
"Yanlai Hong" what will happen if you eat too many winter dates? What are the taboos? When will it go on sale?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Winter jujube is one of the more fruits we eat after autumn, which is called Yanlai Hong, apple jujube, Bingtang jujube, Huanghua winter jujube, Miaoshang winter jujube, Zhanhua winter jujube and so on. So what happens if you eat too much winter jujube? Taboos on eating winter jujube

Winter jujube is one of the more fruits we eat after autumn, which is called Yanlai Hong, apple jujube, Bingtang jujube, Huanghua winter jujube, Miaoshang winter jujube, Zhanhua winter jujube and so on. So what happens if you eat too much winter jujube? What are the taboos of winter jujube? How is the winter jujube graded? What kind of winter jujube is fresh? When will winter jujube be on the market in 2018?

First, what happens if you eat too much winter jujube?

1. Stomach distension, constipation, phlegm and dampness

Patients with small abdominal distension and dry stool must not eat too many winter dates, because they often cough up phlegm, have a feeling of fullness in the chest, usually feel tired and have a loss of appetite, and if they eat winter dates, they will aggravate their illness. at the same time, there will be cold and heat, thirst, stomach distension and other bad phenomena. Because jujube is a sweet, pungent and hot food, patients are easy to produce phlegm and dampness after eating.

2. Dental caries and dyspepsia in children

Children should not eat jujube too much. What will happen if the child eats too many dates? Pediatric disease experts pointed out that jujube sticky, not easy to digest, and children's spleen and stomach function is very weak, so children eat too much will cause indigestion and loss of appetite. In addition, the sugar content in jujube is very high, which can cause dental caries after children eat too much.

3. Get stomach stones

If you often eat on an empty stomach, you may get stomach stones. The skin of winter jujube is thin and tender, crisp, sweet and palatable, fresh and juicy, the flesh is rich and full, crushing with teeth, melting in the mouth without chewing carefully, it is contempt for teeth, a blow to taste buds, full of sweetness after eating, and a long aftertaste, making people want to eat but can't bear to eat too much, for fear of overeating.

2. Taboos on the consumption of winter jujube

1. Although the winter jujube is flat and suitable for anyone to eat, it also belongs to the jujube category, which is not suitable for eating more. Eating too much can easily cause indigestion, stomach distension and other phenomena.

2. The ripening season of winter jujube is generally as early as mid-late October, and the early winter jujube on the market has almost no sweet taste, so it may be problematic to be too sweet. Pay attention to change identification to ensure food safety.

3. Winter jujube has a lot of sugar. Eating too much is easy to cause obesity and needs to be limited.

Third, how to grade winter jujube? What kind of winter jujube is fresh?

1. Winter jujube is generally divided into fruit king, king of kings, boutique king and boutique according to their size. No matter how bad it is, there will be no grade. The following picture is a comparison between the king of kings and the boutique king, and there is an obvious difference in size. The bigger the sweeter, because the core is basically the same size, the bigger the meat.

2. Generally, when you open the packing box, there are some jujube leaves on the jujube. We can see how long the jujube has been in the box by looking at the leaves. If you look at the jujube, it depends on its color and luster, to see if there is any rotten fruit. Dates that are not fresh will look dim.

When will winter jujube be on the market in 2018?

Winter jujube is usually on the market from October to December. Because the planting technology is different in different places, the listing time of winter jujube will be different. Generally speaking, after entering October, winter jujube is basically on the market. Winter jujube is a cultivated variety of jujube. Originated in Xiawa Town, Zhanhua County, Shandong Province, it is an excellent late-maturing fresh jujube variety, and it is also recognized as the best quality fresh jujube variety. The average weight of a single fruit is 17.5g, and the maximum weight of a single fruit can reach 25g, which is shaped like an apple and is known as a "little apple".