
What are the types of edible fungus pests? How to prevent and cure? Do you understand the eight main points?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, With the increasing public demand for edible fungi, the demand for the output of edible fungi is getting higher and higher, and the prevention and control methods of insect pests in the production process have been paid more and more attention by growers. So what are the types of edible fungus pests? How to prevent and cure? you know the 8 main points.

With the increasing public demand for edible fungi, the demand for the output of edible fungi is getting higher and higher, and the prevention and control methods of insect pests in the production process have been paid more and more attention by growers. So what are the types of edible fungus pests? How to prevent and cure? do you understand the 8 main points?

What are the types of edible fungus pests? How to prevent and cure?

1. Mushroom fly

The larvae, also known as maggots, mainly feed on the fruiting body to cause tunnels and affect the quality, and the wound is also easy to be infected by bacteria and rot.

Different methods should be used to control mushroom flies in different periods. There are a large number of maggots in front of this mushroom, which can be fumigated with dichlorvos at the amount of 0.90 kg / 100 square meters, while 0.15 kg of 1% potassium chloride or sodium chloride solution is sprayed on each culture block (which can be replaced by 5% salt water). After mushroom, maggots can be sprayed with low-toxic pesticides such as fish rattan essence, pyrethroid, nicotine and so on. Nicotine can be self-made: take 0.50 kg of tobacco stem, add 5 kg of water to boil and spray the solution. In addition, ventilation should be strengthened and the temperature and humidity in the shed should be adjusted to worsen the living environment of pests and achieve the purpose of preventing and controlling the pests.

2. Mushroom mosquito

Mushroom mosquitoes are the most harmful in the larval stage. In addition to eating on the surface of the culture material, some of them form a net to cover the mushroom buds, so that the mushroom body can not grow normally.

Prevention and control method: after harvest, the trichlorfon is sprayed 800 times by 500mur. at the same time, nylon gauze should be added at the door and window of the mushroom shed to prevent adults from flying in to lay eggs and reproduce.

3. Bacterial lice

It is a kind of mites with small individuals and fast crawling. it mainly feeds on fruiting bodies and hyphae.

When preventing and controlling, we should first stop the insect source from invading the mushroom shed, because it mainly comes from all kinds of feed in the warehouse and feed room, so when using the warehouse and chicken house as the culture room, we should thoroughly disinfect it, brush the wall with lime, and fumigate with dichlorvos once before use. During the culture period, it was found that the lice could be fumigated with 50% dichlorvos with cotton balls or sprayed with 1% nicotine sulfate solution, or fishy things such as pig bones could be sprayed with pesticides such as parathion and placed near the culture block to lure the lice up. Then take it out and burn it or burn it to death with boiling water.

4. Nematodes

Nematodes are small colorless worms that are only about 1 mm in size. The larvae invaded the mycelium and fruiting body, and the cap blackened at first, and then the whole fruiting body blackened and rotted and smelled moldy.

Prevention and treatment: steam should be fully contacted with the culture material when steaming to kill all nematodes. After mushroom emergence, 50 mg / kg zinc sulfide can be sprayed with culture blocks to prevent and control the damage.

5. Jumpers

Also known as ash bug. It has a flexible tail, bounces freely, has a waxy body and is not afraid of water. Often distributed on the surface of the mushroom bed or in wet shadows to bite the fruiting body

Before mushroom emergence, dichlorvos can be trapped with 1000 times of dichlorvos and a small amount of honey. Or apply organophosphorus preparation to sweet potato slices for trapping and killing. In general, pesticides can not be used directly after mushroom emergence, at this time, 0.25ml fresh orange peel can be cut into pieces, wrapped with gauze to extract juice, and then sprayed with 0.50kg lukewarm water at 1:20 for 3 times. the effective rate of preventing jumping insects is more than 90%.

6. Slugs

Commonly known as Snotlout, it is a mollusk with a naked body and no shell. They are afraid of light and heat, hide under bricks, stones and soil cracks during the day, come out one after another after dusk to feed, and hide again before dawn.

Prevention and cure method: it can be sprayed on the ground to dispel adults with 15 Mel 20-fold sodium chloride solution. 9: 00 p. M.-10: 00 p. M. is their concentrated activity period, when manual capture can be carried out.

7. Thrips

The adult is black, small, slightly flattened, with protruding compound eyes and orange-red nymphs. It mainly absorbs bacterial juice, which can lead to bacterial atrophy in severe cases.

Prevention and control method: spray with 40% dimethoate emulsion 1500 murine 2000 times, or 90% trichlorfon and 50% malathion 1000 murine 1500 times, and the control effect can reach 80% Mui 90%.

8. Mole cricket

The best effect is to use poison bait. Its formula is 50 grams of trichlorfon, 1500 grams of rice bran or wheat bran, 50g sugar, 250mg white vinegar and sprinkled on the ground. Mole cricket and mosquitoes die immediately after eating.

9. Other pests

Pseudo-walker, borer, potassium sibanli, etc., can be sprayed with 500 murmuri 800 times of rotenin or 1500 times of 80% dichlorvos 1000 Murray 1500 times can achieve better control effect. Termites are a major pest in the south, which mainly harms Fuling and other fungi. Digging nests to kill ants is an effective way to avoid or reduce the damage caused by termites. In addition, the method of stink tree branches can also be used to dig a small ditch around the mushroom shed, put the fresh Toona sinensis branches evenly in the ditch and cover them with soil, which has a strong repellent effect on termites.

Second, what are the main points of 8 kinds of prevention and control of edible fungus pests?

1. Try to use fermentation or clinker cultivation to control the insect population in the culture base, and fermentation materials should be used in the cultivation bed of Pleurotus ostreatus. 0.5% salt, 3% lime, 5% lime and 8% plant ash are added when mixing, which has better deworming and preventive effect.

two。 Before entering the shed, the bacterial bag or culture material should be disinfected in the empty shed.

3. When border planting material surface occurs, spraying 1%-2% washing powder solution has a strong contact killing effect on mushroom flies, adult mites, old and young mites.

4. Making use of the law that some pests like to move in a light-transparent and cool environment, the liquid such as Meisaoling is sprayed on the transparent plastic film and covered on the border bed once or twice a day for 3 or 4 times, which can kill the adults of flying insects.

5. Install several 15-watt light bulbs or black lights in the pest mushroom house, put a basin of water below, and drop kerosene into the water, which is very effective in trapping and killing adults such as mushroom mosquitoes, mosquitoes and fruit flies.

6. Sweet and sour liquid entrapment: sugar, vinegar, liquor, dichlorvos and water are mixed into a medicine solution according to the proportion of 2 ∶ 3 ∶ 4 ∶ 1 ∶ 90, soaked with gauze or cotton balls, wrung out, and placed on the material surface.

7. Mix the food that pests like to eat with poison, such as vinegar, sugar, insecticide, fried wheat bran in the proportion of 1 ∶ 5 ∶ 10 ∶ 84, sprinkle around the mushroom bed and the material surface to let it feed; for mushroom flies, mushroom mosquitoes, nematodes and other pests can also use plant ash + pyrethrum (1 g / m2) evenly sprinkle on the material surface for 2 days, the effect is very good, both insect control and disease prevention.

8. In the low temperature season, the method of "luring and then killing" can be adopted for mites and other pests in the border bed: on a sunny morning, spray sugar and vinegar on the bed, cover the film, open the grass curtain, and heat up. At this time, a large number of pests will climb to the bed or film from the depths; in the afternoon, remove the film in time, take it out of the mushroom shed, wash the attached insects with water, and spray the bed with high-dose and low-toxic insecticides. In this way, the harm can be eliminated for 3 or 5 times in a row.