
Do you know the efficacy and function of Suxin flower (chicken claw flower)? What's the difference between egg flower and egg flower? What are the ways to eat it?

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Jasminum flower, also known as chicken claw flower, is a characteristic plant growing in Lingnan area. it combines ornamental and medicinal value. it is the favorite decoration for local women in ancient times. it is a kind of beautiful and attractive characteristic plant with light aroma. So Suxinhua

Jasminum flower, also known as chicken claw flower, is a characteristic plant growing in Lingnan area. it combines ornamental and medicinal value. it is the favorite decoration for local women in ancient times. it is a kind of beautiful and attractive characteristic plant with light aroma. So do you know the efficacy and function of Suxin flower (chicken claw flower)? What's the difference between egg flower and egg flower? What are the ways to eat it?

First, what is the efficacy and function of Suxinhua?

1. The efficacy of Suxinhua:

It has the effects of promoting qi, regulating menstruation, relieving pain, clearing heat and dispersing knots, mainly for stomachache, hepatitis, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, subband, stomatitis, skin pruritus, orchitis, mastitis and lymph node tuberculosis.

Some people are also used in clinic to treat pain caused by liver cancer, gastric cancer and bowel cancer, and can also be used to treat anemia caused by a variety of causes.

2. The function of Suxinhua:

① nourishes liver and protects liver

Jasminum flowers not only have the beauty of simple and elegant fragrance, can bring people a pleasant mood, its greatest effect is to nourish the liver and protect the liver, can be called soothing the liver and regulating qi "Jieyu flower". This kind of plant has a good nourishing effect on the liver. after entering the human body, it can eliminate the damage of the virus to the liver, but also accelerate the regeneration of hepatocytes, and has a good health effect on chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis in life. When a large number of Jasminum flowers are on the market in spring, it is also a good time to nourish the liver, when people can use vegetarian flowers and lean meat together to make soup for consumption.

② cosmetology

Suxin flowers also have the effect of beauty and beauty. It is said that Wu Zetian often used vegetarian beauty as early as the Tang Dynasty to get rid of the attractive appearance of youth and youth. When people take a bath, they can directly add the vegetarian flowers to the bathtub, soak them and let the skin absorb them slowly. They can also process the vegetarian flowers into bath water and smear the skin directly. Jasminum flower bath water is the liquid obtained by steaming dried vegetarian flowers in water.

Treatment of stomatitis with ③

Vegetarian flowers also have a good therapeutic effect on stomatitis. In treatment, you need to fry Jasminum flowers into thick juice, and then gargle with this juice, using it four to five times a day, two or three days can make stomatitis symptoms disappear. In addition, vegetarian flowers also have a good therapeutic effect on skin pain and itching, you can take an appropriate amount of Jasminum flowers fried into medicine juice, and then directly clean the affected area, the feeling of pain and itching will disappear.

What's the difference between Jasminum and egg flower?

1. Leaf difference

Jasminum leaves opposite, with 5-9 leaflets or pinnately parted, leaflets long ovate or ovate, terminal leaflet narrowly prismatic, apex acute or acuminate, base cuneate or round. The egg flower leaf is oblong oblanceolate or long oval, the apex is short acuminate, and the base is narrowly cuneate.

2. The difference between flowers

Jasminum flowers are axillary or terminal Cymes, more than 2-9 flowers, bracts linear, calyx glabrous, lobes paniculate linear, flowers white in color. The egg flowers are all terminal Cymes, the pedicels are reddish, the calyx lobes are oval, the flowers are white on the outside and yellow on the inside.

Third, what are the edible methods of vegetarian flowers?

1. Lean meat Xinhua soup

First of all, cut the fresh cauliflower into small sections, and if there is no fresh cauliflower, you can soak the dried cauliflower and cut it into small sections. Cut lean meat into smaller strips, add the right amount of water, boil the above materials over high heat, turn to low heat to cook soup for an hour, add Jasminum flowers and cook for a while. And it has the effect of relieving summer heat and stopping bleeding.

2. Fresh Flower Beauty Soup

Three roses, three hibiscus flowers, three Jasminum flowers and the right amount of wax gourd. First boil the wax gourd with proper water for 3 minutes, then add other flowers and cook for 5 minutes. Add sugar or salt according to your taste. It has the effect of detoxification and diuresis.

3. Jasminum jujube porridge

3-5 vegetarian flowers, 8-10 dates, a handful of rice, the right amount of water, first fry the Jasminum flowers in water to get juice, and then add to make and boil rice into porridge, the taste is unique, with the role of regulating qi and blood stasis.

4. Rose Suxin scented tea

Take 6 grams of roses and Jasminum flowers, put them into a pot and rinse them with warm water, then rinse into boiling water and drink them when warm. Roses, like vegetarian flowers, have the effect of soothing the liver and relieving depression, as well as regulating qi and activating blood circulation, treating liver and stomach pain, eating less and vomiting. When compatible with Suxinhua, the two are combined into one, which is more effective.