
Why should pomegranate be bagged? When is it bagged? (bagging technology with pomegranate)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Autumn is high and crisp, and it is a good time to eat pomegranate. In the process of planting pomegranate, we see that pomegranate is covered with bags, so why should pomegranate be bagged? When is it bagged? What are the bagging techniques of pomegranate? First, the advantages of pomegranate bagging

Autumn is crisp, and to eat pomegranate good season, in the pomegranate planting process we see a pomegranate are covered with bags, then why pomegranate bagging? When to bag? What are the pomegranate bagging techniques?

1. The benefits of pomegranate bagging

Bagging pomegranate is one of the jobs farmers often have to do when planting pomegranate. Not only ensure the cleanliness of fruit surface, but also can effectively solve the problem of pomegranate diseases and insect pests, improve fruit yield, quality and high-quality fruit rate.

Pomegranates planting is a long process, during which different diseases and insect pests will attack, so bagging pomegranate is a very important process. If pomegranate is not bagged, there will be pockmarks, water stains, black mold, and insect injuries, etc., which not only affect the beauty of the fruit surface, but also affect its economic value. It is reasonable to say that pomegranate without bagging photosynthesis is better, pomegranate nutritional value is higher, but you are willing to buy bad pomegranate? Therefore, the pomegranate is generally covered with bags. Every year, fruit growers spend a lot of time and energy to bag. After bagging, mosquitoes generally cannot fly in. The damage to the peel is small. The peel color is very good. Take the bag a few days before sales and let the sunlight shine. In this way, the peel is colored quickly and the color is bright red and shiny, which is conducive to the sales of pomegranate.

2. When is the pomegranate bagged

Bagging time with paper bags should be early rather than late, after the general fruit color conversion period, about mid-June bagging, bagging, due to the protection of bags, so that pomegranate from pests, insect fruit rate decreased, generally in the morning dew is not dry, rain and spray after the liquid is not dry, do not bag, with fine weather, sunny weather is appropriate. Because the film bag is airtight and the temperature in the bag is high, the bag is easy to be sunburned early, leaving disease spots, affecting the fruit growth, but it cannot be too late, affecting the bagging effect, and failing to achieve the purpose of preventing and controlling diseases and insect pests. After experiments, it is best to start bagging in the first ten days and the middle ten days of August.

3. Pomegranate-bagging technology

1 Bagging types and characteristics

There are mainly two kinds of pomegranate fruit bagging: paper bag and plastic bag. Paper bags have good air permeability, can be bagged after fruit setting, bagged trees can no longer spray pesticides, and fruit maturity early, good color, excellent quality, more resistant to storage. Disadvantages are easy to damage, high cost, fruit maturity should be harvested in time, otherwise the fruit surface is easy to age, affecting the appearance quality and commodity. Plastic film bag has the advantages of low price, easy operation, long harvest period (about 30 days), no aging of fruit surface, reduction of fruit cracking and large increase in yield. Disadvantages are poor air permeability, premature use will affect fruit development, can only be used in mid-August. Because there is no protection in the early stage, pest control should be carried out according to bare fruit management in the early stage; due to poor air permeability, poor fruit coloring, affecting the appearance color. In addition, due to the delay of maturity and late harvest, the nutrient accumulation and tree vigor recovery period before overwintering were shortened, which reduced the nutrient accumulation level and increased the risk of freezing injury of trees in winter.

2. Management before bagging

(1) Fruit thinning and fruit determination

Pomegranates are hermaphroditic flowers, which bloom continuously from spring to summer with the fruiting branches. The flowering period lasts for 2~3 months. The fruit growth varies greatly in different flowering periods. The immature degenerated flowers should be thinned out in time. Secondly, it is necessary to thin out the diseased fruits, abnormal fruits and disabled fruits. At the same time, according to the standard of keeping strong but not weak, keeping single but not double fruits, the dense fruits such as double fruits and cluster fruits should be thinned in time. Take the high-yield garden with 3×4 plant spacing as an example, keep more than 100 fruits per plant.

(2) Apply sufficient base fertilizer

In order to improve the fruit setting rate, topdressing should be applied in time at flowering stage and young fruit expansion stage before bagging, and 125~150g of special fertilizer should be applied to each tree according to the size of the tree.

(3) Insecticide and disease resistance

Before bagging, it is necessary to spray insecticides and antibiotics in the garden, because before and after fruit setting is the key period for controlling pomegranate diseases and insect pests. Aphids, bugs and other pest control available water Mie chlorine EC, aphids fly wettable powder. Fungicides can be sprayed evenly with 500 times solution of carbendazim wettable powder or 50% carbendazim mixture. Do not use high-toxic, high-residue pesticides and cotton or soil mixed with the method of fruit mouth, so as to reduce pesticide residues and improve fruit quality.

3. Bagging method

(1) When putting on a paper bag, open the mouth of the paper bag, put your left hand into the bag to open the bag, and gently press the fruit bag with your right hand to make the fruit bag swell. Put the fruit into the fruit bag from bottom to top, place it in the center of the bag, pay attention not to let the fruit touch the fruit bag as much as possible, and then pinch the paper bag from both sides to the middle into folds and clamp it tightly with thin iron wires on the sides of the bag. If the fruit stalk clings to the fruit branch, bagging should be set together with the fruit branch, do not sprain the fruit branch or sprain the fruit bag.

(2) When covering the film bag, open the bag mouth, put the fruit into the bag, place it in the center of the bag, and leave 1/2 of the length of the whole film bag. The force direction should always be upward, so as not to pull off the fruit. When sealing the bag mouth, hold one end of the film bag with both hands, and wrap a circle around the branch in the opposite direction, and tie it tightly so as not to be blown off by the wind.

4. Management and Harvest of Bagged Fruits

4.1 bagging management

(1) Strengthen fertilizer and water management. After bagging, applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can help fruit expand and improve quality. Generally, 25~50kg organic fertilizer is applied to each plant. It is better to apply fertilizer in furrows, but not too close to the tree to avoid too much damage to the roots. After bagging, it is the rapid growth period of fruits. Irrigation in time promotes the increase of fruits and improves the yield of pomegranate.

(2) Timely summer cutting. To cut off the new branches sprouting below 50cm from the ground in time, so as to facilitate the growth of trunk and fruit.

(3) Strengthen pest control. According to the insect condition in the field, when there are larvae and eggs of peach borer, fruit borer, etc., spraying 2000 times of 30% Taoxiaoling EC or 3000 times of 20% Misaoli EC or 3000 times of 20% Juma EC in time can get good results.

4.2 bag picking

The fruit development period of pomegranate is generally about 120 days. After 110 days after the flower falls, the fruit enters the mature period, and the seal under the paper bag is torn open first, and the bag can be taken out and harvested after the coloring is complete and the seeds are full and mature. The fruits with film bags are picked together with the film bags after observing that the fruit surface is fully colored.