
Lucky fruit lantern fruit (girl fruit) how much is the market price per jin? How do you eat it? Can I eat it directly?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Lantern fruit, also known as girl fruit, is a common wild plant in Yunnan and Guangdong. It is deeply loved by people because of its high nutritional value, hematopoiesis, anti-aging, immunity enhancement and other functions. At present, it is also sold on the market, and the price is not expensive. That lantern fruit market

Lantern fruit, also known as girl fruit, is a common wild plant in Yunnan and Guangdong. it is deeply loved by people because of its high nutritional value, hematopoiesis, anti-aging, immunity enhancement and other effects. at present, it is also sold on the market, and the price is not expensive. how much is the market price of lantern fruit? How do you eat it? Can I eat it directly?

How much is the market price of lantern fruit per jin?

The wholesale price of lantern fruit in the place of production is about 8-10 yuan per jin, but the retail price in supermarkets and stores is about 15-20 yuan per jin. Of course, due to different purchase channels, whether it should be seasonal or not, as well as product quality and other factors will cause price differences. And regional consumption differences, there will be some fluctuations in prices, it is recommended that we go to the local market for detailed consultation, with local prices prevail.

Second, how to eat the lantern fruit?

1. Fresh food: Lantern fruit can be eaten directly as fresh fruit. The nutrients in the pulp can be retained to the maximum extent, which is both nutritious and healthy, but you must pay attention to cleaning them.

2. Wine making: if you want the lantern fruit to last longer, you can choose to make it into a fruit wine. The fruit wine made in this way is not only sweet in taste and long aftertaste, but also has great health care effect. It can be eaten properly in peacetime and has a good health effect.

3. Making tea: making tea is also one of the ways to eat lantern fruit. When the tea is dried in the sun, it can not only supplement the trace elements needed every day, but also play a good role in anti-inflammation and diuresis, clear eyes and clearing the brain, stabilizing blood pressure and so on.

Can the lantern fruit be eaten directly?

Lantern fruit can be eaten directly, direct consumption is the most delicious, the freshest way to eat, pulp nutrients can be retained to the maximum extent, both nutritious and healthy, but must pay attention to clean, otherwise there will be pesticide residues.

Fourth, how to clean the lantern fruit?

1. Wash with alkaline water

Under alkaline conditions, the residual pesticides can be destroyed, but the original effect is not so good. Reduce its toxicity. Generally, add 5 grams of edible alkali to 500 ml of clear water to prepare alkali water, put the fruits and vegetables after initial washing into alkali water, mix enough alkali water according to the amount of vegetables, rinse with clean water after soaking for 5 minutes, and it is best to wash repeatedly for about 3 times.

2. Soak in hot water

Soaking in hot water for a short time also has a good effect on removing pesticides from the fruit surface. It is reported that 80 degrees Celsius is 5 to 10 times higher than 50 degrees Celsius water to remove pesticide residues on the surface.

3. Washing by soaking in clean water

Usually, rinse the dirt on the surface with clean water, remove the visible contaminated parts, then cover the fruits and vegetables with clean water for about 5 cm, and soak in running water for not less than 30 minutes. When necessary, you can add cleaning agents such as fruit and vegetable lotions to increase the dissolution of pesticides and pay attention to the use of qualified lotions. After washing and soaking for 2 or 3 times, most of the pesticide residues were basically removed.