
What are the precautions for blueberry planting? How to increase output?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Blueberry is a kind of shrub fruit, which has high nutritional value, pure taste and great market demand, so what are the precautions for blueberry planting? How to increase blueberry production? 1. matters needing attention in blueberry planting 1. Choose blueberry planting in the garden and choose the east slope.

Blueberry is a kind of shrub fruit, which has high nutritional value, pure taste and great market demand, so what are the precautions for blueberry planting? How to increase blueberry production?

Matters needing attention in blueberry planting

1. Garden site selection

Blueberry planting should choose the middle and lower parts of the east slope and south slope, the slope is less than 30 °, terraces should be built when the slope is large, and the garden should be built in places with loose soil, fertile soil, good drainage, moist but no stagnant water.

The growth of blueberry needs strong acidic soil conditions, and the key to cultivating blueberry is soil improvement, adjusting the soil pH value to about 5, and the content of soil organic matter is not less than 5%.

2. Variety selection

In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, strong soil viscosity plots give priority to varieties with strong adaptability, such as Nanjin, brilliant rabbit eyes, emeralds and so on.

Southern humid and cool microclimate areas: you can choose to plant some southern high clump varieties such as haze, O'Neill, emeralds, jewelry and so on.

In the northern region, blueberries are mainly in the north. Duke, a high early-maturing big fruit variety in the north, or O'Neill, haze, a high early-maturing variety in the south, are recommended in the facility.

Considering labor, management and other factors, the area of continuous garden should not be too large (it is suggested that 100,300 mu), and the varieties should not be too many (2 to 3 varieties), so as to facilitate management.

3. Soil improvement.

In order to thoroughly improve the soil environment of blueberry growth, it is recommended to thoroughly improve the soil and change the whole garden.

In the autumn of the year before planting, the soil of the whole garden should be deeply turned over 40~60cm, the drainage ditch was dug, and the gentle slope was adjusted into a gentle slope. After applying sulfur powder, the specific dosage should be determined according to the measured soil pH condition, and rotary tillage could be applied twice to ensure uniformity.

The amount of material input per mu before rotary ploughing is about 5 square meters of peat, about 3 tons of organic fertilizer, and the bark covering thickness of sawdust or diameter 3~5cm is 5~10cm, 30-50 square meters per mu.

In order to avoid nitrogen deficiency caused by sawdust, it is also necessary to add 15kg/ mu urea or other kinds of nitrogen fertilizer along with sawdust. Ensure that all kinds of materials are evenly mixed with the garden soil, and the improved soil is basically returned to the ridge after ridging.

4. Colonization

Planting time: blueberries can be planted in spring, autumn and winter, and the planting in Northeast China is the best at the end of spring.

Seedling selection: 35~50cm is suitable for seedling height, with more than 2 to 3 upright and strong branches, healthy trunk branches without aging, old and weak branches, not old seedlings. The root system is light yellow, developed, not blackened and without root root phenomenon.

Planting method: the planting hole was dug on the ridge during planting, and the size was about 40 × 40 × 40cm. Add organic fertilizer 5kg and compound fertilizer 30g to 50g at the bottom as base fertilizer, add more soil and mix well, and leave it at the bottom. Cover a layer of soil, then add some peat, insecticide and soil to mix well and leave it on the upper layer of the planting hole, ready to plant.

When planting, soak the seedlings in water in advance, take them out from the bowl, shake off the roots slightly, dig a small hole of about 20cm × 20cm on the planting hole that has been dug, plant the seedlings, gently firm, and pour through water. Cover with pine needles, rice stalks, sawdust and other moisture and acid, covering higher than the ground 15~30cm is appropriate.

Post-planting management: watering the root after planting, watering and sinking, the root base is flush with the ridge surface, and can not be planted too deep or too shallow. Mulch weeds before weeds grow, stubble in dormancy period after planting in autumn and winter, and stubble as soon as possible in spring cultivation.

5. Fertilization management

Base fertilizer: the most suitable application time is from autumn leaf discoloration to defoliation, and the effect of early application is better than that of late application. Generally, it is mainly rotten sheep dung, cow dung and rabbit dung, which is fertilized by the way of trenching, 10~15kg/ in full fruit stage and 5kg/ in young trees.

Topdressing: in the period of topdressing, in the period of leaf bud germination, before and after flowering, it is mainly quick-acting fertilizer, and it is suggested to apply 300 times of the root application solution of sea elf biological stimulant; after fruit harvest, a small amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied to avoid the growth of twigs caused by more nitrogen fertilizer, promote root growth, and branches are strong.

6. Water management

Blueberry young fruit development period of water supply should be adequate and stable, avoid sudden drying and sudden wet, otherwise it is easy to cause red fruit, fruit. When the drought time is predicted to be more than 7 days, ensure that the water is fully watered within 5 days, and the watering should avoid the noon period with high external temperature as far as possible.

Blueberries are more sensitive to waterlogging and must be drained in time, and it is not good for blueberries to be waterlogged for half a day. The planning of drainage and irrigation facilities should be combined with the extreme flood weather in the local history, which is particularly important in blueberry cultivation in the southern flatlands.

7. Weed management

The use of herbicides in blueberry orchards is prohibited, and all herbicides can cause drug damage to blueberry plants or roots.

In production, in order to control weeds, straw, bark and sawdust are generally selected for ground mulching, which can not only control grass damage, but also reduce acid after the covered plants rot and leach into the soil, which is beneficial to keep the soil pH at a partial acid level. It can also increase soil organic matter and fertility, reduce element deficiency, promote blueberry growth, increase yield and improve quality.

8. Pruning and shaping

Blueberry is a tufted shrub for many years, and its shaping and pruning is different from that of bulk fruits. The main method is to adjust the relationship between vegetative growth and fruit, and regularly remove weak branches, fruiting branches and aging branches.

Summer shears and winter shears are the main shears in a year. Winter shearing: weak trees rejuvenate, strong trees control production; summer shears: strong trees densify and promote strong trees.

Young tree stage: after flat stubble pruning, new branches will increase. In summer, attention should be paid to picking hearts in time, flower buds should be removed in time the following year, and tree potential should be cultivated as early as possible.

Early fruiting period: if the first fruiting tree grows normally, the yield of 0.5~1kg can be obtained by leaving 20-30 fruiting branches in the same year, and most of the fruiting branches can be retracted if the growth is weak.

Full fruit period: the task of pruning in this period is to maintain strong tree potential, reasonable load, generally retain 70 fruit branches, so as to make it high yield, stable yield, high quality and prolong the life of full fruit period.

9. Flower and fruit management

Pollination: bees are released at the early flowering stage, bumblebees are used in the facilities, and a box of bees (10,000 to 20,000 bees per box) is placed in the open air of 5 mu of land.

Rain shelter in the flower and fruit period in the southern region: in the rainy area in the south, there is more overcast and rain in the flowering and fruit period, which can seriously affect the fruit setting rate and fruit picking and quality. it can be cultivated in a rain shelter, covered with film in the middle of flowering and removed at the end of fruit.

Dry and hot wind during flowering in the northern region: cold shed and open air in the north are dry and less rainy in mid-April. Once there is high temperature, the air humidity is often less than 20%, and the blueberry Corolla is often withered and yellow. It has a great impact on blueberry stamen pollen vitality and pistil stigma, resulting in poor pollination, so we should pay attention to watering and moisturizing.

10. Disease and pest control

Blueberry diseases and insect pests are few, common powdery mildew, downy mildew and so on; pests are aphids, mites, fruit flies, longicorn beetles, beetles and so on.

We should pay attention to prevention and comprehensive control, protect and utilize all kinds of natural enemies, maintain the ecological balance in the blueberry orchard, give priority to physical and biological control, and use chemical control if necessary, but use low-toxic, safe or biological pesticides. And pay attention to the safe drug isolation period.

How to increase the output of blueberries?

1. Select improved varieties

There are many varieties of blueberries, including dwarf blueberries and tall blueberries, some suitable for growing in shady areas and some suitable for growing in warm areas. at present, there are more than 20 varieties of blueberries, so they are various. among them, rabbit eye blueberry field is the easiest to feed, O'Neill is also a very good variety, especially suitable for growing in the south of our country, and there are some blueberries suitable for planting in the north. The editor will not cite examples here one by one. Choosing the right variety is the most basic way to increase the yield of blueberries. the second is to suggest that it is best to plant multiple varieties when planting, so that the yield and quality will be better.

2. Sowing seeds at the right time

Blueberry planting is a suitable time, can not be planted casually, our most common planting time will be in the autumn from the end of August to September, the survival rate of planting will be much higher, at the same time suitable for blueberry growth and development. Of course, you can also plant in spring, but preferably in early spring, so that blueberry wine can take root and sprout in this season and keep up with the pace when it is flowering and fruiting.

3. Fertilizer and water management

After blueberry planting, we need to carry out reasonable fertilizer and water management according to the nature of the soil planted. There are certain differences in fertilizer and water management in each growth period, and there are also differences in the management of each variety. Under normal circumstances, two fertilizers are needed in the seedling stage, and the taller blueberries need to be topdressing by digging trenches, while the shorter ones only need to be spread, and each time is mainly farm manure or organic fertilizer. Wait until after the blueberry results, and then on the basis of these two fertilizers, mainly foliar fertilizer, used to promote the growth of fruit. Foliar fertilizer needs to be sprayed almost once a year every two or three months, so that blueberry seedlings can grow better and avoid premature aging and yield reduction.

4. Field management

First of all, field management needs to talk about the pollination of blueberry planting, each plant must be planted in a four-to-one pattern, which can increase the probability of pollination and improve the fruit setting rate. The second is to thinning the blueberry seedlings in the field, remove the weaker branches and leaves, it will grow new branches, wait until a certain number of years, need to cut off all the old branches, let it send out new branches, which means new life. Then, it is necessary to keep the seedlings warm every winter, otherwise the blueberry seedlings will be frostbitten, and the flowering period needs to be controlled and the fruit will be controlled after falling. The way of controlling flowers and fruits is based on the principle of keeping good and large ones. Finally, it is necessary to clean up the fields, such as weeds, sundries, fallen leaves, dead branches, etc., and burn them to ashes with fire to avoid virus infection.

5. Artificial pollination

Artificial pollination is also a way to increase yield, but it will not be used under normal circumstances. We are more inclined to match pollination trees well. When the weather is relatively stable, the success rate of pollination is very high. Of course, we do not rule out some other cases, so we need to use the method of artificial pollination. First, we can also use external forces, such as putting colonies into the garden to carry out bee pollination. Or carry out pollen collection for pollination, and finally, you can directly pick the male flowers and then smear the male flowers on the female flowers and then cover the female flowers with male flowers for pollination. These are some methods of artificial pollination, which can also be used when necessary, which is also of great help to increase the yield of blueberries.