
What are the effects of "whitening drink" honey lemonade? Can I drink it in the morning? (with detailed practices and taboos)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Honey lemonade is a very familiar drink, mainly made from honey and lemon as the main raw materials. Honey lemonade can whiten, quench thirst, beauty and beauty, many female friends will always keep a can around in summer. So, honey, lemonade.

Honey lemonade is a very familiar drink, mainly made from honey and lemon as the main raw materials. Honey lemonade can whiten, quench thirst, beauty and beauty, many female friends will always keep a can around in summer. So what are the effects of honey lemonade? Can I drink it in the morning? The taboo of honey and lemonade? How many kinds of honey lemonade do you have?

First, the efficacy of honey lemonade

1. Whitening light spot

Lemon has a high content of VC and is rich in vitamin C. it is recognized as a holy whitening product. And lemons can be stored for a long time at low temperatures. Generally, drinking more lemon honey water in summer can repair the melanin in the deep layer of the skin and play a role in whitening. It can also reduce the formation of freckles and sunspots. Lemon is rich in citric acid, flavonoids, volatile oil, hesperidin and other nutrients such as calcium and iron, which can effectively prevent the change of skin pigment.

2. Supplement nutrition

As we all know, honey has many benefits to the human body, such as beauty, detoxification and moisturizing the throat, treating colds and so on. Coupled with the vitamin content of lemon, it can replenish the necessary nutrition to the human body. It can also assist bowel defecation and expel toxins from the body.

3. Lose weight and get in shape

Honey can be sterilized and detoxified and is a natural nutrition. Lemon honey water can expel toxins from the body, speed up metabolism and convert body fat into energy burning. At the same time, it can also eliminate fatigue, drink more lemon honey water can increase the sense of fullness, play the effect of weight loss and body building.

4. Improve immunity

Decreased immunity can drink more lemon honey, lemon contains vitamin C and B vitamins, can enhance immunity and promote bone absorption. Especially during a cold, drinking lemon honey water can relieve cold symptoms and reduce mild reactions such as a runny nose. It can also help people to eat appetizers.

Taboos on the consumption of lemon honey water

1. Excessive consumption of lemon honey will cause stomachache, especially in summer, when everyone prefers to eat cold drinks because of the hot weather. Drinking too much lemon honey in order to cool down can cause a series of discomfort.

2. Avoid drinking lemon honey on an empty stomach. Lemon honey is an acidic drink. Drinking too much on an empty stomach can lead to damage to the gastric mucosa. You can choose to drink it after dinner or after exercise in the morning. Fill your stomach with full food before drinking.

3, after drinking lemon honey, remember to brush your teeth, lemon honey can lose weight we all know, drink more acid residue in the teeth into tooth decay, do not clean up in time will breed bacteria.

4. Women should not drink lemon honey water during menstruation. Because lemon honey water contains high acid, drinking more lemon honey water during menstruation will lead to abdominal pain.

5. People with cold body drink less lemon honey water. Lemon honey water is sour. If friends with cold body and stomach drink too much, it will be counterproductive, causing the cold to approach and cause other discomfort.

Third, the practice of lemon honey water

1. Wash the lemon with salt because the wax on the surface of the lemon can be removed and the lemon can be deeply disinfected. Then prepare a dry sealed jar, be sure to be dry, slice the lemon, remove the lemon seed, the lemon seed will make it sour. Finally, sprinkle with honey and seal.

2. Lemon honey water can be put in the refrigerator and can be stored for longer at low temperature. Take it out with a spoon every time you need it, and then brew it with warm water.

3. Friends who like black tea can also replace warm water with black tea, which tastes like black tea drinks on the market.