
What are the effects and functions of ginseng, the king of grass? Can a man become an aphrodisiac after eating it? Stewed with what?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Ginseng is a common and expensive precious medicine in daily life. it is widely used as medicine because of its effects of tonifying vitality, calming the mind and lung, improving immunity and so on. at present, many people like to drink stewed soup with red jujube, lotus seed and so on.

Ginseng is a common and expensive precious medicine in daily life. it is widely used as medicine because of its effects of tonifying vitality, calming the mind and lung, and improving immunity. At present, many people like to drink stewed soup with red dates, lotus seeds and so on. What are the effects and effects of that ginseng? Can a man become an aphrodisiac after eating it? Stewed with what?

What are the effects and effects of ginseng?

Efficacy one, enhance immunity: ginseng is rich in nutritional value, which contains polysaccharides and saponins can effectively regulate human immune function and enhance human immunity.

Efficacy 2. Regulate blood pressure: ginseng contains polysaccharides and peptides, which can effectively regulate human blood pressure and balance human blood pressure.

Efficacy 3, anti-aging: ginseng contains saponins and other antioxidants, which can effectively promote fat metabolism, promote metabolism and delay aging.

Fourth, improve memory: ginseng contains saponins, which can effectively regulate the nervous system, improve memory and enhance brainpower.

Efficacy 5, anti-fatigue: ginsenosides in ginseng can effectively fight fatigue, especially for different types of neurasthenia patients have a certain therapeutic effect.

Efficacy 6, anti-cancer and anti-cancer: ginseng contains saponins, which can effectively inhibit the spread and reproduction of cancer cells, so as to play a role in cancer prevention and anti-cancer.

Efficacy 7, tonifying kidney and strengthening yang: ginseng bubble water drink can tonify kidney and strengthen yang and restore physical strength, so male patients can eat to improve their condition.

Can men be aphrodisiac by eating ginseng?

Men eat ginseng can strengthen yang and tonify the kidney, because according to pharmacological research, ginseng can directly improve the production capacity of sperm, and make sperm more active, so moderate consumption can effectively tonify the kidney and strengthen yang. However, because ginseng is a tonic, it is best to follow the doctor's advice when eating, so as not to eat too much, leading to anger. In addition, when eating alone, it is best to drink in water or stew in water to improve the effect. However, personal advice is more reliable to improve the condition through diet or exercise.

If you do not want to eat ginseng directly, you can consider eating tea containing ginseng. For example, Liding tea, which currently relieves physical fatigue, has the main function of relieving men's physical fatigue. It is a health product, not a medicine. It is also a blue hat product approved by the State Food and Drug Administration. If you often feel tired, you can buy some Liding tea and drink it at home. Liding tea in the nutritional value of ginseng is very high, is also a kind of sacred herb ingredients, Liding tea red deer antler is also a very precious ingredient, contains a high proportion of amino acids, high nutritional value, can supplement the nutritional needs of men, Liding tea consultation [15552878979 or jishixingle99818].

Note: eat all health care products under the guidance of doctors as far as possible, or choose to eat according to your own situation.

What should ginseng be stewed with?

Ginseng can be eaten in a variety of ways, such as raw, boiled, steamed, stewed or soaked in water, while stewed can have the effect of strengthening the body together with black chicken, red dates, etc., the specific stewing methods are as follows:

1. Ginseng black chicken soup

Materials: 1 ginseng, 1 black chicken, ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate.


(1) wash ginseng and cut it into small sections and set aside.

(2) depilate and kill the black chicken, blanch it in hot water for 5 minutes, then cut into large pieces and set aside.

(3) add proper amount of water to the pot and add ginseng, black chicken and sliced ginger to cook soup over medium heat for one and a half hours.

(4) add salt, monosodium glutamate and other seasonings, turn to low heat and simmer for 10 minutes.

2. Red jujube ginseng soup

Ingredients: ginseng 9g, red dates 20, eggs, sea rice, salt, spring onions, coriander and so on.


(1) rinse and cut ginseng into small sections, wash and enucleate red dates and set aside.

(2) wash and cut coriander and spring onions into small sections and set aside.

(3) put an appropriate amount of water in the pot and bring to a boil over high fire.

(4) put ginseng, red jujube and sea rice in a pot and boil for two hours.

(5) add salt, spring onions, coriander and other seasonings and serve.

Fourth, how long does ginseng take to be effective?

1. Young people with excessive stress: young people are generally not in poor health, and most of them are in sub-health because of the pressure on their work and life. at this time, they can eat 10g ginseng a day and persist in eating for about 5 days. However, ginseng is a tonic, and it is best to eat it under the guidance of a doctor, so as not to cause fever by eating too much. ‍

2. Physically tired middle-aged people: when the middle-aged people reach a certain age, their body will be slowly unable to bear it, and their resistance will gradually decline. At this time, they can eat 10g ginseng a day and stick to it for 1-2 weeks to improve. However, it is best to take it under the guidance of a doctor.

3, frail middle-aged and elderly: after a certain period of time, all aspects of the body will be relatively weak, at this time can eat 10g ginseng a day, and adhere to 2-4 weeks can improve the condition, but it is best to eat under the guidance of the doctor.

Generally speaking, whether young people or middle-aged or elderly, when eating ginseng, we must control the amount of ginseng, and eat it under the guidance of doctors as far as possible, so as not to cause fever caused by eating too much or for a long time.