
How many months is it best to plant peony spider orchid? How do you grow peonies at home? What are the precautions?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Peony spider orchid is a kind of plant similar to spider orchid, it is very suitable for breeding at home, can decorate the house very well, increase beautiful color, has high ornamental value, then peony spider orchid planting months best? How do you grow peonies at home? What attention?

Peony orchid is a kind of plant similar to Cymbidium, it is very suitable for breeding at home, can decorate the house well, increase beautiful color, and has high ornamental value, so when is the best month to plant peony orchid? How to plant peony orchids at home? What are the precautions?

A brief introduction to Peony Cymbidium

Peony orchid is native to southern Africa. Xiguang, in addition to the midsummer noon should be shaded, other times of the year need to be given sufficient light. The peony orchid is exposed to the sun as much as possible when paying attention to the temperature in winter. Peony orchid into the autumn should pay attention to the need to move into the indoor to avoid the cold, so as not to frostbite peony orchid.

The growth of peony orchid is prosperous from March to September of the year. During the period of high temperature in summer, there is a lot of demand for water. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the principle that there can be no stagnant water in the basin. Excessive moisture will cause peony hanging orchid to rot its roots and die when it is serious. Peony orchid is not strict on fertilization requirements, pay attention to the growth of peony orchid cake fertilizer and water once every half a month.

Peony orchid is suitable for cutting for several months.

The most suitable cutting time for peony orchid is spring, summer and autumn, but summer and autumn are the best, and it is best to choose in rainy season or cloudy day, and the cutting survival rate is relatively high.

3. Planting methods of peony orchid

1. Soil. Peony hanging orchid originated in South Africa, like the sun, dry, ventilated growth environment, avoid high temperature and humidity, like well-drained sandy soil, maintenance is relatively simple.

two。 Sunshine. Peony orchids like light and can be placed in the morning sun to receive sunlight as much as possible.

3. Temperature. Peony orchids like a warm and comfortable living environment, the summer temperature is relatively high to cool plants, but in winter, the temperature is relatively low to avoid frostbite plants.

4. Water it. Peony orchids like the dry environment, watering should not be too much, too much water is easy to cause rotting roots.

5. Fertilize. Peony hanging orchid does not have high requirements for fertilizer and water, so it is OK to apply fertilizer and water every half a month or so.

6. Pests. Peony hanging orchid extensive growth, not easy to occur diseases and insect pests, but still need to pay attention to spray control.

7. Trim. In winter, the branches of diseases and insect pests must be cut off in time to ensure that the trees do not decline and the branches are thick and leafy.

IV. Propagation methods of Peony Cymbidium

1. Hydroponic culture

(1) first of all, we need to prepare a container, we can choose a glass bottle, which can better view its roots, and then dry the tap water two days in advance (remove chlorine from the tap water).

(2) prepare a pair of clean scissors, choose some sturdy peony hanging orchid branches and cut them, keep them about 8 to 10 centimeters, and then put the branches in a ventilated and cool place to dry to promote wound healing.

(3) put the prepared branches into a glass bottle, pour in about 5 cm of water, and then place them in a ventilated and cool place for maintenance. New roots can grow in about a week or so.

(4) Note: for hydroponic plants, we must ensure the cleanliness of the water quality and change the water frequently, otherwise the roots may rot and the nutrient solution should not be added. Hydroponic Dudan orchids can be exposed to the sun sooner or later. Be sure to expose yourself in strong light.

two。 Cuttage

(1) soil: in fact, the peony orchid is a kind of plant that is easy to feed, and the requirement for the soil is not high, so that it is OK to need some pastoral soil, but the soil in the semi-wet state is better, making it easier for the peony orchid to survive.

(2) Cuttage: we can cut off some healthy peony branches, then insert them into the prepared potted soil and place them in a ventilated and cool place.

(3) Note: after cutting, we must not often water it. If there is a chicken eggshell at home, we can wash and mash it and put it on the basin soil, which is a good nutrient and can bring nutrients to the peony orchid.

Matters needing attention in planting peony orchids

1. If the peony orchid is placed in the place of insufficient light for a long time, the leaf color is easy to be light, lack of vitality, and even the leaves fall, losing the ornamental value.

two。 Too much watering of peony orchids will lead to rotting roots, and serious ones will die, so it is necessary to control the amount of watering.

3. Peony orchids do not have high requirements for fertilizer and water, so we should pay attention to the application of cake fertilizer and water every half a month in the growing season. Too little fertilization will cause slow growth.