
What are the health effects and effects of Panax notoginseng powder? Can you eat it for a long time? What is the difference between cooked Panax notoginseng powder and raw Panax notoginseng powder?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Panax notoginseng is a common medicinal material with strong pharmacological effects. Therefore, more and more people begin to make Panax notoginseng into processed products, and the common thing is to grind into powder. So what are the health effects and effects of Panax notoginseng powder? Can you eat it for a long time? The area of cooked Panax notoginseng powder and raw Panax notoginseng powder

Panax notoginseng is a common medicinal material with strong pharmacological effects. Therefore, more and more people begin to make Panax notoginseng into processed products, and the common thing is to grind into powder. So what are the health effects and effects of Panax notoginseng powder? Can you eat it for a long time? What is the difference between cooked Panax notoginseng powder and raw Panax notoginseng powder?

What are the health effects of Panax notoginseng powder?

1. Dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, improve microcirculation, increase blood flow, prevent and treat heart and brain ischemia and hypoxia.

Panax notoginseng can dilate the blood vessels of heart and brain tissue, increase the blood flow of heart coronary artery and brain blood vessels while lowering blood pressure, improve the blood microcirculation of heart and brain tissue, and obviously increase the oxygen supply capacity of heart and brain tissue cells. effectively prevent and treat ischemia and hypoxia of heart and brain organs. In addition, Panax notoginseng can also reduce blood lipids, cholesterol, and inhibit arteriosclerosis.

2. Promote the synthesis of protein, RNA and DNA to strengthen the body.

3. Promote blood cell metabolism, balance and regulate blood cells.

4. bidirectional regulation of the central nervous system to improve brainpower and enhance the ability of learning and memory

The aboveground part of Panax notoginseng has an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, such as sedation, stability and improving sleep, while the underground part of Panax notoginseng can stimulate the central nervous system, improve mental and physical strength, and show anti-fatigue; all parts of Panax notoginseng are conducive to enhance the ability of learning and memory, and also have obvious analgesic effect.

5. Enhance immune function and anti-tumor.

Panax notoginseng can significantly increase the phagocytic ability of macrophages, increase the content of lysozyme in serum, restore the normal level of leukocytes in patients with hypoleukocytosis, have no effect on normal leukocytes, and regulate human immune function.

6. Stop bleeding, activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis

Panax notoginseng not only has good two-way pharmacological effects of hemostasis, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, but also has obvious blood tonifying effect, which can promote the division and growth of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and other blood cells in the blood, increase the number and maintain the normal level.

7. Liver protection, anti-inflammation and anti-tumor

Panax notoginseng contains Panax notoginseng saponins, Panax notoginseng polysaccharides, active selenium, β-elemene and other anticancer substances, which can kill malignant cells and protect normal cells. The anti-tumor effect of Panax notoginseng has attracted great attention in the medical field, and gratifying progress has been made in the treatment of cancer with Panax notoginseng.

8. Delaying senility

Panax notoginseng can enhance the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), reduce lipid peroxide (LPO), and has anti-aging effect.

9, two-way regulation of blood sugar, reduce blood lipids, cholesterol, inhibit arteriosclerosis.

Can raw Panax notoginseng powder be eaten for a long time?

In fact, in the right amount, raw Panax notoginseng powder can be used for a long time, because raw Panax notoginseng powder has two major effects of nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation. After taking it, it can promote vascular softening, maintain a healthy vascular environment, and effectively prevent a variety of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. For women, long-term use of Panax notoginseng powder can also raise beauty, play the effect of promoting blood circulation.

Third, what are the differences between raw and cooked Panax notoginseng powder?

1. Different functional indications

The main efficacy of raw Panax notoginseng powder is to stop bleeding, reduce blood pressure, reduce blood lipids, mainly treat blood stasis, traumatic bleeding, postpartum dizziness, hematemesis and other diseases. In addition, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, hyperlipidemia and hypertension can take Panax notoginseng powder appropriately. It is widely used in the treatment of diseases. The main effect of cooked Panax notoginseng powder is to tonify and nourish blood, improve physical weakness, loss of appetite, neurasthenia, excessive fatigue, blood loss, anemia and other symptoms. More is used for daily nourishment.

2. Different processing methods

The processing process of raw Panax notoginseng powder is simpler than that of cooked Panax notoginseng powder. Just grind the root of Panax notoginseng into powder directly. However, the cooked Panax notoginseng powder needs to clear the main root before it is processed into powder, then add vegetable oil and bake it gently in the pot, and it can not be processed into powder until the root turns yellow. This process requires a good grasp of the heat, neither the use of fierce fire, nor too long heating time.

3. Different methods of use

The use of raw Panax notoginseng powder is relatively simple, its use is warm water can be used for daily health care, need to take twice a day, once need to take two to five grams. Cooked Panax notoginseng powder can be eaten in many ways, not only in soup, but also in milk, or in the soup when adding the right amount of Panax notoginseng powder.