
Is horse tooth vegetable hair thing? What are the common cultivars? attached planting technique

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the countryside, there is a kind of weed purslane with thick leaves beside the road. I believe many rural friends have seen it. But what was a weed in the countryside became a tender vegetable in town. Is that horse tooth vegetable hair? What are the common cultivars? kind

In the countryside, there is a weed with thick leaves-Portulaca oleracea, which many rural friends have seen. But after entering the city for weeds in the countryside, it became a kind of fresh and tender vegetable. Is that horse tooth vegetable a hair product? What are the common cultivated varieties? What is the planting technique?

First, is horsetooth vegetable a hair product?

1. Often said hair refers to rich nutrition or irritation can cause the outbreak and aggravation of some diseases, and purslane does not belong to the hair, and it also has the role of heat-clearing and detoxification, cooling blood and stopping dysentery.

two。 Purslane can be eaten raw or cooked, and friends who are not used to its taste can be pickled with vinegar.

3. It should be noted that pregnant women eating purslane will lead to slippery tyres, so do not eat. In addition, soft-shelled turtle and purslane do not eat together, abdominal cold diarrhea do not eat purslane.

Second, what are the common cultivated varieties of horsetooth?

1. Portulaca oleracea: about 3 cm long, flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, a variety of colors, red, lavender, orange, white, pink and other colors. Some flowers are single, some double, as long as the climate is warm, they can blossom all the year round. In the north, if the outdoor flowering season is in summer and autumn, if you plant indoors and pay attention to the temperature, you can also blossom throughout the year!

two。 Scutellaria barbata: Scutellaria barbata, also known as sunflower, pine leaf peony, because it blossoms when there is plenty of sunshine, and the flower shape is very similar to the peony flower. The stems and leaves of Scutellaria barbata are fleshy, and the flowers bloom at the top of the branch. There are also single and double flowers. There are many colors, such as white, pink, purple, orange and so on.

3. Purple rice grain: perennial herb that looks like a scaled-down version of Scutellaria barbata. The leaves are rice grains, because in the cool season, under the strong light, the leaves will become purplish red, or purple halo, hence the name purple rice grain. The flower color is rose red, five petals, the florescence is summer and autumn.

4. Portulaca oleracea: Portulaca oleracea has numerous stems, alternate leaves, and a thin cylindrical tip, somewhat like a needle. There are villi in the armpits, dense stems and red-purple flowers.

Third, what is the planting technology of Rabdosia angustifolia?

1. The seeds used for seed propagation of Portulaca oleracea are collected or cultivated in the field in the first year. The seeds are very small, and the soil preparation must be fine. Keep the soil moist after sowing, and the seedlings can emerge in 7-10 days.

two。 The cuttings of Portulaca oleracea were collected from sowing seedlings or wild seedlings in the same year, and it was better to collect from strong plants with many branches and prosperous growth, with 3-5 nodes in each segment. Fine soil preparation before cutting; combined with soil preparation, fully mature farm manure. The cutting density (row spacing) is 3 cm × 5 cm, and the depth of cuttings is about 3 cm. Keep a certain humidity and proper shade after cutting, and survive after a week.

3. It can be transferred to the field for cultivation 15-20 days after sowing or cutting, and it can also be cut directly to the field when the cultivation area is small. The soil was ploughed before transplanting, and 1500 kg of fully mature human manure or 15-20 kg ternary compound fertilizer was applied per mu, then the box was opened according to 1.2m width, planted according to the row spacing of 12cm × 20cm, and watered thoroughly after planting. In order to ensure the survival rate, transplanting had better be carried out on a cloudy day, such as transplanting on a sunny day, shading measures should be taken within 2 days after transplanting, and should be watered once a day in the evening. After transplanting, there is no topdressing in the early stage. After 1-2 harvest, the buds formed should be removed in time to promote the emergence of vegetative branches. Water properly during drought to fight drought. Portulaca oleracea does little harm to diseases and insect pests during the whole growth period, and generally does not need spraying.

4. The harvest standard of Portulaca oleracea commercial vegetables is 10-15 cm long shoots before flowering. If the harvest is too late, not only the twig will become old and the edible value will be poor, but also the next branch and the annual yield will be affected. After one harvest, it can be harvested every 15-20 days. In this way, it can be extended until mid-late October. Production is generally harvested in stages and in batches by turns.