
Do you know the 8 major effects and functions of fresh hawthorn? What month is the earliest mature listing? This kind of bubble water drinks can lose weight!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Hawthorn is a common fruit, in the market we rarely see fresh hawthorn fruit, generally processed products, such as hawthorn snowball, ice-sugar gourd, hawthorn slices and so on. So hawthorn mature in the earliest months listed? 8 of its main functions and

Hawthorn is a common fruit, we rarely see fresh Hawthorn fruit on the market, generally processed products, such as Hawthorn snowball, Crispy Sugar-Coated Fruit, Hawthorn slices and so on. So when did Hawthorn mature and go on the market at the earliest? Do you know its eight functions and functions?

What is the earliest month for fresh Hawthorn to mature and go on the market?

According to the old farmer, the earliest mature Hawthorn on the market in October, so at the end of September, there will be a large number of fresh Hawthorn on the market. Generally speaking, the best time to eat Hawthorn is from October to November.

Second, do you understand the eight functions and functions of Hawthorn?

1. The efficacy and function of Hawthorn to eliminate food and strengthen the stomach

Generally speaking, when I have no appetite and eat too much to cause abdominal distension, my mother will let me eat Hawthorn, sour and sweet, and eating a few will help to digest and strengthen the stomach. So when you have an upset stomach and eat too much that causes indigestion, you can eat a little Hawthorn.

2. The effect and effect of Hawthorn on promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis

What we call activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis means unobstructing blood vessels, dispelling stasis, regulating menstruation and relieving pain. But you can't eat Hawthorn during menstruation. If it is after menstruation, you can eat the right amount of Hawthorn to 2, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

3. The efficacy and effect of Hawthorn to stop dysentery.

Diarrhea is caused by cold to the stomach, eating the wrong food or other reasons. If we have diarrhea six or seven times a day, we must stop dysentery. If you think the medicine is harmful to your health, you can try to eat Hawthorn to stop dysentery.

4. the efficacy and effect of Hawthorn in reducing blood lipids

The hypolipidemic effect of Hawthorn is by inhibiting the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and promoting the absorption of plasma cholesterol by the liver. If you have high blood pressure, you can eat some Hawthorn to reduce blood lipids.

5. The efficacy and bacteriostasis of Hawthorn.

As we all have to eat a variety of food to the stomach, will inevitably produce bacteria, will cause gastrointestinal discomfort, daily life to eat a little Hawthorn can inhibit bacteria, mainly for Escherichia coli infection.

6. the efficacy and antioxidation of Hawthorn

Antioxidation is mainly aimed at the aging of the human body, we have to breathe different air every day, it is hard to avoid harmful substances to the body, so eating Hawthorn can achieve the effect of antioxidation.

7. The efficacy and effect of Hawthorn in reducing blood pressure

Hawthorn can dilate peripheral blood vessels and has a lasting antihypertensive effect, especially on cold-blooded animals. When Hawthorn is combined with Chawu decoction, its antihypertensive effect is greatly enhanced, and the antihypertensive time is also prolonged.

8. The effect and effect of Hawthorn on cerebral ischemia

The total flavonoids of Hawthorn leaves can significantly increase the activities of LDH and SOD in the brain tissue of model mice, and have obvious protective effects on the brain tissue of mice with focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury, and its mechanism is related to antioxidation.

Third, can dry Hawthorn slices soak in water to lose weight?

Can lose weight, Hawthorn tablets contain citric acid, malic acid, ascorbic acid can promote gastrointestinal digestion, its pectin is soluble dietary fiber, can reduce cholesterol, with Hawthorn tablets soaking water can play the effect of scraping oil and reducing fat.

1. Rinse the Hawthorn first and keep the surface clean.

2. Brew Hawthorn with boiling water, so that Hawthorn can be fully soaked, but the effect of overnight boiling water is not good.

3. If you think Hawthorn is too sour, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar, synthesize the acidity of Hawthorn, then cover it with tea and simmer for a few minutes.

Note: the main function of Hawthorn water is to promote digestion, but it has a great stimulating effect on the intestines and stomach, so if people with stomach problems can not take it for a long time, otherwise it will aggravate the disease.

Fourth, how to eat Hawthorn?

1. Eat Hawthorn raw

Wash fresh Hawthorn, eat it raw with skin, and eat it raw is the best way to eat it.

2. Hawthorn water

Wash Hawthorn, add some water and brown sugar, stew for half an hour and drink.

3. Snowball Hawthorn

Wash Hawthorn, remove stalk and core, and control dry moisture. Put an appropriate amount of sugar and water into the pan, boil over low heat, stir constantly until small bubbles appear, put in a spoonful of vinegar and mix well. Pour in the treated Hawthorn, turn off the heat immediately, and stir quickly so that the surface of the Hawthorn is uniformly covered with sugar juice. with the decrease of temperature, the Hawthorn surface appears white crystal, continue to stir until it cools.

4 、 Crispy Sugar-Coated Fruit

The most common way to eat is to eat Crispy Sugar-Coated Fruit when I was a child.

Rinse the fresh Hawthorn pedicel, soak it in light salt water, then string it with bamboo sticks to control the moisture. Put the white granulated sugar in the pot, add the right amount of water, heat the sugar water over low heat until the sugar water becomes thick and yellowish, wrap the string of Hawthorn in syrup quickly, spread it flat on the surface covered with water, and wait for cooling.

Fifth, Hawthorn edible taboo

1. People with weak spleen and stomach, excessive stomach acid and diarrhea should not eat too much.

2. Diabetes and pregnant women should avoid eating.

Summary: the above is for everyone to sort out the Hawthorn listing time and Hawthorn efficacy and role taboos, I hope to help you, more fruit efficacy and role can also be found in the information. The above content is integrated into the Internet.