
"King of bacteria" dry Tricholoma matsutake market price how much per jin? How do you soak your hair? How do you cook it?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Tricholoma matsutake is a common wild fungus in pine oak and other woodlands, which is deeply loved by people because of its good taste and high nutritional value. However, due to the lack of storage, most of the dried matsutake on the market has been processed, how much is the market price of dry matsutake? How do you soak your hair? How

Tricholoma matsutake is a common wild fungus in pine oak and other woodlands, which is deeply loved by people because of its good taste and high nutritional value. However, due to poor storage, most of the dried Tricholoma matsutake on the market is already processed. How much is the market price of dry Tricholoma matsutake? How do you soak your hair? How do you cook it?

First, how much is the market price of dry matsutake per jin?

1, Tricholoma matsutake is a very good edible fungus, there are a lot of nutrients, there are many benefits to the body. Eating Tricholoma matsutake helps to strengthen the body and improve self-immunity, and Tricholoma matsutake contains a variety of amino acids and other nutrients.

2. Tricholoma matsutake can not be propagated artificially, between 4000 and 6000 per jin (dry goods) and always out of stock (in many cases, we have to wait for goods). Now most of the common on the market is "Agaricus blazei Murrill". The price of artificial reproduction is between 160 and 240 (depending on the appearance). In fact, in the past, there are eight treasures, Zhong eight treasures, grass eight treasures. The eight treasures in the upper middle school are mostly meat. The first of the eight treasures of grass ~ Morchella is the bacterial emperor, the price is 2000 yuan per jin (dry), Tricholoma matsutake is really known by the people, I think it should be the tip of the tongue of China.

Second, why is dry matsutake so expensive?

1. Tricholoma matsutake is mainly fresh. Tricholoma matsutake contains some fresh and aromatic substances, such as fresh amino acids and nucleotides. The output of Tricholoma matsutake is small, and the growth rate is very slow, and it can only grow in 5 to 6 years. Tricholoma matsutake is expensive in scarcity. Tricholoma matsutake is picked artificially and cannot be planted artificially, so it is impossible to cultivate a large number of Tricholoma matsutake. Therefore, the expensive Tricholoma matsutake has a lot to do with this.

2. If Tricholoma matsutake is based on general health products, the nutrients will not be so high. For example, dried Tricholoma matsutake contains protein, which is 20 grams in 100 grams. This content is higher than that of eggs, so it is about the same as eggs.

Third, how to bubble dry matsutake? Is it better to soak in warm water or cold water?

Dry Tricholoma matsutake needs to be soaked before eating. Generally speaking, about 40 ℃ of warm water is the most suitable. Soak for about 30 minutes until its elasticity is restored.

You can also dry Tricholoma matsutake with cold water, but it takes a long time to soak in cold water, so it is more appropriate to soak in warm water.

Dried Tricholoma matsutake water is nutritious can be used to cook porridge, do not pour out, if it is Tricholoma matsutake this kind of do not want, because Tricholoma matsutake belt has more sediment, affecting the taste.

Fourth, how to make dried matsutake delicious?

1. Matsutake soil Chicken Soup

Raw materials: 30 grams of green onions, 20 grams of ginger, a native chicken, 20 grams of dried matsutake, 10 grams of Chinese wolfberry, a little salt.


(1) wash all the raw materials clean

(2) the native chicken should be chopped into large pieces, sliced with ginger and steamed with matsutake.

(3) the sliced native chicken rinses the blood foam with running water and scald it in the pot.

(4) add proper water to the casserole. after boiling, add the local chicken nuggets, soaked matsutake and ginger and simmer for about 2 hours. After the chicken soup is stewed, add a little salt according to your preference.

2. Stewed beef ribs with matsutake, lotus and apricot

Raw materials: beef ribs, lotus seeds, almonds (or almond slices), Agaricus blazei Murrill.

Ingredients: salt, ginger.


(1) cut off most of the meat from the cowboy bone (set aside for its use, such as braised brisket) and wash it with flying water.

(2) soak lotus seeds and almonds in water for 2 hours, and Agaricus blazei Murrill in warm water for 1 hour.

(3) add enough water in a slow saucepan, add sliced ginger and beef ribs, and simmer for 3 hours.

(4) add lotus seeds, almonds and Agaricus blazei Murrill, simmer for another hour and season with salt.


(1) Lotus seeds and almonds are good ingredients for tonifying and moisturizing dryness in autumn; even beef bones have the effect of warming and dispelling phlegm.

(2) beef ribs is specially recommended, that is, beef steak and rib steak in North American supermarkets; the soup is not greasy and the beef is very fragrant.

3. Roast meat with matsutake

Raw materials: pork, dried matsutake, spring onion and ginger, cooking wine, soy sauce, rock sugar.


(1) the dried Tricholoma matsutake is soaked in clean water for 3 to 4 hours and washed and filtered for 3 hours. During this period, the dry matsutake is washed and changed for 2 times and 3 times.

(2) wash the pork belly and cut it into pieces, boil it in a water pan and blanch for 2 minutes.

(3) remove the meat and rinse the filtered water.

(4) Pat loose pieces of ginger and tie green onions and set aside.

(5) add vegetable oil to heat the wok and stir up the fragrance with spring onions and ginger.

(6) stir-fry the pork and stir-fry the oil

(7) Cook the cooking wine, add soy sauce and rock sugar and cook until the meat is colored.

(8) add bubbly matsutake, add proper amount of water and simmer for 1.5 hours.

(9) stew until the meat and matsutake are crisp and soft, turn to high heat to collect juice.