
Do you know the six main points of Coprinus comatus cultivation? What are the prevention and control measures of diseases and insect pests?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Chicken leg mushroom, the scientific name is Maotou ghost umbrella, because it is shaped like chicken legs, meat like shredded chicken, there is no chicken flavor, is artificially developed in recent years with commercial potential of rare bacteria, known as the rookie among bacteria. But there are many key points to pay attention to when growing Coprinus comatus.

Coprinus comatus, scientific name is Coprinus comatus, because it is shaped like chicken legs, meat like chicken shreds named, no chicken flavor, is artificially developed in recent years with commercial potential of rare bacteria, known as "new bacteria." But there are many key links to pay attention to when planting coprinus, so do you know the six key points of coprinus cultivation? What are the pest control measures? What's the difference between Pleurotus eryngii and Pleurotus eryngii?

What are the six main points of Coprinus cultivation?

Point 1: Coprinus comatus cover soil:

Because coprinus has the hypha does not contact the soil does not produce the mushroom the characteristic, therefore must cover the soil. The covering material is mixed with 50% pastoral soil, 40% river silt soil, 8% plant ash, and 1%~2% lime powder. Finally, it is sprayed with water. The water content is 60%~70%. It should be kneaded into a group and the ability to disperse is limited.

The thickness of soil covering is generally 3~5 cm, and the best soil particle size is not more than 2 cm in diameter. Stack them together and cover them tightly with thin film. Make the top concave. Put them in containers and add formaldehyde and potassium permanganate for gasification and sterilization for 48 hours. Then disperse them and deflate for 3 days for later use. Do not rain.

Point 2, coprinus mushroom growth temperature:

The temperature range of normal Coprinus comatus hyphae growth is 3~35℃, the optimum temperature is 22~28℃, hyphae cold resistance is not high temperature, hyphae autolysis occurs above 35℃. The temperature range of fruiting body growth is 9~26℃, death is easy below 9℃, umbrella autolysis is easy above 28℃. At 16~20℃, fruit bodies produced more, grew faster and produced higher, but quality began to decline above 20℃. Temperature 20~27℃, 10 days or so hyphae can grow to the soil surface, at this time can be removed membrane.

Point 3, the humidity of coprinus mushroom growth:

The moisture content of normal medium of Coprinus comatus is controlled at about 65%, the relative humidity of air in the growth and development period of fruit body is controlled at 85%~90%, and the spot disease is easy to occur when it is higher than 95%. The base of fruit body and mushroom stem are easy to be gray and black rotten, and the top of mushroom cap is mostly black and brown. 70% relative humidity is suitable for the growth stage of clinker bag cultivation and 70%~80% relative humidity is suitable for the growth stage of raw material bed cultivation. Can be taken to the air or wall spray moisture

Point 4, coprinus growth requirements for light:

Under suitable illumination, hyphae can be promoted. When the light intensity was less than 10 lux, hypha growth was slow and fruiting delayed about 7~11 days. Fruiting bodies grow very slowly without light stimulation, and harvest is delayed by 5~9 days on average, and biological efficiency is also average, about 100%.

When the light intensity is too strong, if it reaches more than 1500 lux, the growth of hyphae or fruiting body is slower than that below 10 lux. At this time, the fruiting body not only grows slowly, but also has poor quality, dry color and low commercial value. The optimal light intensity is generally between 70 and 800 lux. The coprinus mushroom grown under such illumination has the advantages of fast fruiting, high yield, good quality, and high commodity value, and is not easy to infect miscellaneous bacteria during the growth period.

Point 5, coprinus mushroom growth on the air requirements:

Coprinus comatus belongs to aerobic saprotic bacteria, so it needs a lot of oxygen in its growth process. Suitable oxygen content in air can obviously improve the growth ability of Coprinus comatus hyphae, which is due to suitable oxygen enhanced hyphae decomposition of medium quality, oxygen content is an important factor in increasing yield of Coprinus comatus. Mycelium growth and fruiting body growth need fresh air, so pay attention to indoor proper ventilation and ventilation at the stage of fungus development and fruiting.

Key points VI. Requirements for pH value of coprinus mushroom growth:

Mycelia can grow in the medium of pH2-10, and pH7-7.5 is suitable for covering materials. In order to prevent the occurrence of competitive miscellaneous bacteria in production, appropriate lime is added to the preparation and stacking of culture materials to increase pH value.

2. What are the control measures for Coprinus comatus diseases and insect pests?

1. Diseases:

① Walnut fleshy fungus: also known as false "fungus", is a malignant infectious disease that is easy to occur in the cultivation of Coprinus comatus. At the initial stage of disease, dense white cotton flocculent hyphae were produced in the overlying soil layer, and then fruit bodies similar to Auricularia auricula in different sizes were produced in the surface layer of soil. The culture material of the diseased part would emit strong bleaching powder smell, and the culture material would be black due to the autolysis of Coprinus comatus hyphae. Prevention and control methods: strict selection of bacteria, where found bad bacteria resolutely do not use; cover soil must take topsoil 20 cm below the soil, and strict disinfection; with concentrated lime water in the local irrigation, and the end of water supply, to be local soil white, carefully moved out, away from deep burial.

White gypsum mold: This disease is caused by the culture medium acid and a disease. Generally occurs within 10-15 days of the next species, and initially forms white spots of different sizes on the surface, such as lime powder. When mature, the patches turn pink and yellow powdery spores can be seen. Digging culture material has strong odor, coprinus mycelium death, erosion. Control method: add 5% lime powder during fermentation of culture medium, adjust pH value to 8. 5; spray locally with 500 times carbendazim or 5% carbendazim; strengthen ventilation to reduce air humidity on the surface of the bed;

(3) Coprinus competitive miscellaneous bacteria: The spores of this miscellaneous bacteria are mixed with raw materials and enter the mushroom bed. A large number of coprinus will appear on the bed surface after 5-10 days to compete with Coprinus comatus for nutrition. The sporophyte exudes ink-like spore fluid after decomposition, and the subculture is very fast. Control methods: fresh dry rice straw as culture material, and the use of secondary fermentation to kill coprinus spores; coprinus found should be removed in time before the umbrella opened, and buried deeply.

2. Pests:

1. Mite: There are many species of mites, mainly damaging hyphae and fruiting bodies. When the insect population density is high, Coprinus comatus cannot form fruiting bodies. Mites originated from straw, livestock droppings, like to live in a dark and humid environment, breeding very fast. Control methods: cultivation site before use to carefully clean up debris, and use dichlorvos spray kill once; culture fermentation temperature reached 55℃, the pile surface with 2000 times of proparte spray kill; mushroom field regularly spray 1000 times of dichlorvos or 2000 times of carthate.

Mushroom flies: Mushroom flies not only damage coprinus mushroom fruiting bodies, but also are the culprits of spreading miscellaneous bacteria. The damaged culture medium was chaff like. There is a foul smell, and maggots crawling, hyphae were eaten. Control method: 0. 1% of rosemary sprayed on the ground and around; 1500 times pyrethroid or 3000 times 2. 5% cypermethrin spray; keep the site ventilated and clean.

③ Jumping beetle: This insect is an indicator pest with too humid cultivation environment and poor sanitary conditions. Often clustered in the bottom of the cap of the fungus membrane and material, the victim fruit body red and outflow of mucus, loss of commodity value. Control methods: improve the sanitary conditions of the cultivation site, avoid too wet; use 0. 1% of rosemary or pyrethroid spray.

3. What is the difference between Coprinus comatus and Pleurotus eryngii?

1. Family and genus differences between Coprinus comatus and Pleurotus eryngii

Coprinus comatus: coprinus comatus for fungi, basidiomycetes, toadstool, mushroom family fungi.

Pleurotus eryngii: Pleurotus eryngii for fungi, fungi, basidiomycetes, basidiomycetes, Agaricales, Pleurotus family, Pleurotus fungi.

2. Morphological differences between Coprinus comatus and Pleurotus eryngii

Coprinus comatus: coprinus comatus fruiting body group, mushroom bud stage cap cylindrical, together with stipe like turkey leg, late cap was bell-shaped, 9-15 cm high, finally spread. The surface of the cap is smooth in the early stage, and the epidermis is split in the late stage, becoming flat scales. The flesh is white and thin. The stipe is white, the ring is milky white, the pleats are dense and the stipe is detached. Spores black, smooth, ellipsoid, with cysts. Cysts colorless, rod-shaped, rounded tip, slightly curved, sparse.

Pleurotus eryngii: Pleurotus eryngii fruiting body solitary or group, cap width 2-12 cm, initially arched round, gradually spread out, mature when the central shallow concave to funnel-shaped, filiform luster surface, smooth, dry, fine fiber, young cap edge roll, mature wavy or deep crack. Mushroom flesh white, with almond flavor, no milk secretion. Fungus pleat extension, dense, slightly wide, milky white, edge and both sides flat, with small fungus pleat. Stipe 2-8 cm to 0.5-3 cm, eccentric or lateral.

3. The difference between the origin of Coprinus comatus and Pleurotus eryngii

Coprinus comatus: coprinus comatus spring, summer and autumn rain born in the fields, forest gardens, roadside, and even cottage roof. All countries in the world have, China is mainly produced in North China, Northeast, Northwest and Southwest.

Pleurotus eryngii: Pleurotus eryngii natural distribution in Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Czech Slovakia, Hungary, the former Soviet Union, Morocco, India, Pakistan, China's Xinjiang and western Sichuan.

4. The difference between the efficacy of coprinus comatus and Pleurotus eryngii

Coprinus comatus: Coprinus comatus sweet, flat, beneficial spleen and stomach, Qingxin sedative, hemorrhoids and other effects, regular consumption helps digestion, appetite and the role of hemorrhoids treatment.

Pleurotus eryngii: Pleurotus eryngii is rich in nutrients, rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc. It can improve human immune function and has anti-cancer, anti-lipid, gastrointestinal and beauty effects on human body.