
Traditional Chinese medicine Jixueteng tonifying blood circulation and activating blood circulation, these five major effects and effects do you know? How much is the price per jin?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Chicken blood vine is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine with high medicinal value, which is famous for its rattan juice such as chicken blood juice. it is mainly born in the forest below 1800 meters above sea level. it has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. How much is the price per jin?

Chicken blood vine is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine with high medicinal value, which is famous for its rattan juice such as chicken blood juice. it is mainly born in the forest below 1800 meters above sea level. it has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. How much is the price per jin?

First, the introduction of chicken blood vine

Chicken blood vine, also known as Guojianglong, blood maple vine, pig blood vine, big blood vine and so on, is the rattan stem of the legume plant Mihuadou. It is mainly produced in Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan provinces in China. Most of them are harvested in autumn and winter, and the branches and leaves are removed, cut into pieces or segments, and dried in the sun.

The chicken blood vine is cylindrical, the outer surface is grayish brown, the cork is reddish brown where the cork falls off, and there is a longitudinal groove. The cross section showed light red wood, irregular arrangement of small holes, reddish-brown or black-brown resin secretions in the skin, and the most obvious characteristic was the eccentric semicircular ring alternately arranged with the wood. Myelinated, small, and biased to one side. The texture is solid, it is not easy to break, and the broken section will have irregular flake shape. The breath is slight and the taste is astringent.

Second, the efficacy and function of Uncaria angustifolia.

Chicken blood rattan sexual taste meridian: bitter, sweet, warm, return to the liver and kidney meridians.

The main treatment of this disease is tonifying blood circulation, activating blood circulation and dredging collaterals.

1. Efficacy one: activating blood circulation and relaxing muscles

The chicken blood vine is warm and slightly sweet, and the dried chicken blood vine has the function of opening channels and activating collaterals; limb numbness, hand and foot paralysis, rheumatism arthralgia and joint pain caused by qi and blood obstruction can be treated by the use of chicken blood vine. It is often used with safflower peach kernel, red peony, earth dragon, astragalus, angelica, salvia miltiorrhiza and other medicinal materials.

2. Efficacy 2: nourishing blood and regulating menstruation

Another effect of chicken blood vine is to recuperate qi and blood. Gynecological diseases such as irregular menstruation, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea can also be treated by the use of chicken blood vine.

3. Efficacy 3: treatment of anemia

Chicken blood vine has the effect of tonifying blood and promoting blood circulation, and it can improve the hematopoietic ability of the human body after taking it, which is very effective for people with anemia symptoms.

4. Efficacy 4: treatment of coagulation and cardiovascular sclerosis

It also has a good effect on blood clotting and lowering blood pressure, so it can be used to treat hypertension, hyperlipidemia and heart diseases.

5. Efficacy 5: anticancer effect

From the point of view of western medicine, the chicken blood vine can reduce the vitality of some viruses, and it can be used when the white blood cells in the body decrease, and it has a very good effect in improving the body's immunity. in order to have a certain auxiliary role in the fight against tumors.

Third, the edible method of chicken blood vine

1. Chicken blood vine to treat low back pain and leucorrhea

Materials: 30g of chicken blood vine, 30g of golden cherry root, 30g of Qianba, 30g of Eucommia ulmoides, 30g of alternanthera philoxeroides, 15g of Codonopsis pilosula if necessary

With hair: one dose twice a day

2. Tripterygium wilfordii for amenorrhea

Materials: chicken blood vine and piercing stone 20g each

Use hair: take it with fried water, 1 dose daily

3. Tripterygium wilfordii for anemia

Materials: 60-120g, 2-4 eggs, 10 red dates

Use hair: add 8 bowls of water and fry to more than half of the bowl (eggs are cooked and shelled and re-fried). Take eggs with medicine juice, 1 dose a day.

4. Chicken blood vine to treat rheumatism and arthralgia:

Materials: 15g of chicken blood vine, 15g of semi-maple lotus, Angelica sinensis, parasitic of Liquidambar formosana, 15g of sea breeze vine, 15g of Douchi ginger, 9g of Achyranthes bidentata

Use hair: take it with fried water

Note: if you need to take chicken blood vine, you should drink it under the guidance of your doctor.

IV. Taboos on the consumption of chicken blood vine

1. Chicken blood vine can promote blood circulation and relax muscles, nourish blood and regulate menstruation, so it is suitable for most people to eat.

2. Chicken blood vine promotes blood circulation and returns to the liver, so it is not suitable for people with yin deficiency and fire, pregnant women and patients with diabetes.

3. People who are allergic to chicken blood vine should not take it.

4. Chicken blood vine has the effect of promoting blood circulation, so women with menorrhagia should not take it, but it has a certain therapeutic effect on irregular menstruation and amenorrhea.

Is the medicine three points poison, although the chicken blood vine although the benefit is many, also wants the right amount, takes too much will cause certain damage to the body, therefore still follows the doctor's instruction to take.

Fifth, how much is the price of chicken blood vine per jin?

The recent market of chicken blood vine is relatively stable. At present, the price of imported good goods is 7 yuan. Yun County, Lincang City, Yunnan Province is one of the producing areas of chicken blood vine. At present, the price of hand-cut slices is about 2.5 yuan, and the price of machine pieces is about 3.5 yuan.

For the chicken blood vine, its medicinal value is still very high, as a traditional Chinese medicine can promote blood circulation and relax muscles, as an ornament can ward off evil spirits, nourish blood and regulate menstruation, and also play a certain auxiliary role in some diseases.