
What problems should be paid attention to in the coloring of red Fuji apples? What is the harvesting method? What are the tips for thinning flowers and fruits?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Red Fuji is a coloring system selected from the buds (branches) of ordinary Fuji. Late August to mid-September is the key period for the coloring of red Fuji apples. What problems should be paid attention to in the coloring of red Fuji apples? What is the harvesting method? Tips for thinning flowers and fruits

Red Fuji is a coloring system selected from the buds (branches) of ordinary Fuji. Late August to mid-September is the key period for the coloring of red Fuji apples. What problems should be paid attention to in the coloring of red Fuji apples? What is the harvesting method? What are the tips for thinning flowers and fruits?

I. six elements of coloring of red Fuji apples

1. Nitrogen control: nitrogen fertilizer is no longer applied after August, but shallow irrigation can be used to maintain stable soil and air humidity.

two。 Picking leaves: pick 1 or 2 old leaves covered on the apple to improve the utilization rate of the fruit facing direct light.

3. Fertilization: root application of water-based fertilizer clean energy potassium and foliar spraying of high-energy red potassium is conducive to coloring.

4. Film-laying: cover the rows and trees of the tree with silver reflective film to increase the reflection intensity, so that the inner chamber of the crown and the lower part of the fruit can not see enough reflected light, and significantly increase the coloring of the fruit top and calyx depression.

5. Root protection: during the coloring period of red Fuji apples, frequently hoeing trees should be avoided and shallow roots should be destroyed.

6. Late harvest: the time of harvest has a great influence on the coloring and quality of apples. Early harvest, poor color and poor quality of apples, generally 175-180 days after flowering is the timely harvest time, the closer to the later stage, the greater the temperature difference between day and night, the more conducive to fruit sugar coloring.

Second, the reasons for the poor coloring of apples

When apples appear on the market every year, we can see some poorly colored apples, which are almost colorless, which greatly affect the external quality of apples, and then affect the sales and reduce the economic benefits of fruit growers. After investigation, the author analyzes the reasons and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures.

1. Bad breed

The varieties introduced in the early stage, such as Changfu 2, were aging and had poor coloring, while the late selected varieties, such as Yanfu series, 2001, Hongjun, Yanga 1 and Yanga 2, had better coloring. It is suggested that the varieties should be renewed and transformed into new varieties combined with the transformation of dense planting canopy closed garden.

two。 The light is too poor.

The dense planting of many orchards is closed, the scenery conditions deteriorate, and the fruit is not colored because there is no light or too little light. This is one of the main reasons for the poor coloring of apples. All the fruit color difference between the inner bore and the lower skirt branch is caused by this reason. For this situation, it is necessary to transform the closed garden of close planting.

The solution: first determine the permanent and temporary rows or permanent and temporary plants, and then retract the cross-closed part of the temporary or temporary plants year by year until they are completely cut down to make way for permanent or permanent plants. For orchards with poor varieties, alternate rows or trees can be used to determine the modified rows or plants as permanent rows or permanent plants, and the rest can be treated as temporary rows or temporary plants. When the temporary rows or plants cross and close, the unmodified temporary rows or temporary plants can be retracted year by year until they are completely cut down to make way for the modified permanent rows or permanent plants. For the undense part of the tree, it is necessary to combine plastic shaping to remove the overdense branches, especially the overdense side branches, optimize the tree structure and improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions.

3. Unbalanced supply of nutrients

This is another important reason for the poor coloring of apples. The law of fertilizer requirement of apple trees is that the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 1 to 0.5, while the nutrient status of the soil in our city is low in nitrogen, high in phosphorus and deficient in potassium. Nitrogen deficiency and potassium deficiency can lead to poor coloring of apples, and magnesium deficiency can also lead to chlorosis of apples. For a long time, heavy inorganic fertilizer light organic fertilizer, heavy nitrogen light phosphorus does not apply potassium or less potassium fertilizer, abuse of medium and trace fertilizers, resulting in the unbalanced supply of various nutrients needed for fruit growth and development, thus affecting the yield and quality of fruit.

Solution: for this situation, pay attention to the use of organic fertilizer, mainly organic fertilizer, supplemented by inorganic fertilizer, appropriately reduce the use of chemical fertilizer, pay attention to the reasonable coordination of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and various trace elements.

4. Water deficiency

Solution: adequate water supply is an important ecological factor to promote apple coloring. During the apple coloring period, in case of dry and rainless weather, timely irrigation should be made to increase orchard humidity and promote fruit coloring. At the same time, good orchard humidity can also adjust the temperature difference between day and night in orchards, thus promoting coloring. During the coloring period, if the coloring in the open air is faster and better, if there is no dew or less open air, the coloring is slower and worse.

5. Load is too high

Excessive load can not only lead to the size of the year, but also the quality of the fruit. As the fruits are crowded with each other, the light is blocked, and the coloring is not comprehensive.

Solution: reasonable load, the easier way to grasp is the distance between the fruit method, that is, large fruit according to 20-25 cm spacing to leave 2 apples, small fruit according to 15-20 cm spacing to leave 1 apple. In general, the output of 667 square meters should be controlled at 3000-4000 kg.

6. Untimely pruning in summer and autumn

The task of pruning in summer and autumn is to cut off those erect long branches, long branches, overdense branches, crossed branches and overlapping branches, so as to improve scenery conditions, promote photosynthesis, balance tree nutrition and reduce nutrient consumption. If it is not cut or cut too late, the above effect will not be achieved, thus affecting the coloring. This work should also be done before taking off the bag at the latest to promote coloring.

7. The use of color enhancement measures such as picking leaves, turning fruits and laying reflective film is not good enough.

Solution: after taking off the bag, the fruit leaves and shading leaves should be removed in time to make the fruit see the light. The sunny side of the fruit is better to turn the fruit in time, and pad the fruit, so that the color of the fruit surface is uniform and complete. Laying reflective film can make the fruit on the inner chamber and lower skirt of the denser orchard piece be stained completely, especially to promote the coloring of the fruit depression.

8. The quality of bagging is poor, and the timing of bagging and unbagging is not good.

Because of its poor shading, the inferior paper bag is not resistant to Rain Water erosion and is easy to be broken, which can not well inhibit the formation of chlorophyll and promote the synthesis of anthocyanins.

Solution: you should choose high-quality double-layer paper bags with good shade and resistance to Rain Water erosion, such as Japanese Kobayashi bags or double-layer paper bags with yellow outside and black inside, red inside, etc. Bagging too late, unbagging too early and too late are not conducive to coloring.

Third, the best harvest time for apples

1 look at the pericarp color

The pericarp color of most apple varieties will change regularly from young fruit to mature. For example, the background color of the pericarp gradually changes from dark green to light green or yellow. Some varieties are colored earlier, but the background color of the pericarp is still green. Only when the background color of the pericarp changes from green to yellow can the fruit really mature. Some varieties, such as Jin Shuai, can be harvested when the background color of the fruit is yellow and green, and the best to be sold immediately after harvest is to wait until the color turns yellow.

two。 Look at the fruit stalk.

When the fruit is really ripe, a separate layer is formed between the base of the stalk and the fruit branch, and the fruit is slightly subjected to a little external force, which will fall off if it is rotated or raised.

3. Look at the fruit growth period

Under normal climatic conditions, different varieties have a relatively stable growth and development time in the same area, and the time from full flowering to maturity is also relatively fixed. After full flowering, the general early-maturing varieties matured at 60-100 days, the middle-maturing varieties matured at 100-140 days, the middle-late varieties matured at 140-160 days, and the late-maturing varieties matured at 160-190 days.

4. Look at the seed color.

In the process of fruit development, the seeds of the fruit gradually turn brown. Peel off the fruit. If the seed has turned brown or yellowish brown, it indicates that the fruit is ripe.

5. Look at the fruit firmness.

Fruit firmness refers to the firmness of the fruit after peeling. As the fruit matures, the pulp gradually becomes soft and the hardness decreases gradually, while when the fruit is not ripe, the pulp is harder.

6. Look at the ripening period of the fruit

The ripening period of fruit can be divided into harvest ripening period and edible ripening period. The harvest ripening period refers to the period in which the fruit volume no longer increases and the base of the stalk has formed a detached layer, which can be shedded by slightly twisting and raising, while the edible ripening period refers to the period when the fruit is the most delicious. Generally, the late-maturing apple varieties do not reach the edible maturity stage until 3-4 weeks after harvest, and the two ripening periods of the early-maturing apple varieties are basically the same. Therefore, for long-distance transportation, early-maturing varieties often need to be harvested in advance.

7. Look at the climate and market supply and demand in that year

If there is a natural disaster, manpower should be organized to rush to collect it in advance. According to the market supply and demand in that year, in order to obtain better economic benefits, it is appropriate to pick early or late.

In addition, the picking period of paper bag fruit should be 20-30 days before the ripening period of the fruit. On a sunny day, first tear open the outer bag for 3-5 days, and then pick the fruit bag. After the fruit is colored to the sunny side a week later, color promotion measures such as turning fruit, picking leaves and laying reflective film are carried out, so that the fruit can be picked when all the fruits are colored pink. This is the best picking time for commodity color, but the coloring is too heavy and is not popular in the market.

4. Apple picking methods / steps

1. Be optimistic about the weather conditions.

There is a lot of moisture in the harvest period, and in the case of fog, dew and raindrops, the fruit is easy to rot and not resistant to storage, so it is best to pick the fruit in a sunny day and put the fruit in a ventilated place to dry.

two。 Pick the fruit in order.

When picking fruit, it is best to pick the outer part of the crown and the upper part of the fruit, and then pick the lower and inner part of the fruit, branch by branch, to prevent leakage. When picking fruit, you should use the fruit picking platform as much as possible, do not go up the tree, so as to protect the branches, leaves, fruits and so on from being bruised or damaged. At the same time, when picking fruit, we should pick and unload lightly, reduce the loss of bumping and crushing, and pay attention to protect the fruit stalk.

3. It should be harvested in stages and batches.

Generally speaking, the harvest task is completed in 2-3 batches, the first batch is to pick the upper part of the crown, the outer colored fruit, and a large fruit; the second batch is best carried out 5-7 days later, and the harvest with good color and large fruit is also selected. in the next 5-7 days, all the remaining fruits on the tree are picked. Generally speaking, the first two batches of fruit account for 70% of the whole tree, and the last batch of fruit accounts for 20% of the tree.

5. Tips for thinning flowers and fruits of apples

Apple flower thinning and fruit thinning is an important link in fruit tree production, especially Hanfu apple has strong continuous fruiting ability, large flowering quantity and high fruit setting rate. Reasonable flower thinning and fruit thinning should be carried out according to its tree age, management level and quality requirements.

1. The method of thinning flowers and fruits

(1) the method of flower and fruit. Thinning flowers and fruits as soon as possible, saving the loss of tree nutrition, improving fruit setting rate and disease resistance. The thin inflorescences with too many and too dense inflorescences can be thinned according to the spacing, and the strong inflorescences with a certain spacing can be retained, or only one intact central bud, one lateral bud or two intact side buds can be retained for the retained robust inflorescence, and other buds can be removed. Specific methods: inflorescence separation period combined with pre-flowering cut, according to tree potential and variety characteristics, leave 1 inflorescence every 20-25 cm, and all redundant inflorescences are removed. When thinning flowers, you should first go up and down, first inside and then out, first get rid of weak branch flowers, axillary flowers and head flowers, and leave more short branch flowers. Then remove the edge flowers of each inflorescence, leaving only the central flower.

(2) distance method. Fruit thinning begins 10 days after flowering and is carried out in stages, which is generally completed within 20 days, which can improve the fruit quality of the year, promote flower bud differentiation and strengthen the tree. Donggang area usually ends fruit thinning before June 10. When thinning fruit, it is necessary to flexibly control the amount of fruit retained according to the tree potential, the length of fruiting branches and the number of leaves, generally leaving a fruit table every 20-25 cm, each leaving only one central fruit. The weak branches of weak trees leave one fruit every 25 cm, and the rest are thinned out. The second fruit thinning was carried out when the fruit grew to the size of soybean grains, leaving 1-2 fruits per inflorescence, removing small fruits, disease and insect pests and deformed fruits. The third time to fix the fruit, when the apple grows to the size of Hawthorn, this time to leave a single fruit. Spray the fungicide after thinning the fruit and you can bag it.

two。 Matters needing attention

(1) the operation should be accurate and meticulous, according to the order of going up and down first, inside first and then outside, and pay attention to protect the surrounding branches and leaves from damage.

(2) thinning flowers and fruits according to weather conditions. If frost occurs after thinning flowers and fruits, fruit setting will be significantly reduced and the yield will be affected.

(3) in the lack of pollination trees, orchards lacking pollen should mainly be fruit thinning, and set aside 10% 15% more than needed.

(4) pollination trees do not sparse flowers and leave less fruit after flowering.