
How much is the market price of Artemisia angustifolia? How to cultivate in hydroponics? How long will it take to sprout?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Money grass, also known as mirror grass, has a symbol of wealth. It is viewed as a small potted plant because of its round and petite leaves. At present, many people like to plant it on their own balcony to improve the effect of indoor viewing. How much is the market price of money grass? What about the water?

Lysimachia christinae, also known as mirror grass, has a symbol of wealth, because the leaves are round and petite and are regarded as a small potted plant to watch, at present many people like to plant on their own balcony, in order to improve the indoor viewing effect, how much is the market price of Lysimachia christinae? How to grow water? How many days will it sprout?

How much is the market price of a catty?

The price of Lysimachia christinae is about 10~15 yuan a catty, but the price varies greatly due to different quality, origin and market.

2. How to cultivate Lysimachia christinae?

1. Flower pot

Perhaps everyone thinks that flowerpots are similar and there is no need to choose. Indeed, most flowerpots only have differences in appearance, and there are only a few materials in total, but relatively speaking, Lysimachia christinae has to be special for flowerpots, and there must be no small holes under the container for raising it. In addition, if you choose a glass flowerpot, the effect will be better. Because this plant needs a lot of water.

2. Water

The cultivation of Lysimachia christinae can be done without soil, but if it is cultivated in water, it is necessary to control the water level. About a centimeter above the bottom of the basin is just right. As for the quality requirements of water, it is not pretentious, do not choose mineral element water, ordinary groundwater can be. In addition, the number of water changes also directly affects the growth of this plant, it is recommended that you can once a week.

3. Nutrient solution

Regular drip of nutrient solution is necessary, although it is also dripped in water, but it is recommended that everyone dilute it first. This way, the leaves of Lysimachia christinae will have luster.

4. Sunlight

Sunlight exposure times reference to the frequency of water change is good, the same is once a week, should not be too much. Although Lysimachia is small, it can purify the air through its own photosynthesis.

How many days will it take to sprout?

Sowing method 1: pour the seeds into a small container, pour water just over the seed water, if the temperature is low, wrap it with plastic wrap, change the water frequently, put it in a cool and ventilated place, wait four or five days will sprout, and wait for the bud to grow to about one centimeter.

Sowing method 2: soak the seeds in a small amount of water for half an hour, put soil in the basin, pour it thoroughly, pour the seeds together with the water soaked in the seeds into the basin, pour it evenly as far as possible, do not pile them together, cover them with thin soil, spray water, spray twice a day, and the surface can be wet. Put it in a warm and dark place, it will sprout in about three days, and the true leaves can be transplanted and cultured.

4 What is the difference between money and money?

1. Differences between families:

Lysimachia: Lysimachia is a perennial creeping herb in the plant kingdom, angiosperm phylum, dicotyledonous plant class, synpetalous flower class, tubular flower order and primrose family.

Copper flower grass: copper flower grass is a perennial herb of plant kingdom, angiosperm phylum, dicotyledonous plant class, primitive perianth class, umbelliferae and umbelliferae.

2. Morphological differences:

Lysimachia christinae: stolons slender, gray pubescent, rooting at nodes. Leaves reniform to round, flowers solitary leaf axils, pedicel shorter than petiole, filiform, green leaves, yellow floret, capsule spherical, 3~5 mm in diameter, glabrous, with sparse black glandular strips, valved, flowering 5~7 months, fruiting 7~10 months.

Copper coin grass: copper coin grass plant has vine sex, plant height 5~15 cm, often take root on the node, stem top is brown, leaves alternate, have long stalk, round shield shape, diameter 2~4 cm, edge undulate, grass green, vein 15~20 radial, flowers bisexual, umbel, floret white, fruit is divided fruit, flowering 6~8 months.

1. Lysimachia christinae: Lysimachia christinae is also known as yellow road, mirror grass, green grass, lotus bud grass, meat wonton grass, golden key, even money grass, anti-seat grass, leaf lysimachia christinae, money leaf grass, money Qian Jin, etc.

3. The difference between other names:

For grass, coin grass, etc., Hunan is called golden flower vegetable, ground lotus, Hubei is called roadside yellow, Sichuan is called a string of money, Beijing and Guangzhou are also called Sichuan big lysimachia, Yunnan is called true gold grass, Guizhou is called walking grass, Zhejiang and Jiangxi are also called temporary rescue, and Shaanxi is also called Cungu Qi.

4. Differences in effectiveness:

Herba Lysimachiae: Sweet, slightly bitter, cool in nature, returning to liver, gallbladder, kidney and bladder meridians. It has the effects of diuresis, clearing away heat and toxic materials, dispersing blood stasis and detumescence, clearing away damp heat, sand strangulation, astringent pain in urine, jaundice and red urine, carbuncle swelling, etc. It is mainly used to treat hepatobiliary and urinary stones, heat strangulation, nephritis edema, damp heat jaundice, ulcer swelling, venomous snake bite, traumatic injury and other diseases.

Copper coin grass: copper coin grass bitter, spicy, cold nature, liver, spleen, kidney meridian, has the effect of clearing away heat and dampness, detoxification detumescence, often used for damp heat jaundice, heatstroke diarrhea, stone shower blood shower, carbuncle swelling sores, fall injury and other diseases.