
Can sweet potatoes be eaten with eggs? What are the foods you can't eat together?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Now, in addition to the season of autumn crabs, it is also the season of listing of autumn sweet potatoes. I believe many friends who grew up in rural areas have had the experience of digging sweet potatoes and baking them. The aroma of roasted sweet potatoes makes people's index fingers move greatly. But we should also pay attention to the consumption of sweet potatoes.

Now in addition to the autumn crab market season is also the autumn sweet potato market season, I believe that many friends who grew up in the countryside have had the experience of digging sweet potato roast to eat, roast sweet potato aroma all let people eat big ah. But sweet potato eating also have to pay attention to, that sweet potato can eat with eggs? What foods cannot be eaten together?

Can sweet potatoes be eaten with eggs?

1. Sweet potatoes and eggs are best not eaten together. Occasionally and in small amounts is not a problem, but it is recommended not to eat both together.

2. Sweet potatoes and eggs are rich in protein and not too easy to digest food, if a large number of both together to eat, light will cause indigestion, flatulence; serious words will also cause abdominal pain uncomfortable, so for health reasons or do not put the two together to eat.

What foods can sweet potatoes eat together?

Sweet potato contains a variety of nutrients in green food, but when eating it or pay attention not to eat it with the following foods Oh.

1. Sweet potato and persimmon can not eat together: sweet potato is a kind of sugar more food, its sugar fermentation in the human stomach will make gastric acid secretion increased. Therefore, when eating persimmon after eating sweet potato, it will cause the sawdust components of both to react and produce hard lumps after precipitation and coagulation, which may seriously cause gastrointestinal bleeding and gastric ulcer.

2. Sweet potato can not be eaten together with chicken, chicken wings, crabs, etc.: sweet potato and crabs (sea crabs and river crabs are the same) can not be eaten together, otherwise it is easy to produce stones in the human body endangering health.

3. Sweet potatoes can not be eaten together with tomatoes: general sweet potatoes and tomatoes are best eaten more than five hours apart, if eaten together it is easy to cause diarrhea and stones.

4. Sweet potato can not eat with oats, corn: sweet potato and oats, corn and other foods eat together, it is easy to cause bloating gas, flatulence, resulting in physical discomfort.

5. Sweet potatoes and bananas can not be eaten together, otherwise it is easy to cause physical discomfort.

3. What are the specific effects and functions of sweet potatoes?

Sweet potato is also called sweet potato, sweet potato, white taro, Kudzu, etc., is a kind of longevity food known as the underground roots of vines. It is rich in a variety of nutrients (see table below), so the effect is also a lot.

1. Sweet potato has anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects: sweet potato flavonoids can promote smooth defecation, but also can effectively inhibit breast cancer, colon cancer and other cancers.

2. Sweet potato has nourishing liver and kidney, the role of hepatitis treatment: we all know that sweet potato has a good digestive function, for the treatment of hepatitis has a certain effect, and it can also effectively treat jaundice.

3. Sweet potato to promote digestion and prevent constipation: sweet potato rich in dietary fiber is to promote gastrointestinal motility, digestion of the best food, but it can also be used to treat hemorrhoids and anal fissure.

4. Sweet potato has a certain effect on the treatment of emphysema and diabetes.

5. Sweet potato has a special protective effect on human organs at the end of the year, which can protect the elasticity of blood vessels.

6. Sweet potato can cure sore: sweet potato mashed application in sore affected area can effectively treat sore.

7. Sweet potato can lose weight, longevity: sweet potato calories are very low, so weight loss people can choose to eat, and it has a certain protective effect on the skin.

The last thing to remind everyone is that sweet potatoes are best eaten at lunch time, and when eating, you must eat cooked sweet potatoes. In addition, germinated sweet potatoes cannot be eaten raw, and those with black spots cannot be eaten to avoid poisoning.