
What are the effects of drinking water in plantain, a herbaceous plant? Can I take it for a long time? Well done or fresh?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Plantain is a common wild vegetable in grasslands, fields, ditches and beaches. It is widely used as a medicinal material because of its bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory effects, antitussive and expectorant effects. At present, many people like to use it to soak in water to strengthen the body. What are the effects of water soaking in plantain? But

Plantain is a common wild vegetable in grasslands, fields, ditches and beaches. It is widely used as a medicinal material because of its bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory effects, antitussive and expectorant effects. At present, many people like to use it to soak in water to strengthen the body. What are the effects of water soaking in plantain? Can I take it for a long time? Well done or fresh?

What is the effect of plantain soaking water?

Efficacy one, clearing heat and relieving summer heat: plantain is cold, which is a kind of cold herbal medicine, which can eliminate the dry and hot qi in the body, has the effect of clearing heat and relieving summer heat, and is suitable for eating in hot summer.

Efficacy 2, diuresis: aucubin in plantain is a diuretic ingredient, which can improve symptoms such as little urination and unfavorable urination.

Efficacy 3, reduce blood pressure: plantain is rich in potassium, which can promote the excretion of sodium ions in the body, reduce blood pressure and improve the discomfort of the body.

Efficacy 4, bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory: the glazed acid in plantain has a certain inhibitory effect on a variety of bacteria, and plantain is a cold herb, which can alleviate the inflammation caused by fire to a certain extent.

Efficacy 5, antitussive and expectorant: plantain tea can promote the removal of sputum, and has a certain antitussive effect, mainly for lung heat cough.

Can plantain be drunk for a long time?

It is not recommended to eat every day. Although plantain soaking water is good for the body, but plantain is cold, eating every day is easy to stimulate the intestines and stomach, making the stomach cold and weak, it is recommended to eat an average of 3 times a week.

Third, is plantain well done or fresh?

1. There is no big difference between the dried and fresh effects of plantain. Because the active ingredients in a single plantain are not greatly reduced as a result of drying, the efficacy of fresh and dried is very different, but the dried one is easy to preserve and has a longer preservation time.

2. The biggest difference between dried and fresh plantain is the difference in moisture. The main component of fresh plantain is moisture, and the main component that will be reduced after drying is moisture. After a large amount of water loss, a large number of water-soluble vitamins will be lost or oxidized, resulting in the loss of water-soluble vitamins B and vitamin C.

3. With the decrease of moisture, compared with dry and wet plantain of the same quality, the content of cellulose, mineral and protein of dry plantain will increase accordingly.

Is plantain poisonous?

1. Plantain is not toxic. Plantain is the tender leaf bud of plantain, also known as plantain. Commonly used on roadsides, ridges and ditches. Plantain contains 79 grams of water, 10 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat, 309 milligrams of calcium, 175 milligrams of phosphorus, 25 milligrams of iron, 5.8 milligrams of carotene and 23 milligrams of vitamin C. there are choline, potassium, citric acid, oxalic acid, peach leaf coral II and other ingredients.

2. Plantain has a sweet and cold taste, which has the effects of diuresis, heat-clearing, eyesight and expectorant. It mainly treats gonorrhea, hematuria, dysuria, anthrax, edema, hot dysentery, diarrhea, sore eyes, sore throat and so on. "grass theory" contains "treatment of urine and blood, can tonify the five internal organs, clear eyes, facilitate urination, and dredge the five gonorrhea". "Materia Medica Fengyuan" contains "if the virtual slippery essence is not solid, it is prohibited."