
"Government background": a phenomenon in the Management of Social conflicts in Rural areas of China

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The preface sociologist Darendolf believes that social conflict is a state of contention, competition, dispute and tension between social forces outside the government and with obvious conflict. At present, China is in a period of social transformation, with further social differentiation and social interests.


Sociologist Darendolf believes that social conflict is a state of contention, competition, dispute and tension between social forces outside the government and with obvious conflict. At present, our country is in a period of social transformation, the society is further divided, the social interest subjects and sources of interest are more diversified, the interest relationship is becoming more complicated, and the interest contradiction is becoming more and more obvious. A new pattern of extremely complex interests and a new system of social contradictions have been formed, especially the struggles and conflicts caused by the game of interests and the maintenance of rights among different individuals, groups and strata, and social conflicts break out centrally. The control and management of social conflicts has become an important topic in the field of public governance and social management in our country. Due to historical and social reasons, the government is the main body of social conflict management in our country. In the process of social conflict management, the government is a non-party, it plays the role of a third-party intervention between the two sides of the conflict, and undertakes the responsibility of building a communication platform, promoting reconciliation and reaching a compromise for both sides of the conflict. the ultimate responsibility to resolve the conflict and restore social order.

However, in reality, the role and responsibility of the government is far from so simple. Instead of being the middleman and adjudicator of fairness and authority in social conflict management, the government is often the object of "blackmail" by one or both parties to the conflict. It is a soft persimmon specially picked by all parties. The researchers found that when the government mediates the parties to the conflict as a third party, it makes compensation to resolve the contradiction between the two sides of the direct conflict, so as to calm the situation and end the dispute. The same is true of the so-called "profit-seeking petition". The farmers petition for civil disputes, and the government gives benefits to the petitioners in order to quell the petitions. after receiving the benefits, the petitioners continue to petition or threaten to petition, so as to blackmail the government to seek benefits. Some studies have also found that in all kinds of "fuss" phenomena, the parties to the conflict exert pressure on the government by making things big, so that their own affairs can be resolved, and most of the solutions are to benefit from the government. In the "school bus incidents" in various places, the amount of money sought by the government is getting higher and higher one after another, which is neither precedent nor regulation, which makes people sigh and even sigh, in order to enable local governments to get out of the wind and waves as soon as possible. In the "Yichang Bridge collapse" incident in Henan Province at the beginning of the year, in order to divert the focus of public opinion, the local government dealt with the victims as soon as possible, quelled the incident, and even released the words that "the earlier the agreement is signed, the more rewards there will be." what's more, it makes the government's background become naked. Some scholars have summarized the phenomenon that this kind of government provides some benefits openly or implicitly in exchange for people's acceptance of social order as "backing", while the government is reduced to "mediator".

According to the author's investigation, in rural social conflict management, the phenomenon of grass-roots government is more common, and even become a general phenomenon of rural social conflict management. In addition, the author finds that there must be a "big" process for farmers before the government gets to the bottom. In other words, the grass-roots government will not automatically and willingly cover for any party in the rural conflict, but must make the government feel that it is necessary to cover up. "solve the problem in a big way, solve it in a small way, and do not make a fuss but not solve it." making things big is the best way to make the government feel that it is necessary to solve the problem. Farmers are apt to make things big, and grass-roots governments have to cover things up. Therefore, the farmers and the government are twin brothers, which is the dual construction of the relationship between farmers and the government in the management of social conflicts in rural areas. Farmers' uproar is the premise, and the government is the result. They each follow different logic and jointly shape the unique phenomenon of rural social conflict management.

Then, when the government manages the rural social conflict and mediates, why should one or both parties of the conflict make a big deal of it? As a non-party to the conflict and a third party without direct relationship, why should the government cover for the conflict? These are the questions that this article tries to answer preliminarily. This paper first defines the background of the government, and then analyzes the logic of the premise of the government, and then explores the inherent logic, mechanism and root causes of the government. Finally, it analyzes the political and social consequences of the farmers and the government, and makes a preliminary discussion and promotion.

First, the case of "the government covering the bottom"

Before elaborating on the government background management, I would like to list several government investigation cases in the rural areas of Anyi County, Jiangxi Province. Through the presentation of these cases, we can have a glimpse of the general phenomenon and logic of "government cover-up" in rural social conflict management.

Case 1 in 2010, Liu, a villager in the ancient village of Shizhen, was killed by a motor tricycle. The county traffic police brigade went to the scene to deal with the accident, and Liu's relatives ignored the county traffic police brigade at all. Liu's relatives took a noisy visit strategy, carried Liu's body to the accident section, and later carried it to the county party committee compound and set up a funeral hall in the compound. Finally, under the coordination of the county political and legal commission, Liu's relatives received compensation of 300000 yuan: 280000 yuan for the perpetrators, 10, 000 yuan for the Jinzhen government where the perpetrators were located, and 10, 000 yuan for Liu's stone town.

Case 2 in May 2011, two people in Xinzhen were killed and injured by Wang in Shibi Town when he drove a motorcycle. The families of the dead and injured asked for compensation of 200000 yuan, but Wang could not come up with so much money at all. The families of the dead and injured went to the Shizhen government to hijack the bodies, resulting in the paralysis of the office order of the town government. The mediation of the county leader was of no avail. Finally, the city government was alarmed and a deputy mayor came down to mediate. In the end, the deputy mayor decided to pay 50, 000 yuan in compensation for Shizhen, 50, 000 yuan for Xinzhen, and 100000 yuan for Wanmou who caused the accident.

Case 3 in 2010, Yang Xiheng's wife was torn a urinary catheter while undergoing hysterectomy in Anyi County people's Hospital. Yang Xiheng asked the hospital to compensate, bear the cost of follow-up treatment and pay for mental damage. Doctors and patients had differences in compensation. Yang Xiheng and his relatives petitioned the county and municipal governments many times but failed. Later, Yang Xiheng summoned more than 30 people to conduct a sit-in at the gate of the county government, and the director of the County Letters and visits Bureau came forward to appease. The county's final mediation opinion was that the county people's hospital should bear the cost of the follow-up treatment of Yang Xiheng's wife and compensate 30,000 yuan, while the town government paid 40,000 yuan in consolation.

Case 4 in 2012, a man in his 20s in a village in Shizhen accidentally fell into a reservoir while fishing and drowned. The reservoir is located in Shizhen, but it is under the management of the county water conservancy bureau. The family of the deceased could not find the responsible party, so they carried the body to the gate of Shizhen to make a visit, and ate, drank and slept all in the town government. The town government said that the reservoir was not under its control, and the reservoir management said that fishing was not allowed in an express regulation, that the deceased was fishing illegally, and that the death of the deceased had nothing to do with it, and did not allow the family members of the deceased to ask for compensation. The parties were deadlocked for a period of time, and the family of the deceased threatened to blackmail the body to the county. After that, an agreement was reached: the county water conservancy bureau of the reservoir management side paid 30,000 yuan, the town government paid 30,000 yuan, and the village where the deceased lived gave 40,000 yuan. Six months later, the parents of the deceased petitioned the county several times to solve their difficulties in life. The town government kept receiving visits and was so upset that it set up a town minimum security for the parents of the deceased.

Case 5 in October 2010, Liu Kebing, a student from Shizhen No.2 Middle School, got into a fight with his classmates Liu Xingxing and Liu Xin. Liu Kebing was pierced his lung by Liu Xingxing with a fruit knife and died. Liu Kebing's parents and relatives repeatedly visited the school and the county petition bureau, carrying portraits of the deceased to burn paper and whips in front of the teaching building and in the classroom. After six days and five nights of continuous mediation, the secretary of the county political and legal commission, the secretary of the discipline inspection commission, the deputy head of the county education and sports bureau, the deputy director of the county public security bureau, and the secretary of the town party committee reached a compromise: 450000 yuan for the family of the deceased, 180000 yuan for Liu Xingxing's guardian, 120000 yuan for Liu Xin's guardian, 130000 yuan for Shizhen No.2 Middle School, and 20,000 yuan for Shizhen government.

Case 6 in 2011, the father of Yang in a village in Pingxiang was critically ill and was taken to the village clinic for medical treatment. the village doctor thought that the condition was serious and suggested that his family be transferred to Yangmei Town Hospital for treatment as soon as possible. To the town hospital, Yang's father died before the doctor could consult him. In order to get compensation from the hospital, Yang's family insisted that the delay in hospital treatment led to the death of the patient, and gathered dozens of young people of the same surname from the village to the hospital to make trouble. The hospital believes that it does not have any responsibility and is unwilling to bear compensation, and the director of the hospital has also gathered dozens of young and strong laborers from his hometown to confront Yang and other people. In order to avoid group conflicts, the Heping Township Government of Yangmei Town Government came forward to mediate, but failed for three days, and both sides refused to compromise. In the end, the governments of the two townships respectively gave Yang a pension of 6000 yuan and 12000 yuan, and Pingxiang gave Yang's elderly mother a minimum living allowance, so that the conflict was calmed down.

Case 7 in 2011, he Village he, who was in his sixties, one day herded cattle and ate he's family's vegetables, was scolded by he's wife, was not convinced, went home to drink medicine and committed suicide. The man himself was so sick that he had several quarrels with other people and threatened to kill himself by taking medicine, but he was all persuaded by his family. After the success of taking drugs to commit suicide, the village quickly reported to the town, and the town party committee and government responded quickly, and the deputy secretary in charge of politics and law and several leaders went to the countryside to deal with the matter, and it took seven days and nights to resolve the matter. The he family asked them to pay a total of 100,000 yuan for burial and other expenses. The two families of he thought that he's cattle were at fault when they ate vegetables. They just said that it had nothing to do with him to drink medicine, not to mention that he had to drink medicine several times before, which he had already prepared, so he was only willing to pay for burial expenses and nothing else. The two families were deadlocked, and although the work was not done at the beginning of the town and the village, they controlled the situation, and the descendants of he's family did not carry the body to make a visit. Finally, under the coordination of the town government, he two families compensated he family 40,000 yuan, and the town government gave he family 30,000 yuan in the form of pension. Both sides signed the pledge, indicating that they agreed to deal with the opinions and promised not to petition.

The author investigated in Anyi and other rural areas in Jiangxi Province and found that no matter what the reason, as long as people died in the hospital, or there was a traffic accident, they would go to the government, and the government had to come forward to pay compensation, otherwise they would block the government door and even petition to a higher level of government groups. At present, traffic accidents cannot be dealt with by the traffic police, but by the political and legal Commission. At present, the complaints made by the people in rural areas have become the biggest local problem. As long as people are dead, even if they fight and die, they still want to make trouble with the government. Make trouble every time you die. Now the underworld is involved in the death incident, the triad helps you plan and industrialize the operation, and the triad asks the government for compensation, with a share of 200000, and he wants 50, 000 yuan. They took to the streets for 50 yuan a day and a pack of cigarettes. Now it is the people who "deceive" officials and lack awe of the law. Everything mobilizes the old man and the old lady to block the government gate, and the seemingly amiable old lady blocks the government gate for 50 yuan a day.

Second, the definition of "government backing"

(1) the connotation of "government cover-up"

The government means that in the conflict between social subjects, the government, as a third-party intervention force, intervenes to manage the social conflict. when the parties to the conflict fail to reach a compromise and attribute dissatisfaction to government mediation and turning the spearhead of the conflict to the government, the government compensates one or all parties to the conflict in the form of interests in order to control the growing situation as soon as possible. To cover for the conflict so that the parties to the conflict can accept the political and social order provided by the government. In social conflict management, the nature of government cover-up is, in the final analysis, "spending money to buy peace", resolving conflicts by giving benefits to the parties to the conflict rather than making decisions in accordance with laws, policies, principles and precedents or through persuasion and education. According to the above definition and nature, the government has the following distinct characteristics: first, the government is the mediator and third-party interventionist of the parties to the social conflict, and is not a party to the conflict. Second, the government's cover-up occurs after the parties to the conflict (may) turn the spearhead of the conflict to the government and keep making things bigger, that is to say, the sign of the government's cover is that the social conflict (may) turn into a political event at the grass-roots level. in essence, the government is paying for political events that (may) set itself ablaze. Third, after weighing the opportunity cost of conflict management, the government judges that only interests can end disputes and restore social order "as soon as possible", and that any other way will delay the situation and cause the government to pay a higher price; fourth, the way for the government to find the bottom is to directly export benefits and give benefits, rather than following principles and norms.

By classifying the background of the government, it can be better understood. According to different classification criteria, there are the following main types of government backing:

1. According to the subjective initiative and attitude of the government, it can be divided into active and passive ones. The former is that before the farmers make the matter big or the threat big, the government judges that it is difficult for the two sides of the conflict to reach a compromise, and if the matter is not resolved quickly, it will lead to more trouble, so it makes a decision. The latter means that when one or both parties to the conflict are unable to reach a compromise, the matter is made big, so that the government has to make a decision under the pressure of the superior government or public opinion, so that the matter can be resolved as soon as possible. Under such circumstances, if the matter is not covered up, it will be difficult to solve the problem quickly, and the government will be more deeply involved in the political whirlpool.

2. According to the difference of the times of government backing in a social conflict, it can be divided into one time and many times. A cover-up means that the government can resolve the conflict by covering one or both sides of the conflict at once, and there has been no social conflict or major incident since then. On the other hand, after the first time by the government, one or both parties to the conflict are not satisfied with the benefits and handling results, so there is a big incident again, or after the parties to the conflict have tasted the benefits of the government, imitate the previous fuss, so as to put pressure on the government and get the benefit of continuity again. The repeated backing of the government will become a source for farmers to make big profits.

3. According to the number of levels of governments involved in a conflict management, the bottoms can be divided into primary bottoms and hierarchical bottoms. The first level of backtracking refers to a level of government to bear the responsibility, its superior and subordinate governments do not participate in it, which often occurs in the social conflict management with smaller scale and narrow scope of influence. The first-level background occurs more frequently in the conflict management of township governments. Hierarchical backing means that multi-level government organizations bear the responsibility, and the forms or projects of different levels of government and departments may or may not be the same. such backing generally occurs in social conflict management with large scale and wide range of influence. Graded background occurs more frequently in the county, such as county group incidents, which are generally covered by the county-level government and relevant departments and township and village-level organizations.

(2) the performance of "the Government's backing"

The performance of "government backing" refers to what aspects of rural social conflicts are managed by the government. In rural social conflicts, not all conflicts need to be managed by the government. some conflicts can be resolved independently within rural areas, and some conflicts can be well resolved by the government through mediation. however, some conflicts are very easy to develop to the extent that they need to be covered by the government, and the government's "cover-up" is mostly reflected in the management of these conflicts.

1. The conflict between farmers and enterprises, institutions and autonomous units. In rural areas, institutions mainly include rural primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, health centers, clinics, agricultural technology and agricultural materials departments, post and telecommunications offices, power stations, and so on. Enterprises mainly refer to collective enterprises run at the rural level, autonomous units include village committees, community organizations and so on. These units are not government departments, or have been separated from government departments. Collective enterprises are units that are responsible for their own profits and losses. Public institutions are some public welfare units and non-public welfare functional departments with the main purpose of government functions and public welfare services. They participate in the management of social affairs and perform management and service functions. The purpose is to serve the society, mainly engaged in education, science and technology, culture, health and other activities. On the other hand, autonomous units are farmers' autonomous organizations, which are elected by farmers who have the right to vote. Although these units and organizations are not government departments, they have one thing in common, that is, they are public. Because of its public nature, it is a government department in the eyes of farmers. When farmers conflict with them, it is easier to bring the conflict to the government and ask the government to solve it, while the government has a greater responsibility to intervene in the conflict. Among these conflicts, the main ones that need to be managed by the government are as follows: (1) there are casualty accidents in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, which may be caused by fights and fights between students. it may also be due to accidental accidents occurred during school (such as drowning in swimming), or accidental death in class (such as shock in physical education). In recent years, more attention has been paid to the school bus accidents in rural areas. (2) the medical accidents occurred by farmers seeking medical treatment in rural hospitals and clinics are easy to cause common "medical trouble" phenomenon. (3) the conflict between farmers and village committees (communities) and village cadres is generally due to the infringement of farmers' rights and interests by village committees and village cadres, or the lack of satisfaction of interests, or the dissatisfaction of the latter when the concept of fairness and the sense of balance of common sense justice are broken, and violent conflicts are caused by the political struggle of the village, which is more typical of the "Wukan incident". Other conflicts include group conflicts caused by widespread incidents of "fake seeds" and "fake pesticides", conflicts between farmers killed by electric shock and power supply departments, and individual or group conflicts caused by farmers' dissatisfaction with collective enterprise pollution, treatment, industrial injury compensation, and so on.

2. Civil security disputes involving casualties. If we say that the conflicts between the above-mentioned farmers and enterprises, institutions, autonomous units and other subjects still have a certain public nature, and are inextricably related to the government in the concept of farmers, it is somewhat unthinkable that the complete civil subject conflict also needs to be covered by the government. but in fact, the government's management of this kind of conflict is quite amazing. This kind of conflict generally has the following situations: (1) Civil disputes cause casualties or group confrontation, such as fighting injury or accidental death, or group confrontation between different villages and clans caused by individual civil conflicts. (2) there is a quarrel between farmers, one party kills himself by means of suicide or sudden suicide, and there is a violent conflict between the relatives and families of both sides, and the government intervenes in the management of the conflict. Such conflicts occur from time to time in rural areas. (3) Peasants accidentally fell into the water and died, which led to conflicts between the relatives of those who fell into the water and the owners or managers of the water surface, and accidents of drowning often occurred in rural areas when fishing, swimming, swimming or accidentally falling into the water. Originally, this kind of accident is for its own reasons, not only has nothing to do with the water surface owner and manager, but also has nothing to do with the government, but because the relatives of the deceased go to the water surface manager or owner for an explanation and compensation, which leads to disputes and conflicts between the two sides. the government intervened in conflict management. (4) the conflict between farmers, developers and demolition companies in land expropriation and demolition. Recently, it has been repeatedly reported that farmers were crushed to death by bulldozers and rubber wheel rollers of developers, demolition companies and road rollers for preventing land expropriation and development. According to the author's investigation, the injured party in these accidents will generally lead the conflict to the government, and eventually become the conflict with the government, and the local government will cover the ground in the conflict management.

3. Accidents such as traffic accidents with casualties. According to regulations and practices, traffic accidents are generally handled by transportation departments, and local party committees and governments only assist in handling traffic accidents. However, during the investigation, we were very surprised to hear that Liu in case 1 died in a traffic accident, while the traffic police department did not show up. Later, he specially went to the traffic police brigade to investigate, and Chief Chen of the accident Section accepted our interview. "it's no use going there," he said. "neither side of the traffic accident will recognize the accident determination of the traffic police brigade. Now the accident Section has nothing to do. In the event of a traffic accident, people go directly to the party committee and government. " Due to the mistrust of the traffic police department and the lack of desired compensation in accordance with the law, the handling of traffic accidents in rural areas has become a matter for the township party committee and county political and legal committees, and the traffic police brigade only cooperates to do some technical work such as appraisal. In this kind of conflict, due to the intransigence of both sides of the conflict and the serious disturbance of the injured and dead parties, local governments often quell the conflict through undercover management.

4. Petitions and group incidents. According to Article 41 of the Constitution, petitioning is not only a basic right of our citizens, but also a way for farmers to seek many dispute solutions and demands. When it is difficult for local governments and courts to meet farmers' grievances, and there is no other relationship to resolve, the most stubborn people resort to a variety of petitions, such as entangled visits, noisy visits, leapfrog visits and visits to Beijing. Entangled visits refer to visitors constantly pestering local party, government and departmental leaders, asking them to solve problems and meet demands, interfering with leaders to do other things, making leaders annoyed and most likely to give them some benefits. this is especially true in cases where petitions are made for profit. Complaining refers to the petitioner's request to solve the problem by making individual or group disturbances in the party and government organs. Leapfrog visit and visit to Beijing means that when the lower-level government is unable to meet their requirements and solve their problems, farmers leapfrog to a higher level of government or the central government to reflect the problem. Under the "one-vote veto system" of letters and visits and the pressure system of maintaining stability, in order to eliminate local unstable factors and petitions (especially leapfrog visits and visits to Beijing), local governments are easy to adopt the way of "using RMB to resolve contradictions among the people". Among the types of petitions managed by the government, law-related petitions are more typical. According to the survey, most of the visitors involved in legal proceedings were dissatisfied with the court's final judgment but did not meet the conditions for retrial, so they petitioned step by step to petition in Beijing. Many cases have been legally terminated. The local court has no legal fault, and the local government which has nothing to do with civil cases is not at fault. It is only because of the petition that the local government has to be involved in the coordination of civil disputes, has to negotiate with visitors, and may carry out undercover management in order to end the petition. In addition, petitions, sit-ins and processions of specific professional groups, such as veterans, private teachers, old village cadres, old barefoot doctors, government diversion personnel, laid-off workers, etc., have nothing to do with the fault of the local government, but their resistance behavior has become an important part of the stability of the local government. In general, they need to create special policies, treatment and "buy-off" of leaders and other measures to give background management.

In the social conflicts of the more fierce group events in rural areas, the management of local governments is more obvious and more incisive. According to the author's investigation, many mass incidents in rural areas were not directed at the local government at the beginning, but may have been civil conflicts (such as the conflict between two clans, the contradiction between buyers and businessmen). It is only because the government intervenes in the management of the conflict in the wrong way (such as careless police, improper language, etc.), or because both parties to the conflict are not satisfied with the government's mediation decision, which leads to the conflict with the government. And people who have nothing to do with the original conflict have also joined in "venting anger". In such wide-ranging and influential mass incidents, the government may tend to calm the situation, appease the people and dispel the pressure of public opinion as soon as possible through undercover management.

(3) the form of "government backing"

The form of "government backing" refers to what kind of way and what kind of resources the government uses to manage the rural social conflicts. According to the author's investigation, there are generally three forms of government cover-up, one is interests, the second is policy, and the third is political cover. According to the differences in the nature, scale and demands of different conflicts, the government takes different forms, some of which solve the problem in one form, while others need to integrate three forms to completely quell the conflict. For example, in the "Weng'an incident", the government adopted a comprehensive form: donations from the education department, financial subsidies and food subsidies provided by the township government of the deceased to their families, and minimum living allowances for the elderly in their families. and promised to provide financial aid to his brother's poor students during his college years.

1. The bottom line of interests. A certain amount of money or material subsidy shall be paid directly to the party to the conflict according to the nature of the conflict or the requirements of the parties to the conflict. In the seven cases listed above, the government has given certain financial subsidies to the parties to the conflict in varying degrees, generally in the name of "pension", "relief", "comfort" and "subsidy". These names and words are not only in line with the people's "moral" requirements for the government, but also in line with the socialist countries and governments' ideological concept of "serving the people" and meeting the needs of the needy masses. In the course of persuasion and rest visits, the township or county civil affairs bureaus will give benefits to visitors in the name of "serious illness relief" and "special poverty subsidy", so as to enable the other party to rest the visit. Of course, there are also those who directly give benefits without any name or status, such as local governments giving visitors the best hotels, high-end food and drink for free, tourist attractions, flying back, and so on, and privately promise other benefits. In resolving influential group conflicts, the government will also dispel villagers' resentment against the government by giving benefits to most of the villagers. for example, after the "Wukan incident" subsided, Zhu Mingguo, deputy secretary of the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee, inspected Wukan's work on April 18, 2012 and promised to solve many difficulties and problems affecting production and life for the villagers. This move is intended to further dispel the rebellious feelings of the villagers and recognize the actions of the government.

2. Policy background. It includes three aspects: (1) lowering the threshold or applicable conditions to enable it to enjoy certain treatment or policies. In the above listed case 7, it is more typical to give a minimum living standard. Originally, the mother of the victim did not meet the minimum living standard requirements, but in order to quell the conflict, he was brought into the ranks of rural minimum living allowances by reducing the requirements. Others, such as urban minimum security, economic subsidies, hardship subsidies, grain and oil subsidies, seed subsidies, poor students subsidies, etc., all need to adjust the relevant provisions before they can be given to the parties to the conflict. In addition, break through the score line to arrange to study in county middle schools, break through the regulations to arrange employment or transfer of work, as well as tax concessions, independent business support and other phenomena are also common. Such treatment and policies as a means of rural governance of farmers' petitions and social conflicts have been widespread. (2) to create some special policy texts in the form of "norms" so that the parties to disputes in certain situations can get special subsidies to a specific degree and scope. For example, many local governments have issued provisions similar to the "measures for the Management and use of Special funds for Judicial Rescue," aimed at rescuing the parties with difficulties in legal petitions involved in the law. it stipulates that as long as the parties in difficulties meet the requirements, they can get a maximum of 50,000 yuan in aid. In Anyi County, Jiangxi Province, where the author investigated, there have been frequent traffic accidents recently, and regulations on the payment of funds have also been issued. In the conflict management of specific occupational groups (such as highly organized veterans), policy creation and innovation are more frequent. (3) to give special policy assistance and support to the parties to the conflict or conflict villages. This is mainly to deal with the post-conflict management of group events with great influence and high social concern, which is not only a measure to appease the villagers, but also a model and new typical need for conflict resolution. Such as "Weng'an incident" and "Wukan incident". After the "Wukan incident", on April 20, 2012, the working group of the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee listed a summary of supporting construction projects for infrastructure facilities in Wukan Village in 2012, with a total of more than a dozen projects requiring rectification and reform, involving the reconstruction of tap water supply facilities, the construction of village roads, village greening, the renovation of sewage pipes, and Wukan teachers' accommodation buildings, etc., at a cost of nearly 100 million yuan. The Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee decided to turn Wukan into a new bright spot in the demonstration of continuous renovation of the rural environment, and set up a leading group for new rural construction and project promotion in Wukan Village, and hired well-known urban and rural construction planning experts in Guangdong Province to carry out a high starting point and omni-directional planning. After the Wukan incident has experienced group petitions, confrontation between the government and the people, and high-level intervention, it will enter the public view as a model village for the construction of a new countryside.

3. Political background. Make political compromises to meet the needs of the parties to the conflict for village politics. The author found that after the farmers took advantage of the social conflict to turn into a conflict with the government, they solved other problems by not compromising or blackmailing the government to solve other problems. solve the status of party members, run for the village committee, appoint as village group cadres, remove the current village cadres, restore political reputation, re-election and so on. This kind of background is more prominent in the social conflict of sectarian politics in the village. In the group conflict, "political cover" also includes that the judicial organs do not investigate the legal responsibility of the main people who caused the conflict, and investigate the political responsibility of the relevant principal persons of the local government. The "Wukan incident" typically originated from the factional political struggle in the village, and finally caused a large-scale conflict between the masses and the government because of the improper intervention of the police and the government. In this incident, the opposition put forward three demands: to find out the sale and purchase of land; to find out the general election of the village committee; and to disclose the village affairs and financial situation. In order to quell the incident as soon as possible, on January 15, 2012, under the proposal of the Guangdong working group, a new general party branch was established in Wukan village, and the opposition Lin Zuluan was appointed secretary of the village general party branch. Subsequently, on February 1, the village committee election was held in Wukan village, and the 11 committee members were all members of the opposition. On March 3, the fifth village committee of Wukan village was re-elected. Lin Zuluan was elected director of the village committee with 6205 votes in the first round, while Yang Semao, who is also an opposition, was elected deputy director with 3609 votes. On March 4, Wukan Village held a village committee by-election. After the by-election, the opposition Hong Ruichao was elected deputy director of the village committee, and other main opposition members Zhuang Liehong, Zhang Jian, Sun Wenliang and Chen Suzhuang were elected members of the village committee. On April 20, the Lufeng discipline Inspection Commission of Shanwei City announced that it would carry out "double regulations" on eight former members of the Wukan village party committee and village committee, and said that they would seriously investigate and deal with their violations of law and discipline. At this point, in the factional political struggle in the village, the opposition completely took over the power of the village, the cadres of the two committees of the original village stepped down and were punished, and the opposition tide of the opposition and the villagers behind it receded.