
How long is it effective to dispel dampness by eating "chicken head rice"? What is the best collocation to remove dampness? Do you understand all these four functions and functions?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Euryale is the mature seed of the aquatic plant Euryale, which is distributed in East China, Southwest and Northeast China. It is matured and listed in autumn every year. It is very popular because of its functions of tonifying middle and nourishing qi, relieving diarrhea, removing dampness and removing dampness. Especially in autumn.

Euryale is the mature seed of the aquatic plant Euryale, which is distributed in East China, Southwest and Northeast China. It is matured and listed in autumn every year. It is very popular because of its functions of tonifying middle and nourishing qi, relieving diarrhea, removing dampness and removing dampness. Especially in autumn, many people will cook porridge with red dates and yams in order to lose weight and dispel dampness. how long is it effective to remove dampness? What is the best collocation to remove dampness? Do you understand all these four functions and functions?

First, how long is Euryale seed effective in removing dampness?

Euryale seed is suitable for most people to eat, but because everyone's physique is different, so the curative effect is not the same. However, after a long time, it will always reach the day of removing dampness. Under normal circumstances, you can eat 8 to 12 grams at a time.

Second, Euryale seed and what collocation is the best to remove dampness?

Euryale seed can be eaten with barley, yam, red jujube, Poria cocos, lotus seed, red jujube and so on to achieve the effect of dispelling dampness. The specific eating methods are as follows:

1. Barley Euryale Congee

Raw materials: Euryale seed, barley, japonica rice, salt


1.1 wash the barley rice and japonica rice, mash the Euryale seeds and set aside.

1.2 pour the mashed Euryale seed, washed barley and japonica rice into the pot, add the right amount of water, simmer for 20 minutes, then turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour.

1.3 after cooking, add the right amount of salt and serve.

2. Euryale yam porridge

Raw materials: Euryale seed, yam, barley, rice


2.1 rinse Euryale seed and barley, then soak in water for 2 hours.

2.2 wash the rice and yam, peel off the skin, cut into small pieces and set aside.

2.3 put the soaked Euryale seeds and barley into a pot, pour in some water and cook over low heat for half an hour, then put in the rice and simmer for 20 minutes.

2.4 pour the yam into the pot and cook for another 10 minutes.

3. Porridge with Euryale and Poria cocos

Raw materials: Euryale seed, Poria cocos, japonica rice, rice

3.1 grind Euryale seed and Poria cocos into powder and paste with warm water.

3.2 rinse the rice and soak it in cold water for half an hour.

3.3 pour the rice into the pot, add cold water and boil over high heat.

3.4 pour the Euryale Poria cocos into a pot, stir well and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. When the rice is boiled into porridge, add the right amount of salt and serve.

4. Red bean pre-stone lotus seed soup

Raw materials: Euryale seed, red bean, red jujube, lotus seed, japonica rice, brown sugar


4.1 rinse Euryale seeds and soak in cold water for 1 hour.

4.2 wash red beans, red dates and lotus seeds, put them in a pot and boil them with water and brown sugar for 4 hours.

3. What are the effects and effects of Euryale seed?

Efficacy one, appetizer: Euryale fruit fried after eating can have an appetizer effect, generally poor appetite after eating the effect is obvious, especially carsickness or excessive weight loss caused by poor appetite can have a significant effect.

Efficacy 2, relieve diarrhea: fried Euryale fruit can have the effect of anti-diarrhea, general diarrhea patients can eat.

Efficacy 3, improve spleen deficiency: Euryale fruit fried after eating has the effect of improving spleen deficiency, the general spleen deficiency patients can eat.

Efficacy 4, the treatment of turbid: Euryale fruit fried after eating can be used to treat frequent urination, pain, urgent urination and other effects, generally as long as turbid patients can eat.

Fourth, how to cook Euryale seeds?

Euryale seeds are divided into large, medium and small sizes, of which small particles are the easiest to cook, while large particles need to be soaked about three hours in advance to cook, so it takes more time. In addition, if it is difficult to distinguish between sizes and specifications, you can determine the cooking time according to the appearance color. For example, if the appearance is red, you need to soak several hours in advance before it is easy to boil. If the appearance is white or yellowish, it means it is fresh and tender and is generally easy to cook. If the appearance is very dark, it may be the old Euryale, which needs to be soaked several hours in advance before it is easy to boil.

5. How to make sure that the Euryale seed is cooked?

Euryale is not easy to boil, especially if it is ripe, the skin is red or the old Euryale is the most difficult to cook, so you can use a pressure cooker, an electric casserole, an electric rice cooker to cook it in real time, until the porridge soup thickens.