
What are the effects and functions of blueberries, the king of berries? How much should I eat a day? How can I wash it clean?

Published: 2024-07-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/21, Blueberries have become more and more popular in recent years, and they are called blueberries because the fruit is blue. Blueberry taste is not only sour and sweet and delicious, but also rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and so on, is a highly nutritious fruit, then you know the efficacy and function of blueberry

Blueberries have become more and more popular in recent years, and they are called blueberries because the fruit is blue. Blueberry is not only sour and sweet and delicious, but also rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and so on. It is a highly nutritious fruit. Do you know the efficacy and effect of blueberry? How much should I eat a day? How can I wash it clean?

I. introduction to blueberries

Blueberry, also known as blueberry, Benedictine, persimmon, Duyu, persimmon, Dianguo, Benedictine blueberry, refers to a group of flowering plants of the subgenus blueberry subgenus blueberry in a narrow sense, and in a broad sense can include all species of blueberry with blue berries. Native to North America and East Asia, blueberries are shrubs with heights ranging from 10 centimeters to 4 meters. Blueberries are produced every year from May to October, peaking in July. Benedictine blueberries (also known as persimmon and Benedictine) grown in northern China are often called blueberries.

Second, the efficacy and function of blueberry

Nutritional value per 100g blueberry

Heat quantity

240 kJ (57 kcal)


14.49 g


9.96 g

Dietary fiber

2.4 g


0.33 g

saturated fat

0.028 g

Monounsaturated fat

0.047 g

Polyunsaturated fat

0.146 g


0.74 g


0.003 g


0.02 g


0.023 g


0.044 g


0.013 g


0.012 g


0.008 g


0.026 g


0.009 g


0.031 g


0.037 g


0.011 g


0.031 g

Aspartic acid

0.057 g

Glutamic acid

0.091 g


0.031 g


0.028 g


0.022 g


Vitamin An equiv.

3 μ g


32 μ g

Lutein and zeaxanthin

80 μ g

Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

0.041 mg

Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3)

0.418 mg

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)

0.124 mg

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)

0.052 mg

Folic acid (vitamin B9)

6 μ g


6 mg

vitamin C

9.7 mg

vitamin E

0.57 mg

vitamin K

19.3 μ g

Dietary minerals


6 mg


0.28 mg


6 mg


0.336 mg


12 mg


77 mg


1 mg


0.16 mg

Blueberry is rich in vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin B, arbutin, protein, anthocyanin, edible fiber and rich mineral elements such as calcium, potassium and magnesium. The International Food and Agriculture Organization lists it as one of the five major healthy foods for human beings. therefore, blueberry has the following six major functions and functions:

1. Blueberries can protect eyesight: according to medical clinical reports, blueberries are rich in vitamin A, vitamin E, carotenoids, potassium and zinc, in which anthocyanins in blueberries can promote the regeneration of rhodopsin in retinal cells. prevent myopia and improve eyesight.

2. Blueberries have anti-aging effects: foreign studies have found that blueberries and other berry plants belong to strong antioxidant fruits, which can help slow down aging, beauty and beauty.

3. Blueberries can enhance memory: some specific compounds in blueberries have a strong effect on the inhibition of brain function degradation, which can activate brainpower and enhance memory.

4. Blueberries can prevent urinary tract infections: some researchers in the United States have found that blueberries may prevent urinary tract infections because they contain compounds called flavonoids, which can help the body fight and get rid of bacterial infections.

5. Blueberries can reduce the incidence of cancer: especially wild blueberries, which contain antioxidants, can reduce the chance of cancer, but these have not been proved by human experiments. It is hoped that researchers will do more experiments on its good application prospects in the future.

6. Blueberries can prevent constipation: every 100g blueberries contain 2.4g dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation.

Third, how many blueberries should be eaten in a day?

Although blueberries have high nutritional value, we should not eat more than 50 grams (6-10) of blueberries a day, no more than 20 at most. Eating too many blueberries may lead to diarrhea and sour teeth. When eating, you can directly take the skin to eat together, blueberry peel anthocyanin content is high, so try to take the skin to eat together.

IV. Taboos on blueberries

1. Fresh blueberries have a diarrhea effect. Do not eat them when you have diarrhea.

2. Blueberries contain oxalate. People with poor kidneys or uncured gallbladder should eat less blueberries.

3. Avoid eating blueberries with high calcium foods, because the hydrochloric acid in blueberries will affect the absorption of calcium. If you want to take calcium tablets, it is best to be separated from blueberries for 2-3 hours.

Fifth, how to wash blueberries clean?

1. Rinse with clean water: nowadays, many blueberry orchards pay attention to their health and seldom eat pesticides, so they can basically eat them directly. They can not rest assured that they can wash the dust on the surface of blueberries with clean water. Do not destroy the white fruit powder on the surface of blueberries in cleaning, which belongs to fructose aggregates and can be eaten.

2. Brine soaking: blueberries purchased directly on the market can be soaked in salt water for ten minutes, then gently scrubbed with hands, and finally rinsed with clean water.

3. Wash rice with water: wash it by hand after soaking in rice water for five minutes.

Can pregnant women eat blueberries?

Pregnant women can eat blueberries. Blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, various vitamins and minerals, as well as strong antioxidation, which has a certain effect on desalination of stretch marks and fetal vision development, but it is not suitable for pregnant women to eat in large quantities.

Conclusion: through the introduction of this article, we all understand the efficacy of blueberries, worthy of the "fruit queen", especially for vision protection, and relieve eye fatigue has a very good effect, usually we might as well eat some blueberries.