
When is the planting time of "commonly used seasoning" ginger? What are the effects and effects? (with key points of cultivation techniques)

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ginger is one of the indispensable accessories in kitchen cooking, and it is generally planted in the central and eastern, southeastern and western provinces of our country. Ginger not only can dispel fishiness and freshness in dishes, but also has the effect of relieving cough and vomiting. So when is the ginger planting time?

Ginger is one of the indispensable accessories in kitchen cooking, and it is generally planted in the central and eastern, southeastern and western provinces of our country. Ginger not only can dispel fishiness and freshness in dishes, but also has the effect of relieving cough and vomiting. So when is the ginger planting time? What are the key points of ginger cultivation techniques? How about ginger field management? What are the effects and effects of ginger?

Ginger planting time

The sowing time of ginger-from late April to early May.

Southern ginger can be sowed from March to April, generally speaking, in the suitable sowing period, sowing earlier, the growing period of ginger is longer, and higher yield can be obtained. If sowing is too late, the growth period of ginger is too short, and the yield will decrease obviously. Sowing time to early March-early April sowing is more appropriate, agricultural proverb once had "Qingming Taro, Grain Rain Jiang", this is the reason. On the other hand, ginger will be planted later in the north, usually from late April to early May. Of course, if the low-heat valley area is still based on the planting time of ginger in the south, and the ginger cultivated with budding or plastic film can also be planted earlier.

2. Key points of cultivation techniques of ginger

Propagate with rhizome (plant ginger), planted in holes or in strips. When digging ginger in autumn, choose thick and light yellow. Ginger is planted in the ginger rhizome with glossy, disease-free and scar-free, stored in the cellar or stored in layers with fine sand indoors. In the south from January to April and in the north in May, take out the ginger to keep warm and promote sprouting, then cut the ginger into small pieces, each keeping 1-2 strong buds.

The hole was planted according to the distance of 40cm × 30cm, and the depth was 13-17cm. First, dung water was poured into the hole. After permeating the soil, one piece of ginger was planted flat in each hole, and finally covered with fine compost and soil. Strip planting was ditched according to row spacing 40cm. After applying base fertilizer, it was planted according to plant spacing 27cm, and the overlying soil was flat with the ground. Sichuan production areas pay great attention to the depth of sowing, sowing deep (about 30cm), and constantly cultivate the soil to form a certain ginger, which is the source of ginger; sowing shallow (digging holes 5-10cm) and medicinal ginger is the source of dried ginger.

Third, ginger field management

After emergence, the missing plant was found and replanted in time. In the whole year, there are 3-4 times of weeding and 4 times of topdressing, mainly organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer. During the growth period, the requirement of water is relatively strict, there can be no shortage of water, the factory director should water and moisturize in time, and stop watering 10 days before harvest.

Fourth, the efficacy and function of ginger

1, appetizer and spleen: ginger can appetizer and spleen, enhance appetite, if you eat a few pieces of ginger before meals can stimulate saliva, gastric juice and digestive juice secretion, increase gastrointestinal peristalsis, thus play the effect of increasing appetite.

2. cooling and refreshing: ginger has the effect of excitement, sweating, cooling and refreshing when it is hot, which is of great benefit to patients with dizziness, palpitation, chest tightness and nausea.

3, dispel cold evil: ginger has the effect of dispelling cold evil, cold, headache, abdominal pain caused by cold, cold, etc., drinking some ginger soup can increase blood circulation, make the whole body feverish, and help to expel wind-cold in the body.

4. Antibacterial activity: ginger extract has a significant inhibitory effect on skin fungi and trichomoniasis. It can treat all kinds of swollen carbuncle and poison. Ginger water gargle can be used to treat halitosis and periodontitis.