
What are the efficacy, functions and taboos of eating taro? Can you lose weight? What can't you eat with?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Autumn is a good time to eat taro. Taro, also known as taro, tastes sweet and waxy, rich in starch and dietary fiber, and is very suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach. What are the efficacy, functions and taboos of taro? Can you lose weight? What can't you eat with? I.

Autumn is a good time to eat taro. Taro, also known as taro, tastes sweet and waxy, rich in starch and dietary fiber, and is very suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach. What are the efficacy, functions and taboos of taro? Can you lose weight? What can't you eat with?

First, brief introduction of taro

Taro or taro, commonly known as taro, is a plant of the genus Taro in the Araceae family. Its bulbous underground stem (tuber) is edible or medicinal. It is a traditional food for Polynesians in Oceania. It is produced all year round and florescence in autumn. The first Indians domesticated wild taro from Malaysian wetlands about 5000 BC and then spread to Egypt.

Second, the efficacy and function of taro

Taro sweet, flat, small poison, return to the intestines and stomach meridians; the most commonly used food method is steaming, boiling, stir-frying, frying, mainly treating lumps, phlegm nuclei, constipation and other diseases, according to experts, taro has five major effects and effects.

Nutrient content of 100g taro

Calorie (calorie) 79

Potassium (mg) 378

Carotene (microgram) 160

Phosphorus (mg) 55

Calcium (mg) 36

Sodium (mg) 33.1

Folic acid (microgram) 31.3

Vitamin A (microgram) 27

Magnesium (mg) 23

Carbohydrates (g) 18.1

Vitamin C (mg) 6

Protein (g) 2.2

Selenium (microgram) 1.45

Iron (mg) 1

Dietary fiber (g) 1

Nicotinic acid (mg) 0.7

Zinc (mg) 0.49

Vitamin E (mg) 0.45

Copper (mg) 0.37

Manganese (mg) 0.3

Fat (g) 0.2

Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.1

Vitamin B1 (mg) 0.06

Vitamin B2 (mg) 0.05

1. Taro has the function of protecting teeth: Taro contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, vitamin An and other substances, in which the content of fluorine is high, which can prevent dental caries and protect teeth.

2. Taro can enhance immunity: the polysaccharides contained in taro can enhance human immunity and play an auxiliary role in the process of rehabilitation after illness.

3. Taro has the function of beauty and gout prevention: Taro belongs to alkaline food, which can adjust the acid-base balance of the human body, produce beauty and relieve joint swelling and pain in patients with gout; and taro contains collagen and has the effect of delaying aging.

4. Taro can prevent constipation: Taro contains a lot of dietary fiber to prevent constipation.

5. Taro has the function of tonifying middle and replenishing qi: Taro is rich in mucous saponins and a variety of trace elements, which can increase appetite, promote digestion, and is suitable for people who are tired, lethargic, short of breath and sweating, repeated colds and so on.

Third, edible taboos of taro

1. Do not eat half-cooked taro, because raw taro has a small poison, which will cause numbness in the mouth and tongue, gastrointestinal discomfort, and food poisoning in severe cases.

2. Don't eat too much taro, because it contains more starch, otherwise it is easy to have abdominal distension, generally 2-3 will do.

3. People with phlegm, allergic constitution (urticaria, eczema, asthma, allergic rhinitis), children with food stagnation, gastrointestinal discomfort, and diabetes should eat less.

4. patients with weakness of spleen and stomach, intestinal diseases, tuberculosis and convalescent patients can eat appropriately, which is helpful to restore their health.

3. Infants, young children and the elderly can be eaten in moderation.

What can't taro be eaten with?

Taro can not be eaten with bananas: Taro contains sticky substances, which are mixed with bananas in the gastrointestinal tract, which will promote the flatulence of bananas and cause abdominal distension discomfort.

Can you lose weight by eating taro?

Eating taro can help you lose weight. According to the nutritional composition, taro contains 80 calories per 100g, and dietary fiber is also rich, so it can increase the sense of fullness and can be eaten as a staple food during weight loss, but taro itself is more difficult to digest. Don't eat more or it will cause abdominal distension.

Conclusion: after reading this article, we must all know the efficacy and function of taro. As a common food, taro can be eaten in moderation, especially for children and the elderly, but we should also be careful not to eat too much. and don't eat half-cooked.