
When will the succulent and seeded pomegranate mature and go on the market? Can you eat it if it's not cooked? Seven tricks teach you to easily identify whether it is mature or not!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, As the saying goes, due south of August and May, melon and fruit pomegranates are full of pomegranates, which shows that pomegranates are so popular on the Mid-Autumn Festival. Of course, pomegranate is also the most popular fruit in summer. It has not only high nutritional value, but also beauty and digestion, so many people like to eat it.

As the saying goes, "due south of August and May, melon and fruit pomegranates are full of pomegranates." it can be seen that pomegranates are so popular on the Mid-Autumn Festival. Of course, pomegranate is also the most popular fruit in summer, which is not only of high nutritional value, but also of beauty and digestion, so many people like to eat it. When will pomegranate be ripe and put on the market? Can you eat it if it's not cooked? Seven tricks teach you to easily identify whether it is mature or not!

When will the pomegranate mature and appear on the market?

Pomegranate varieties are diverse, and the distribution areas are different, so the time of listing is also different, but the florescence is generally from May to June, the maturity period is from September to October, and the market time is generally around the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Second, can you eat pomegranate if it is not ripe?

You can eat pomegranate if it is not ripe, but it is best not to eat it like this. Because the raw pomegranate is not delicious, will be very sour, but also more astringent, so try to wait until the pomegranate is ripe before eating, the nutritional value and taste are the best.

Third, what if the pomegranate is not ripe?

1. It can be cooked.

Pomegranate, like many other fruits, can also be ripe. In fact, pomegranate is more durable. If it is well preserved, it can be kept for a few months. It is actually relatively simple to want pomegranate to ripen. Putting pomegranate with ripe fruits such as ripe apples, pears and bananas can play a ripening effect. If you put it alone, it may ripen more slowly.

2. Sign of maturity

The sign of pomegranate maturity first looks at the skin, the color of the skin has changed from green to yellow, and it looks shiny, some places will stand out, the fruit is more full, and you will find that there are some needle-like lines in the fruit. Some pomegranates crack when they are ripe.

3. Don't eat raw

Pomegranate had better not eat raw, raw pomegranate is not delicious, will be very sour, but also more astringent, so try to wait for pomegranate ripe before eating, nutritional value and taste are the best.

Fourth, how to tell if it is mature?

1. Look at the luster. Pomegranate smooth skin, pomegranate selection can also be based on the skin glossiness of pomegranate to judge the quality of pomegranate. If the skin of the pomegranate is smooth and shiny, then the pomegranate is fresh, on the contrary, if the skin of the pomegranate is not too smooth and has black spots, it means that the pomegranate has been stored for a long time.

2. look at the hardness. When we choose pomegranate, we can press the skin of pomegranate slightly with the belly of our fingers. the mature and full pomegranate skin is tight and tight, but the pomegranate that is not fresh or rotten inside will be softer and looser.

3. Look at the opening. The normal growth and maturity of the pomegranate opening is also natural cracking, such an opening will not affect the quality and taste of the pomegranate. But there are also some pomegranates because of Rain Water and the sun caused by unnatural opening, such an opening will affect the taste of the pomegranate, the fruit is not full enough.

4. Look at the wound. When choosing pomegranate, it is best to choose the pomegranate with no wound on the surface. The pomegranate with intact skin and no scratches can be stored for a long time, and it is best to bring a branch if you can. Because pomegranate epidermis if injured with a scar will make pomegranate water loss faster, not easy to preserve.

5. Pick the time. Pomegranate fruit ripening period is from September to October every year, the pomegranate purchased in this period is the best and freshest pomegranate, the taste and quality are also the most guaranteed. And other periods to buy pomegranate should be careful to choose, be careful not to buy bad pomegranate.

6. Pick the weight. Pomegranate is rich in water, especially mature and fresh pomegranate, so the better the pomegranate is, the heavier the pomegranate is. When choosing pomegranates, you can weigh two pomegranates of the same size on the palms of your hands. Generally, the heavier pomegranate is fresher and more hydrated.

7. Smell. Generally speaking, the pomegranate only wrapped in the peel will not smell much, but if the fruit has gone bad and rotten inside, it will obviously smell bad and can be easily identified.

5. How to preserve pomegranate?

1. Hanging and storing: the fruit used for hanging and storing should leave a section of fruit stalk at harvest, bind it into a string with string and hang it in a cool house. Or wrap the fruit with newspaper or plastic film, hang it in the room with small temperature and temperature change, and store it until before and after the Spring Festival. If the pomegranate is stored, it needs to be harvested half a month in advance, and the overripe pomegranate is easy to rot.

2. Storage: choose an empty house that is ventilated and cool, clean it, sprinkle water properly to keep the room clean and moist, and then spread 5-6 cm thick straw (or fresh Masson pine needles) on the ground, which is covered with a layer of pomegranate and a layer of pine needles. Turn the pile and check every 15 to 20 days during storage to remove rotten fruit and change pine needles. The storage-resistant varieties can be stored until April and May of the following year by this stacking method.

3. Canning: rinse containers such as altars and pots, and then spread a layer of wet sand with 5% water content at the bottom, 5 cm thick, with a straw handle or bamboo cylinder erected in the center to facilitate ventilation. Assemble the pomegranate around the straw handle or bamboo cylinder and cover it with wet sand until it is 5cm away from the can mouth. The jar or cylinder mouth is sealed and fastened with plastic film. Check once a month after storage, and remove any rotten fruit in time. This storage method can be stored until March or April of the following year.

4. Bag storage: put the pre-cooled and sterilized pomegranate into a polyethylene plastic film bag, tie the mouth of the bag and place it in a cold room. After 140 days of storage, the pomegranate fruit was still fresh. The sterilized pomegranate fruit can also be packed in a plastic bag. The pomegranate fruit can be stored for 100 days under the condition of 3-4 ℃, the freshness of the fruit is good and the disease of tiger skin is mild. The effect of single fruit packaging in plastic bags is better than that of other methods.