
What are the efficacy and nutritional value of mustard? What are the taboos about eating mustard? How should I eat it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Mustard is a famous specialty vegetable in China, which is rarely cultivated in Europe and the United States, and originated in Asia. Mustard is rich in nutritional value, so do you know what mustard is? What are the efficacy and nutritional value of mustard? How should I eat mustard? I.

Mustard is a famous specialty vegetable in China, which is rarely cultivated in Europe and the United States, and originated in Asia. Mustard is rich in nutritional value, so do you know what mustard is? What are the efficacy and nutritional value of mustard? How should I eat mustard?

What is mustard?

Mustard is Brassica cruciferae, which belongs to annual or biennial herbs. it is a famous specialty vegetable in China. Mustard is rich in vitamins. The specific effect is refreshing, mustard contains a lot of ascorbic acid, is a highly active reducing substance, participates in the important redox process of the body, can increase the content of oxygen in the brain, stimulate the use of oxygen in the brain, and refresh the brain. Relieving fatigue.

Cultivated all over China. Leaves are salted for consumption; seeds and whole herbs are used for medicine, which can relieve phlegm and asthma, reduce swelling and pain; seed grinding is called mustard, which is seasoning; the extracted oil is called mustard oil; this species is an excellent honey plant.

Second, the efficacy and function of mustard

Warm in nature and pungent in taste. Enter the meridians of the lung, stomach and kidney; it has the effect of relieving phlegm in the lungs, warming and benefiting qi; it is mainly used to treat cold drink, cough and phlegm stagnation, and chest septum is full of tightness. Hearing loss, gum swelling, cold abdominal pain, constipation and other diseases.

What is the nutritional value of mustard?

1. Refreshing and refreshing

Mustard contains a large number of reducing substances such as vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin D, and a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is also a highly active reducing substance, which participates in the important redox process of the body. Mustard can increase the content of oxygen in the brain, stimulate the use of oxygen in the brain, refresh the brain and relieve fatigue.

2. Enhance immunity

The vitamins in mustard can inhibit the toxicity of bacterial toxins, promote wound healing, resist infection and prevent the occurrence of diseases, and can be used to assist in the treatment of infectious diseases.

3, clear eyes: mustard contains carotene, has the effect of eyesight, if you feel eye fatigue, eye disease, you can eat mustard.

4. Warming and resolving phlegm: mustard has the effect of warming the middle and replenishing qi, releasing the lung and resolving phlegm, and has a good effect on relieving deficiency and cold of spleen and stomach, chest tightness and cough.

5, appetizer digestion, defecation: mustard pickling has a special flavor, can promote gastrointestinal digestion function, enhance appetite, can help digestion. Also because mustard contains a lot of dietary fiber, has the role of prevention and treatment of constipation, especially suitable for the elderly and patients with habitual constipation.

Fourth, the taboo of eating mustard

Mustard is often made into a variety of pickled foods, and the salt content increases greatly after pickling. Patients with hypertension and vascular sclerosis should eat less pickled mustard.

Mustard can not be eaten with crucian carp, crucian carp is sweet and warm, it has the effect of detumescence and detoxification, mustard is spicy, pickled mustard is salty, pickled mustard is salty, and eating together with crucian carp will produce some irritating substances, causing lung and kidney disorders, causing edema, pickled mustard salt, edema patients, people with bad kidneys should eat less to avoid aggravating the burden on the kidney.

How on earth should mustard be eaten?

Mustard also has a lot of attention in eating, salad with a little mustard, there will be some spicy, should avoid using too much, because of its rough texture and strong taste. To remove some of the flavor, blanch it with boiling water before cooking. Mustard can be paired with barley, black rice, buckwheat, potatoes and beans, and tastes good with sauce and bread paste. Mustard can be cooked by steaming, boiling or stir-frying. After pickling, mustard tastes delicious and can increase appetite and promote gastrointestinal digestion. Adding mustard to the soup can make the dish slightly spicy. Mustard bumps contain food fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis. In addition, mustard is a good dietary therapy for ophthalmic patients.