
What are the effects and effects of "tropical fruit" coconut? How do I open it? Is it cool or hot?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Coconut is a tropical fruit, which is cultivated in Guangdong, Hainan, Taiwan, Yunnan and other regions of China. In addition to the edible value we all know, coconut has many other values. Such as medical value, economic value and so on. The flowering and fruiting stage of coconut is mainly in autumn.

Coconut is a tropical fruit, in China's Guangdong, Hainan, Taiwan, Yunnan and other regions have been cultivated. Coconut has many other values besides the edible value we all know. For example, medical value, economic value, etc. Coconut flowers and fruits mainly in autumn, the plant is tall, about 15-30 meters long. So what are the effects and functions of coconut? What are the effects and functions of coconut? How to open coconut? Is coconut a cool or hot fruit?

1. The efficacy and function of coconut

1. Cough and phlegm

Coconut can cough expectorant, add appropriate amount of wax gourd seeds or yellow ears that can reduce fire to neutralize coconut, family children do not like to take medicine when coughing, you can try to use coconut with the above methods, you can also eat some coconut meat, relieve cough.

2, beauty and beauty

Coconut contains protein, vitamin B1, vitamin E, vitamin C, calcium and other elements, carbohydrate content is also very rich, can beauty, moisturizing skin. Especially coconut oil, many beauty products are derived from a variety of oils, coconut oil for skin care and hair care has a great effect. Coconut oil can relieve dryness, and many friends with sensitive muscles are very troubled during the season. When hydration doesn't work, try coconut oil.

3. Insecticide elimination

Coconut meat and coconut juice are delicious, but few people know that they can kill intestinal parasites. Drink coconut juice can get rid of ginger worms and tapeworms, oh, so that toxins in the body discharged, people skin ruddy.

4, Tongchang treatment constipation

Coconut powder can pass intestinal treatment constipation, many friends will have coconut powder at home, especially suitable for office workers, sedentary in front of the computer without activities.

5. Prevention of various diseases

Coconut body is treasure, coconut water can promote bladder function, can diuretic swelling,. Eat more coconut can also help digestion, treatment of flatulence. For friends with poor digestive function, coconut meat can have a certain auxiliary effect. Coconut juice can improve oral ulcers, coconut juice contains lauric acid, can fight viruses and fungi, form a chemical barrier layer in the mouth, and relieve pain in patients with oral ulcers.

2 How to open the coconut?

Now online shopping is very convenient and developed, many people will buy coconut online, but do not know how to open, below I will share a few small tricks for you.

1. Empty coconut juice

This method is suitable for all coconut species. If you buy coconut with coconut palm, the first step is to remove the coconut palm, and then there will be three small black spots on the coconut shell, the coconut shell is difficult to break, we have to rely on these three small black spots to pry. You can open it by poking it with chopsticks, and finally pour the coconut juice into the container.

2. Hammer beating

When you have emptied the coconut water, do not throw away the coconut, coconut meat is edible oh. You can find a small hammer to beat, along the coconut shell surface texture of the vertical beating, horizontal words are not easy to break open. As the crack gets bigger, it can be opened with your bare hands.

Remember, don't knock too much, it will cause the flesh and shell mixed, eat when increasing trouble.

3, plastic bag simple method

This method is suitable for friends who do not have a hammer at home. Put the coconut in a plastic bag, rotate the bag and hit it against the ground, using gravity to open the coconut. Similar to the above method, don't knock too many pieces.

Is coconut a cool or hot fruit?

Coconut flesh is cool food, coconut juice is warm. Friends who are born cold can choose to eat coconut juice, which can be heated slightly in winter without affecting the taste; friends with normal constitution can eat coconut juice and pulp to supplement protein and nutrients needed by the body.