
Will eating durian make you fat? When will it be good to eat? How can I keep it if I don't finish it?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Durian is a famous tropical fruit in Thailand, which is also planted in Hainan and Guangdong. Because of its high nutritional value, it is known as the king of fruit. At present, it is sold on the market, and the price is small and expensive. Will eating durian make you fat? When will it be good to eat? I didn't finish eating.

Durian is a famous tropical fruit in Thailand, which is also planted in Hainan and Guangdong. Because of its high nutritional value, it is known as the "king of fruit". At present, it is sold on the market, and the price is small and expensive. Will eating durian make you fat? When will it be good to eat? How can I keep it if I don't finish it?

Will eating durian make you fat?

Eating durian won't make you fat. Because durian is high in calories and sugar, it contains a lot of dietary fiber, which can effectively promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, quickly digest food and reduce fat accumulation in the body, so eating in moderation will not get fat.

When will durian be ready to eat?

Durian is best eaten after breakfast. Because the heat of durian is very high, it contains 147 kcal energy per 100g, which can just supplement the energy consumed by sleep at night. At the same time, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements can also be quickly absorbed by the human body, so it is best to eat in the morning. However, eating durian on an empty stomach will stimulate the stomach, so it is best to eat after breakfast, so as not to stimulate the stomach and cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Third, how to keep the unfinished food?

1. Freeze it in the refrigerator

The flesh of uneaten durian can be sealed with plastic wrap or cling box, and then frozen in the refrigerator, which can not only preserve the taste of durian meat, but also will not rot, so it is very convenient and preserved for a long time.

2. Seal and refrigerate the fresh-keeping box

Endless durian meat can be sealed in a fresh-keeping box or bag, and then refrigerated in the refrigerator, so that it not only does not taste, but also preserves the taste. However, the preservation time should not be too long, generally all should be eaten in a week, and when eating, it is best to eat as much as possible, so as not to get the flesh out of place.

3. Wrap it in a newspaper and keep it in the shade

If you can't finish the durian, you can wrap the fruit shell with a newspaper and store it in a cool place, which can be preserved for about three days. However, if there is a smell of alcohol, it means that it has gone bad and is not edible.

Fourth, what are the effects of eating durian?

Efficacy 1, nourishing yin and strengthening yang: durian has extremely high nutritional value, which is rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and a variety of mineral elements, which can effectively supplement the daily nutrients needed for the human body and make the body stronger. Achieve the effect of nourishing yin and strengthening yang. In particular, post-illness rehabilitation or postpartum women eating durian can have a very good effect.

Efficacy 2, promoting blood circulation and expelling cold: durian is a hot fruit with high calories, which can effectively promote blood circulation and relieve dysmenorrhea. Especially for women with cold physique, regular consumption can effectively improve body temperature and relieve uterine cold or dysmenorrhea.

Efficacy 3, enhance appetite: durian taste is very strong, many people also like this smell, and after smelling to enhance appetite, increase fullness.

Efficacy 4, defecation and detoxification: durian contains a lot of dietary fiber, which can effectively promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, quickly digest food and expel toxins, so as to achieve the effect of defecation. But after eating durian, it is best not to drink boiled water, lest water is absorbed by dietary fiber, affecting defecation.

5. How long will durian last?

1. Refrigerator storage time: unopened mature durian can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week; open-shelled mature durian can be stored in the refrigerator for about three days, if sealed in a low temperature and cool place with plastic film or box, it can be stored for about five days.

2. Winter storage time: in winter, the unopened durian can be stored for about half a month, and the open durian can be stored for about ten days. In summer, if you store the refrigerator, you can keep it for about two days, and if you store it at room temperature, you can store it overnight, so you can buy the best food. If you really can't finish it, you can put it in the refrigerator to prevent it from getting out of place.

How much is the market price of durian per jin?

Durian market price is small expensive, generally about 20 yuan per jin, cheap also has about 10 yuan per jin, but very few, unless it is mature listing season. However, due to the differences in variety, quality, origin and market, the price will also be different, so the specific price still needs to go to the local market to check.