
What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid? Is flowering poisonous?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid is one of more than 60 species of tiger skin orchid with high ornamental value. It is distributed in both tropics and subtropics. At present, it is a common potted foliage plant at home. So what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan? Is flowering poisonous? 1. Gold

Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid is one of more than 60 species of tiger skin orchid with high ornamental value. It is distributed in both tropics and subtropics. At present, it is a common potted foliage plant at home. So what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan? Is flowering poisonous?

I. the culture method of tiger skin orchid in Phnom Penh

1. Illumination: Tiger Pilan grows well under the condition of sufficient light. Except for avoiding direct sunlight in midsummer, it should receive more sunlight in other seasons. If the indoor light is too dark for too long, the leaves will be dark and lack of vitality. In addition, if placed indoors for a long time, tiger skin orchid should not be suddenly moved directly to the sun, it should be moved in the light first, so that it can have an adaptation process to see the sun again, so that the tiger skin orchid leaves will not be burned.

2. Potted soil: the pot soil of Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid is better to be breathable, and the pot culture can use the same amount of rotten leaf soil and garden soil and a small amount of mature base fertilizer as the substrate. Therefore, when planting Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid, it is best to mix with 2/3 rotten leaf soil and 1/3 garden soil. Do not use all impervious clay or sandy soil, this kind of soil after watering, easy to cause Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid rhizome rot.

3. Planting: Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid is a follower plant. 10 individual plants are planted in a flowerpot with inner diameter 40cm, and a full pot of Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid can be harvested a year later. When planting, first put part of the soil under the basin, and then start planting from one side of the basin to grasp the distance between individual plants to ensure uniform planting of flowers and plants.

4. Watering: the tiger skin orchid in Phnom Penh should be watered properly, grasp the principle that it would rather be dry than wet, usually scrub the foliar dust with clean water to keep the leaves clean and bright. When sprouting new plants at the root neck of Phnom Penh in spring, the basin soil should be properly watered to keep the basin soil moist, and the basin soil should always be kept moist in summer high temperature season. The amount of water should be controlled after the end of autumn, and the basin soil should be kept relatively dry to enhance cold resistance.

5. Pruning: the germination rate of Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid and the growth of new leaves are faster in summer. when the basin is full, the method of inter-seedling can be used to remove the old leaves along the roots with scissors, so that the new leaves can fully get light and growth space.

6. change the basin: under normal circumstances, Phnom Penh tiger orchid should change the basin every two years, in order to remove the old roots and leaves, change some new soil to increase nutrients, and keep the whole pot fresh and beautiful.

7. Diseases and pests: the common pests of tiger skin orchid are leaf spot and anthracnose. You can choose to buy professional insecticide to spray.

II. Matters needing attention in the culture of tiger skin orchid in Phnom Penh

1. Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan should not be watered too much. Generally speaking, watering twice a week is enough. In colder winter, watering once a week is enough.

2. Because many people like to put Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid indoors to remove formaldehyde, if Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid is indoors for a long time, do not suddenly let it come into contact with strong sunlight, which will burn the leaves.

3, Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Xiguang, can be placed directly in the direct sunlight, if indoor conditions do not allow, can also be placed in a place closer to the sun. Due to the strong light of Phnom Penh tiger skin bogey, it should be properly shaded in summer. Winter should be placed in the sunny place, less watering, to keep the basin soil dry.

4. Pay attention to keep the leaf surface clean during the growth of Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid. Spray can be used to spray and wash frequently.

5. Direct planting with plastic pots and porcelain pots should be watered less, rather dry than wet, otherwise too much water will rot and die.

Third, is the Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid blooming poisonous?

Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid blooming is not poisonous, it can be put in many places, and it is good for the air. Researchers in the United States have found that it can absorb both carbon dioxide and oxygen, it is a good helper of natural clean air, and can even help remove more than 80% of the harmful gases in the home.