
Explain in detail the efficacy and function of Chinese herbal medicine "turning white grass" and its taboos! Can it really treat diabetes?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Fengbai grass is a blindly Chinese herbal medicine, also known as Potentilla chinensis, which is called chicken leg in Sichuan, day lotus root in Shaanxi, chicken leg root, leaf white, chicken foot ginseng and so on in some places. So the efficacy and effect of turning over white grass and

Fengbai grass is a blindly Chinese herbal medicine, also known as Potentilla chinensis, which is called chicken leg in Sichuan, day lotus root in Shaanxi, chicken leg root, leaf white, chicken foot ginseng and so on in some places. So do you know the efficacy, function and taboo of turning white grass? Can it really treat diabetes?

I. Distribution of main producing areas of Euphorbia angustifolia

The leading actors are distributed in Banna, Hubei, Henan, Jiangsu, Anhui, Sichuan, Guizhou and other places in China. In fact, there are wild ones in all parts of our country, but there is still a difference in quality.

Second, how much is the market price of turning white grass per jin?

The market price of authentic white grass generally hovers around 9-10 yuan per jin, different regions, the price will be different, the details are as follows:

1. The market price of white grass in Zaoyang, Hubei Province is 4.59 yuan per jin.

2. The market price of white grass in lotus pond is 17 yuan per jin.

3. The market price of Yulin white grass is 8.49 yuan per jin.

4. The market price of Herba Euphorbiae in Bozhou medicinal material market is 7.01 yuan per jin.

5. The market price of white grass in Anguo medicinal material market is 7.94 yuan per jin.

III. A complete Collection of the efficacy and effects of Herba Euphorbiae

1. The efficacy and function of Herba Euphorbiae to cool blood and stop bleeding.

Blood heat can cause dryness and anger in the human body. At this time, we need to cool the blood or stop the bleeding. According to the old traditional Chinese medicine, the herb has the effect of cooling blood and stopping bleeding, which is usually taken with fried water.

2. The efficacy and function of Herba Euphorbiae in clearing away heat and promoting dampness.

What are the traditional Chinese medicines for clearing away heat and promoting dampness? Turning white grass can be said to be one of the better traditional Chinese medicine, the way to eat is to go to the drugstore to grab a few home, frying water to take.

3. The effect and effect of Herba Euphorbiae on detoxification and detumescence

The white grass is often used to treat carbuncle, sores and poisons. the method is to wash the white grass with fried water, or to apply it to the affected area by grinding the dried root of the white grass into juice, or by mashing it with fresh white grass.

4. the efficacy and effect of Herba Euphorbiae in the treatment of dysentery and diarrhea

Turning white grass root + alcohol decoction can treat dysentery and diarrhea.

5. the efficacy and effect of Herba Euphorbiae in the treatment of pulmonary carbuncle

Fresh turn white grass root + mouse thorn root + du Gua root fry to half a bowl of water, drink before meals can treat lung carbuncle.

6. the efficacy and effect of Herba Euphorbiae in the treatment of cough

Turn white grass root + pig lung boil this to eat, can cure cough.

7. the efficacy and effect of Herba Euphorbiae in the treatment of phlegm and asthma

The whole herb plus rock sugar decoction can treat phlegm and asthma.

8. the efficacy and effect of Herba Euphorbiae in the treatment of hematemesis

Turning over the white grass and decocting water to take it on an empty stomach can treat hematemesis.

9. Other effects and effects of Herba Euphorbiae in the treatment of blood in avalanche, blood under stool, traumatic bleeding, hemophilia, weakness of spleen and stomach, parotitis, the beginning of furuncle, ulceration, scabies, acute and chronic enteritis, stomach, duodenal ulcer bleeding, rheumatic paralysis, rheumatism, red and white dysentery, please consult a doctor, or take it under the guidance of a doctor.

Fourth, what are the taboos of turning white grass?

1. Do not eat with iron food when taking fried water.

2. Those with deficiency and cold of spleen and stomach should not be eaten.

3. Patients with low blood pressure should not eat.

4. Those with bradycardia should not be eaten.

5. When eating puccinellia oleifera, do not eat spicy food, which will affect the efficacy.

6. All the above belong to folk folk prescriptions, so they can not be used for a long time, please consult your doctor before use.

Fifth, can turning over white grass really treat diabetes?

1. Dr Liang Yao stated as follows:

Puccinellia oleifera can treat diabetes, as long as it is not dependent on taking about 20 days to achieve curative effect, long-term persistence, blood sugar, urine sugar can be reduced, thirst, frequent urination and other symptoms will be reduced or disappeared. Its main mechanism is scavenging free radicals, anti-lipid peroxidation and non-enzymatic glycosylation damage, affecting β-cell function, promoting sugar utilization by surrounding cells, tissues and target organs, anti-inflammation, enhancing immune function, and inhibiting Aldose reductase. Improve microcirculation and so on.

Usage: take 6-10 yuan (fresh 5-7 tablets) with fried water, use medicine instead of tea, drink more than half a bottle a day. Note: it belongs to folk prescription and is not effective for all people. Please follow the doctor's advice.

2. Can Euphorbia angustifolia replace drugs to treat diabetes?

From the above efficacy, although the treatment of diabetes can play a certain auxiliary role, but it is not a substitute for drugs to treat diabetes, after all, diabetes also needs to consider the complications. Patients are advised to take medicine or insulin injection to control diet treatment.

Conclusion: the above is for everyone to sort out the efficacy and function of the grass and taboos, I hope to be helpful to you in your daily life.