
"Medicine and food dual-use food" what are the effects of Chinese wolfberry in water? Is it harmful? How do you store it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chinese wolfberry is the fruit after the growth and maturity of Chinese wolfberry, which is usually picked and dried for a period of time, until the fruit becomes dry and hard inside. Chinese wolfberry has many effects, and it is a dual-use food approved by the Ministry of Health.

Chinese wolfberry is the fruit after the growth and maturity of Chinese wolfberry, which is usually picked and dried for a period of time, until the fruit becomes dry and hard inside. There are many effects of Chinese wolfberry, which is approved by the Ministry of Health for both medicine and food, so what are the effects of Chinese wolfberry in water? Is it harmful to drink Chinese wolfberry in water? Who are not fit to drink? How to store Chinese wolfberry?

First, the efficacy of Chinese wolfberry to drink in water.

1. Chinese wolfberry can be soaked in water for antioxidation, beauty and beauty.

Chinese wolfberry contains carotene and vitamin E, which are effective trace elements for anti-oxidation, which can well protect human skin. Antioxidation is a problem that every adult needs to face. Chinese wolfberry is also rich in vitamin A, which can prevent skin dryness. Especially in the spring and autumn allergic season, eating Chinese wolfberry can beautify and nourish the skin.

2. Drinking Chinese wolfberry in water can lower blood pressure and protect liver.

The polysaccharides in Lycium barbarum have been proved to have a little auxiliary effect on systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, which can reduce the content of plasma and endothelin in human body, thus prevent the formation of hypertension and play a protective role. Can also protect the liver, Chinese wolfberry can promote liver cell regeneration, regulate liver function disorders, eating more Chinese wolfberry has many benefits to the liver function of the human body.

3. Drinking Chinese wolfberry in water can prevent macular disease and improve eyesight.

Chinese wolfberry contains carotene, carotene can be effectively transformed into vitamin A needed by the human body, vitamin An is one of the keys to the production of retinol, which can improve human vision and prevent macular disease.

4. Chinese wolfberry can prevent radiation and fatigue by soaking water.

Chinese wolfberry can play an auxiliary role in radiation, because it contains anti-Y-ray effect, which can effectively protect the immune function of the human body. The polysaccharides of Fructus Lycii can also protect against excessive fatigue of the human body. after relevant expert research in this field, it has been found that polysaccharides of Fructus Lycii can eliminate part of fatigue and supplement vitality after exercise.

5. Chinese wolfberry soaking in water and drinking can improve human immunity.

Lycium barbarum polysaccharides in Chinese wolfberry fruit are water-soluble polysaccharides, which are of great help to the improvement of human immunity. Drinking more Chinese wolfberry water can increase the body's resistance and reduce the occurrence of illness.

Second, is it harmful to drink Chinese wolfberry in water? Who are not fit to drink?

It does no harm to drink Chinese wolfberry in water, but it is not suitable for very few people with special physical conditions.

1. People who have a fever and catch a cold are not suitable to drink wolfberry water.

2. People with frequent stomachache and diarrhea are not suitable to drink Chinese wolfberry water.

3. People who are too impatient are not suitable to drink Chinese wolfberry water, because Chinese wolfberry has a warm-up effect.

Note: most people can drink Chinese wolfberry, but don't overeat it. The most appropriate dosage for adults is 20g/ per day.

How to store Chinese wolfberry?

1. Chinese wolfberry can generally be stored in a cool and dry place at home, not directly in direct sunlight, as it is easy to cause stickiness and deterioration. Especially in the summer high temperature environment, do not put in the sealed high temperature environment.

Generally speaking, the wolfberry we buy are sun-dried and can be stored in accordance with the above method.

2. The undried Chinese wolfberry can be dried by itself after it is purchased, and a clean cloth can be laid out in the shade of the home. After time of air-drying, wrinkles will appear on the surface of the Chinese wolfberry, and then placed in the position of direct sunlight for exposure. In this way, you can quickly dehydrate to form Chinese wolfberry.

The above is the relevant knowledge of Chinese wolfberry sorted out by the editor for you. I hope it will be helpful to you.