is washed, dried or dried.

II. The efficacy, function and taboo of Zelan

1. The efficacy and function of Zelan.

Efficacy 1: treatment of irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis and abdominal pain

Zelan is a common medicine for gynecological menstrual diseases, which is often used in combination with Angelica sinensis, Ligusticum chuanxiong, Rhizoma Cyperi, etc., and can be used together with Angelica sinensis and Radix Paeoniae Alba, which is suitable for those with blood stasis and blood deficiency.

Efficacy 2: treatment of injury, bruising, pain and swelling of sore and carbuncle

Zelan has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis to reduce swelling and pain.

(1) to treat injuries, bruises and pain: Zelan is mashed alone or used in combination with Angelica sinensis, safflower, peach kernel, etc.

(2) treatment of chest injury and pain: Zelan is used in combination with Salvia miltiorrhiza, Yujin, Rhizoma Corydalis and other drugs.

(3) for the treatment of sore, carbuncle, swelling and poison: Zelan can be used alone, and it can also be used with honeysuckle, Coptis chinensis, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, etc.

Efficacy 3: promoting diuresis and reducing swelling, treating ascites swelling

Zelan is bitter and warm, which is beneficial to the effect of water swelling, especially for the edema of blood stasis and the combination of water and blood stasis. The powder made of equal portions of Zelan and Fangji can be mixed with vinegar to treat postpartum edema, and can be used in combination with Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, Fangji, plantain seed and so on to treat ascites swelling.

Usage: take it with fried water, the dosage is 10-15g. Appropriate amount for external use.

2. Taboos on the use of Zelan: people with blood deficiency and without blood stasis should take it carefully.

3. The edible method of Zelan.

(1) Zelan jujube tea

Materials: Zelan 10g, dried red jujube 30g, green tea 1g.

Practice: put the orchid, red jujube and green tea into the teacup, brew it with boiling water and take it after it is warm.

Efficacy: main treatment of female dysmenorrhea.

(2) Guiwei Zelan decoction

Materials: Guiwei, Zelan, Achyranthes bidentata, safflower, Corydalis, peach kernel 3G each.

Practice: take it with fried water and take it when it is warm.

Efficacy: promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. The main treatment of postpartum children occipital abdominal pain, lochia.

(3) Egg Water Zelan Soup

Materials: 25-50g of water orchid leaves and 1 egg.

Practice: boil the chopped water orchid leaves with the eggs. 10g/ times, twice a day.

Efficacy: promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis to stop bleeding. The main treatment of blood stasis type anovulatory uterine bleeding; for vaginal bleeding irregular, large amount or not, the blood color is dark red or purple red, the texture is sticky, lower abdominal pain, low back pain, complexion, lip color dark female population has a certain therapeutic effect.

(4) Zelan decoction

Materials: Zelan 6g, cypress seed, Angelica sinensis, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Radix Achyranthes bidentata, Radix Achyranthes bidentata, 4.5g each.

Practice: take it with fried water.

Efficacy: promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation. The main treatment is irregular menstruation.

Note: the editor would like to remind you that all kinds of traditional Chinese medicine should be taken under the guidance of the doctor.

Third, the difference between Zelan and Perrin

Difference one: source

Pelan is the aboveground part of Compositae plant. Mainly produced in Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Zhejiang, Fujian and other regions.

Magnolia is the stem and leaf of sweet potato seedlings of Labiatae. It is produced in most parts of the country.

Difference 2: morphological characteristics

Perrin stem is cylindrical; the surface is yellowish brown or yellowish green, some purplish, with obvious nodes and vertical lines; fragrant, slightly bitter taste.

Cymbidium stem is square column-shaped, less branched, there are shallow longitudinal grooves on all sides, the surface is yellowish green or greenish, the nodes are purple, with white hairs; odorless, light taste.

The third difference: the meridian of sex and taste.

Pei Lan Wei Xin, Ping; return to the spleen, stomach and lung meridians.

Zelan taste bitter, pungent, lukewarm, return to the spleen and liver meridian.

Difference 4: efficacy

Peran aromatic dampness, wake up the spleen appetizer, published to relieve summer heat.

Zelan promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, dispelling blood stasis and relieving pain, promoting diuresis and detumescence.

Difference 5: application

Perrin is mainly used to feel heat and dampness, cold and heat headache, dampness and heat accumulation and other syndrome in clinic.

Zelan is mainly used in gynecological blood stasis amenorrhea, surgical injury and ascites weight syndrome.

Difference 6: taboo crowd

Perrin Yin deficiency and Qi deficiency should not be taken.

Zelan blood deficiency and non-stasis should be used with caution.

Through an introduction to this article, we all know the efficacy and function of Zelan. In fact, both Zelan and motherwort are promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, dispelling blood stasis and carbuncle, promoting diuresis and detumescence, and motherwort has better efficacy than Zelan, so it is more widely used in clinical practice. However, if you need to take it, be sure to consult your doctor before prescribing the right medicine.