
What are the effects and effects of sandalwood? Can I get rid of worms? Does it affect pregnant women?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many people like to smoke a little sandalwood at home. Its fragrance can soothe and release the repressed mood and calm the heart. In addition, sandalwood is also a traditional Chinese medicine. What are the effects and effects of sandalwood? Can I get rid of worms? Does it affect pregnant women? I.

Many people like to smoke a little sandalwood at home. Its fragrance can soothe and release the repressed mood and calm the heart. In addition, sandalwood is also a traditional Chinese medicine. What are the effects and effects of sandalwood? Can I get rid of worms? Does it affect pregnant women?

A brief introduction to sandalwood

Sandalwood is a plant of the sandalwood family, originated in India, and later came to China with Buddhism. Small evergreen trees with a height of 8 to 15 meters are opposite in long ovate leaves. Flowers are yellow at first and then turn blood red. Mainly produced in India, Indonesia, Australia, Cuba, the Philippines, Hainan, Guangdong, Yunnan and Taiwan and other places.

Sandalwood of pure quality is a traditional Chinese medicine, which is the dry heartwood of tree trunks, divided into sandalwood tablets and sandalwood powder, which are burned in a special sandalwood stove. Its unique soothing effect can clear the mind, concentrate and eliminate miscellaneous thoughts. It is an auxiliary tool for self-cultivation.

Second, the efficacy and function of sandalwood

1. Sandalwood has the effects of moderate temperature, appetizing and relieving pain: sandalwood is pungent and warm, regulates spleen and stomach qi, can benefit diaphragm and wide chest, and can be used to treat chest and abdominal pain caused by cold stagnation, including spastic pain caused by cold in the stomach, cold hernia pain in the lower abdomen, and heartache. Return to the spleen, stomach, heart and lung meridians, so it can be used to treat epigastric cold pain, less vomiting, choking diaphragm, qi inversion and other spleen and stomach discomfort.

Dosage: 1.5-3G sandalwood, flushed after research, and 3-4.5 g sandalwood into the decoction.

2. Sandalwood has the function of cosmetology and spot elimination: sandalwood contains volatile oil. the extracted essential oil can promote skin metabolism, accelerate the renewal and growth of skin cells, and accelerate the repair and healing of wounds and scars. help repair damaged skin cells, can eliminate facial color spots, but also has a good antibacterial effect, can improve skin inflammation, itching and other discomfort.

3. Sandalwood has a cool and nourishing effect: the essential oil extracted from sandalwood has a wide range of uses in medicine, with cool, convergent, nourishing effects, and can be used to assist in the treatment of abdominal pain, fever, vomiting and other symptoms.

4. Sandalwood has the effect of calming and calming the mind: the aroma of sandalwood has a calming effect, can ease people's tension and anxiety, and can clear the heart, concentrate and eliminate distractions. It is an auxiliary tool for self-cultivation.

5. Sandalwood has analgesic and calming effect on patients: modern studies have proved that if sandalwood is burned as a spice for coronary heart disease, angina pectoris has the effect of relieving pain and calming the mind.

Note: sandalwood flavor is pungent and strong, and it is forbidden for those with yin deficiency and fire, so as to avoid excessive consumption of Yin fluid and aggravate the symptoms of yin deficiency. (remember to follow the doctor's advice to treat diseases with sandalwood, this article is for sharing reference only.)

Third, can sandalwood deworming?

Sandalwood is deworming. Sandalwood itself can not deworm, but when used as aromatherapy, because the aroma is relatively strong, it can also help sleep, relax, fresh air, sterilization and disinfection.

Does sandalwood have any effect on pregnant women?

Occasionally smell sandalwood is no problem, but not long-term contact, during pregnancy, it is best not to use scented sandalwood, sandalwood essential oil should also be used under the guidance of a doctor, but there is no problem with wearing natural sandalwood.

Fifth, the difference between incense and sandalwood! Which one smells good?

Shen Xiang



Chenxiang is a mixture of wood containing resin that has been condensed for many years.

Sandalwood is the core of sandalwood trees.


The aroma of Chenxiang belongs to dark fragrance, introverted and elegant, not greasy for a long time.

The aroma of sandalwood belongs to bright fragrance, full-bodied and unrestrained.


Be calm and calm.

Appetizing and relieving pain in the temperature

Rare degree

Chenxiang resources are very scarce.

Sandalwood is more common, there are yellow sandalwood, lobular red sandalwood, red sandalwood, black sandalwood, green sandalwood


The price of Chen Xiang is high.

The price of sandalwood is slightly lower than that of incense.

Offering to gods and Buddhas

Chenxiang is the offering incense of five major religions, including Buddhism and Taoism.

Sandalwood is banned in Taoism because it is exotic.

In terms of the quality of incense, incense is better, but everyone has different hobbies. This depends on your choice of sandalwood if you want to have a strong flavor, and sandalwood if you want a light and elegant flavor.

Conclusion: the efficacy and function of sandalwood is introduced here, whether it is eaten as traditional Chinese medicine or aromatherapy, the value of sandalwood is still very high, you might as well smoke a little sandalwood at home to relax.