
"Rosaceae" what are the effects and functions of rose flowers? What's the difference between and roses?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Many girls will choose a pot of bright and beautiful rose flowers, and the four seasons bloom, which is very suitable for courtyard or potted culture. Rose flowers are not only good-looking, but also have many functions. Today, I would like to introduce to you what are the effects and functions of rose flowers? And roses.

Many girls will choose a pot of bright and beautiful rose flowers, and the four seasons bloom, which is very suitable for courtyard or potted culture. Rose flowers are not only good-looking, but also have many functions. Today, I would like to introduce to you what are the effects and functions of rose flowers? What's the difference between and roses?

A brief introduction to the rose

Rose, also known as Yuehong (Jiangsu and Zhejiang), Rose, Catharanthus roseus (Changchun, Jilin), Gengshen Rose, originated in Guizhou, Hubei, Sichuan and other places in central China, is now all over the world. Rose belongs to the genus Rosaceae.

Rose leaflets 3 to 5, a few 7, broadly ovate or ovate-rectangular, 2-6 cm long and 1-3 cm wide, apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate or subrounded, margin sharply serrate, both surfaces glabrous; petiole and leaf rachis scattered prickles and short glandular hairs; stipules mostly attached to petiole, margin glandular hairy. Flowers often aggregate in several; pedicels long, a few short, scattered short glandular hairs; flowers red or rose, ca. 5 cm in diam., slightly fragrant; calyx ovate, pinnately divided, margin with white glandular hairs.

Second, the efficacy and function of rose.

1. The nature, taste and meridian tropism of Chinese rose: sweet, warm. Return to the liver meridian.

2. The efficacy of Chinese rose: promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, soothing the liver and relieving depression.

Rose root, leaf, flower can be used as medicine, and taste sweet, warm, with promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, soothing the liver and relieving depression and other effects. Therefore, it is often used to treat qi stagnation and blood stasis, hemostasis, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and chest pain, fall injury, swelling and pain and other diseases.

3. Usage and dosage of Chinese rose

Internal administration: rose flowers are generally mixed with other medicinal herbs, fried soup or boiled water as tea, dry 3-6g, fresh 9-15g.

External use: mash and apply to the affected area with fresh rose, or apply dry products to the affected area.

4. The formula of Chinese rose

The main results are as follows: (1) Rose flower to treat dysmenorrhea: rose root, cockscomb flower 30g each, motherwort 9g, boiled egg to eat.

(2) treatment of menorrhagia and leucorrhea with rose flower (or root) 15g, fried in water or stewed pork.

(3) Rose flower for irregular menstruation or dysmenorrhea: ① rose flower 10 g, motherwort 30 g, ② rose, motherwort 9 g, Angelica sinensis and Ligusticum chuanxiong 6 g, respectively.

(4) the rose flower treats the lung deficiency cough: the rose flower and the rock sugar stew clothing, continuously takes many times.

(5) to treat the pain and injury of muscles and bones with Chinese rose: ① rose was used to dry the end of research, 3G each time, washed with wine, and the tender leaves of ② rose were mashed and applied to the affected area.

(6) for the treatment of hot flashes during menstruation: rose 10g, red jujube 12g, add appropriate amount of honey after water frying.

5. If you find it troublesome to take fried water, you might as well use rose petals to make water as tea, or add other health tea, which has a good effect on relieving dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation and other gynecological diseases, but do not take blood deficiency and menstruation.

6, rose consumption taboos: ① rose should not be taken frequently; ② spleen and stomach deficiency cold and pregnant women should not take rose.

Third, the difference between rose and rose

Rose and rose are all plants of the genus Rosa, there is no difference in families and genera, the main difference lies in flowers, leaves and so on.

1. Difference 1: leaves

The leaves of rose are large and flat, glossy, there are 4-5 leaflets, the leaf pattern is not obvious, and the edge of the leaf is sharply serrated.

Rose leaves are small and thick, dull, with more leaflets than rose, up to 7-9, with obvious texture and white pilose on the back.

2. Difference 2: thorns

Rose thorns are long on the skin, thorns are larger, thorns are few or no thorns, generally three or four per section, easy to break.

Rose thorns are stem thorns, thorns are small, and relatively dense, generally can not be broken.

3. Difference 3: design and color

Rose flowers are colorful in color, some with stripes and spots or complex colors.

Rose color is not as much as rose, relatively single, generally with purple, pink and white and other colors.

4. Difference 4: flower pattern

Rose flowers are larger, petals have single, double and semidouble, petal edge everted, warped angle.

Roses bloom small, flat disk-shaped, petals generally have three wheels.

5. Difference 5: Calyx

The calyx of the rose is slightly reversed, the calyx generally opens before the flower, and there is no lobe or only one lobe at the edge of the sepals.

The calyx of the rose is wrapped upward, the calyx and the flower open at the same time, and there are many lobes at the edge of the sepals.

6. Difference 6: fragrance

The fragrance of Chinese rose is very light, some without fragrance.

The rose has a rich fragrance.

Through an introduction to this article, we know that rose flowers can not only be watched, but also have high medicinal value, especially for some gynecological diseases, such as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea and so on.