
How does goose palm wood grow in water? Goose paw firewood training and nursing skills! Remember these five o'clock!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Goose palm wood, also known as duck foot wood, can be planted in soil or potted. It is often spring all the year round. It is a kind of plant with great ornamental value and is very popular. So how does goose palm wood grow in water? Is there any good method in breeding? Breeding goose palm wood is needed again.

Goose palm wood, also known as duck foot wood, can be planted in soil or potted. It is often spring all the year round. It is a kind of plant with great ornamental value and is very popular. So how does goose palm wood grow in water? Is there any good method in breeding? What matters do you need to pay attention to when raising goose palm wood? Please read on with me with questions.

I. hydroponic method

1. Water insertion method

The semi-lignified branches with more than 2-3 nodes were cut from the old plant, and the lower leaves of the branches were cut off, leaving only the upper 1-2 palmately compound leaves. The lower part of 10cm was immersed in glassware containing clear water and placed in the bright part of the room.

In the initial stage of hydroponic culture, the temperature should be kept above 15 ℃. The white calli began to form at the cut of the branches immersed in water for about 10 days, and soon differentiated into adventitious roots from these places. After about 45 days of water insertion, the goose palm wood branches will produce roots of more than 6cm meters and grow white root hair, which can be managed normally at this time.

2. The method of removing pots and washing roots

Carefully remove the cultivated goose palm wood from the soil, wash the soil from the roots of the goose palm wood, and plant it in a transparent glass bottle containing clear water (tap water should be stored for 2-3 days). In the early stage of hydroponic culture, the water should be changed once every 2 or 3 days, and the temperature was kept above 15 ℃. Give hydroponic goose palm wood proper light, goose palm wood will grow green.

II. Maintenance methods

Change water

Hydroponic goose palm wood, need to change the water once a week, each time add some hydroponic plant nutrient solution, can make hydroponic goose palm wood grow better. Hydroponic culture of goose palm wood should not be too high, do not soak into the trunk of goose palm wood.


The suitable temperature for the growth of Goose palm wood is 15-25 ℃, and it can also grow above 30 ℃. The overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, otherwise the leaves of goose palm wood will fall off.


The growth of goose palm wood needs sufficient light, and abundant sunlight can brighten the color of goose palm wood leaves. The goose palm wood is shady, and the leaf color can also be dark green in the semi-shade. However, it is necessary to bask in the sun regularly, but avoid the hot sun in summer.


Goose palm wood is growing fast, so we should pay attention to shaping and pruning.

Third, the basic maintenance knowledge of goose palm wood

1. The best breeding time:

If sowing method is used, goose palm wood can be sown after-month. The suitable temperature for seed germination is 20 ~ 25 °C, keep the pot or seedling bed moist, and the seedlings can emerge in about 15 ~ 20 days under the suitable temperature.

2. The best growing soil:

The best growing soil is sandy soil which is fertile, loose and well drained. Peat can be used, rotten leaf soil with a little base fertilizer or SARS can be cultivated to ensure good air permeability and drainage.

3. Growth humidity requirements:

Goose palm wood likes to be wet and afraid of dry. Under the condition of high air humidity and sufficient soil moisture, the stems and leaves grow luxuriantly. It has a certain adaptability to temporary drought and dry air.

4. The best growth temperature:

Goose palm wood general growth temperature is 15-25 degrees Celsius, less than 5 degrees Celsius will lose leaves, usually pay attention to ventilation.

5. The best growth light:

Goose palm wood is a semi-shade plant, there are four hours of direct sunlight every day, can not be exposed.