
What are the efficacy, functions and taboos of durian? How much should I eat at a time? What can't you eat with?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to durian, which is a tropical fruit that people love and hate, people who like it love its fragrance, and people who hate it hate it. It can be said that durian is two extremes. Durian has always been called the king of fruit. What are the effects, functions and taboos of durian? How many sugars at a time?

When it comes to durian, which is a tropical fruit that people love and hate, people who like it love its fragrance, and people who hate it hate it. It can be said that durian is two extremes. Durian has always been called the "king of fruit". What are the effects, functions and taboos of durian? How much should I eat at a time? What can't you eat with?

I. A brief introduction to durian

Durian, also known as durian, alias musk cat fruit. It is a plant of the genus Pomegranate of the family Malvaceae, which is generally believed to be of tropical origin. For example: Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Thailand, Vietnam, China and so on. Durian is known as the "king of fruit" in Southeast Asia, durian is unique in its smell and thorns on its shell; durian fruit can grow to 30 cm (12 inches) long and 15 cm (6 inches) in diameter; durian is mostly oval or round in shape, green with brown color, flesh is light yellow, sticky and juicy, crisp and soft taste sweet, taste like ice cream.

II. The efficacy and function of durian

Nutritional value of durian per 100g

Heat quantity

147 kcal


1.47 grams


28.3 grams

Dietary fiber

1.7 grams


20 micrograms


0.13 mg

vitamin C

19.7 mg

Vitamin B6

0.14 mg


5.33 grams

Folic Acid

116.9 micrograms

vitamin A

3 micrograms


0.2 mg

Nicotinic acid

1.19 mg

vitamin E

2.28 mg


4 mg


261 mg


5.6 micrograms


0.3 mg


3.26 micrograms


0.22 mg


38 milligrams


2.9 mg


27 mg


0.16 mg


0.12 mg

Durian is rich in nutrients. 100 grams of durian contains 147 calories, 1.47 grams of protein, 5.33 grams of fat, and many trace elements, including potassium, magnesium, calcium and selenium. According to expert analysis, durian has the following four functions:

1. Durian has the effect of moistening intestines and defecation and detoxification: durian is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, absorb harmful substances on the intestinal wall, and accelerate the discharge of excreta, thus having the effect of moistening the intestines and detoxification. However, when relieving constipation, it is necessary to eat and drink more water at the same time.

2. Durian has the effect of relieving dysmenorrhea: durian tastes sweet and hot, it can promote blood circulation and relieve menstrual pain after eating, and it also relieves abdominal coldness for people with cold physique.

3. Durian has the function of nourishing the body: the nutritional value of durian pulp is very high, and regular consumption of substances such as protein, trace elements and vitamins can enhance people's immunity and nourish the body. moreover, boiling soup with the core and inner flesh of durian also has a certain nourishing effect. Durian is a tonic for patients and postpartum women in Thailand.

4. Durian has anti-inflammatory effect: the organic sulfur compounds contained in durian can also play a certain anti-inflammatory effect on the human body.

In addition, durian is rich in folic acid, folic acid is in high demand for women who are ready to get pregnant and are already pregnant, so you can eat durian properly.

III. Taboos on durian consumption

1. Durian is hot, so eating too much can easily lead to the rise of dryness and heat in the human body.

2. Durian has more fat, so it should be eaten properly for those who are fat and want to lose weight.

3. Durian pulp is sticky and easy to accumulate in the intestines if eaten too much. Appropriate amount should be given to the elderly and children with weak digestion.

4. Durian has a high content of sugar and carbohydrates, so people who want to control blood sugar and hyperlipidemia should also have appropriate amounts.

5. If durian is found to have the smell of alcohol, it means that it has deteriorated and cannot be eaten. This kind of durian is generally stored for too long and it is best not to eat it. This is also the false impression that some people eat durian and cause drunk driving.

4. How much durian should be eaten at a time?

According to the recommended intake of Chinese residents' balanced diet pagoda, the daily intake of fruits should be 200murmur400g, so it is recommended that durian should not eat more than 400g each time. Durian has a high fat content, and durian should appropriately reduce the intake of other high-energy foods in order to maintain the balance of energy intake.

What can't durian eat with?

It is often circulated on the Internet that durian and what food to eat together lead to poisoning! Many claims are exaggerated, there is no scientific basis, durian as long as the right amount to eat there is no problem.

Refute rumor 1: durian can not be eaten with milk will lead to caffeine poisoning

Milk and durian do not contain caffeine, how can eating together lead to caffeine poisoning, so durian can be eaten with milk.

Refute the rumor 2: eating durian and liquor together is equal to arsenic

According to experts, as long as there are no problems such as food and individual allergies to certain foods, any appropriate intake and collocation of food will not cause so-called poisoning or death to the human body, and there are no cases in life that have found that eating durian and drinking alcohol leads to poisoning and death. If it is alcoholism, it may be alcohol drinking.

Refute rumor 3: eating durian and cola together leads to caffeine poisoning

The caffeine content in cola is not high, it releases a lot of carbon dioxide after drinking, and there is nothing in durian that hinders caffeine metabolism, so eating together will not produce toxic reaction.

Conclusion: through an introduction to this article, we all understand some of the effects and functions of durian, but durian is delicious and nutritious, but it should be enough, because durian contains a lot of sugar and fat, which is easy to cause indigestion and other reactions.