
How are spring potatoes managed? What are the key points of planting technology?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Spring is an important stage for potatoes (potatoes) to enter the emergence stage. How to manage potatoes during this critical period? What are the key points of planting technology? Subdivided down, you can refer to the following 9 potato planting management points. 1. Land selection and cultivation

Spring is an important stage for potatoes (potatoes) to enter the important stage of breaking the ground and emerging seedlings. In this critical period, how to manage potatoes? What are the key points of planting techniques? Subdivided down, you can refer to the following 9 key points of potato planting management.

1. Parcel selection

Select plots with deep tillage layer, loose soil, good light, convenient drainage and irrigation, medium or upper-middle fertility. Each village plot should be concentrated as much as possible.

2. Fine land preparation

The land for planting potato should carry out deep ploughing and fine harrowing and fine cultivation of the soil so as to loosen the soil and improve the water storage and fertilizer conservation capacity of the soil.

3. Seed selection, seed cutting and seed potato treatment

Seed potato should be disease-free, injury-free and crack-free, especially the whole potato with about 6 yuan ~ 1 tael is the best seed. Large tubers are usually cut indoors when they are cut into pieces. The knife board and other utensils used should be strictly sterilized, and the knife should be fast, thin and absolutely clean. Generally prepare two knives, one soaked in 75% alcohol, 0.1% potassium permanganate solution or salt water. When the knife used to cut the sick potato is cut to the diseased potato, the knife should be changed immediately and the diseased potato should be eliminated in time. When cutting potatoes, cut vertically and ensure that each piece of potato has more than 2 bud holes.

4. reasonable close planting to improve planting quality and specifications.

The sowing time is from mid to late January to early February, and double ridges and high ridges are adopted for sowing. According to the variety characteristics and soil fertility, the sowing area is generally 3 feet, that is, the large row spacing is 1.8 feet and the small row spacing is 1.2 feet. Nest spacing 6 inches, sowing 6600 nests per mu; or 2.8ft sowing width, large row spacing 1.8ft, small row spacing 1ft, sowing 7100 nests per mu. Sowing requires depth, straightness and evenness. That is, deep plough, deep seed, deep cover soil, sowing depth is about 7.5 inches. Sow seeds on sunny or cloudy days, not on rainy days or immediately after heavy rain. The interplanting land is 6 feet (below 1200 meters) or 5.5feet (above 1200 meters). Two rows of spring potatoes are planted from late January to early and mid-February, and the distance between the two rows is 1 foot. After sowing, cover the two rows of soil into a ridge. Two rows of corn were planted from late March to early April.

5. Rational fertilization

The base fertilizer is mainly based on fully mature farm manure and potato special fertilizer, with 15002500 kg of farm fertilizer, 60kg of potato special fertilizer, or 40kg of 45% potassium sulfate compound fertilizer per mu. After the seedlings came out, combined with ploughing and heavy application of quick-acting seedling fertilizer, about 10 kg per mu of urea was applied; when the seedlings were about 20 cm high before budding, the potato fertilizer was applied again combined with soil cultivation, and 700 kg of manure water was used per mu. During the tuber-setting stage (before and after flowering), the stem and leaves were sprayed with 3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 3% urea solution for 1 and 2 times, and 0.1% copper sulfate and boric acid mixture was added to increase production.

6. Ploughing management

After potato emergence, it should be ploughed and weeded in time. After a month or so of seedling emergence, the first time ploughing, weeding and soil cultivation are carried out for the first time, and a part of the soil culture in the empty row is carried out on the potato line; after an interval of about a month, the soil in the empty row is cultivated to the potato planting line as far as possible, so that the ridge height reaches 6-9 inches, so that the ridge surface forms ridges and empty rows form ditches, which is beneficial to irrigation in spring drought and drainage when rainfall is concentrated in summer. Generally, the barricade ridge is ploughed for 2 to 3 times to really reach the deep cover of deep planting, so as to ensure the nutrients and water needed for potato growth, so that all potato tubers are deeply buried in the soil, so as to increase potato yield and yield.

7. Daily management

In the daily management of potato, timely watering, reasonable fertilization, attention should be paid to the use of potash fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer, and the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be scientific and reasonable in order to avoid the growth of seedlings; at the same time, attention should be paid to field management, and the principle of "squatting first and then promoting" should be followed. Try not to water before budding, in order to prevent the shoot from growing too much, and after budding, watering and fertilizing to promote the growth of the underground part. At the same time, we should cooperate with spraying 800-fold solution of new high-fat film to preserve soil moisture, prevent soil from forming a good protective film, and prevent the invasion of airborne bacteria.

Timely spraying Di Guo Zhuang Diling before flowering, tuber formation and expansion can coordinate the balance between vegetative growth and reproductive growth, balance between aboveground and underground parts, and effectively control the wild growth of branches and leaves in the upper layer of the surface. dredge the thickening of nutrient transport ducts of underground fruits, improve the swelling vitality of ground fruits, high quality and high yield.

8. Pick flowers and remove buds

For the varieties with strong berries, the buds should be removed in time after budding, so as to avoid the nutrient consumption caused by flowering and fruit and ensure the nutrient supply of potato pieces.

9. Disease control

The biggest disease of potato is late blight, which can be controlled by medicine. Mancozeb, metalaxyl and metalaxyl were sprayed in the field. The first application of the drug was about a month after emergence, the first time of ploughing, weeding and soil cultivation, the second in the budding stage of potato, and the third in the high temperature and humidity weather. Pesticides should be used alternately to avoid drug resistance.