
What can't bananas eat with "diet fruit"? Can I eat it with milk? Can the skin be eaten?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Banana is a good fruit that ladies love to lose weight, with high nutritional value, not only contains a variety of trace elements and vitamins, but also easy to digest and absorb, suitable for all ages, but banana collocation is not without taboos, random collocation will lead to eating problems, then

Banana is a good fruit that ladies love to lose weight, with high nutritional value, not only contains a variety of trace elements and vitamins, but also easy to digest and absorb, suitable for all ages, but banana collocation is not without taboos, random collocation will eat something wrong, then, bananas can not eat with what? Can I eat it with milk? Can the skin be eaten?

What can't bananas be eaten with?

1. Bananas cannot be eaten together with yogurt. Bananas can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and digestion, while the lactic acid bacteria contained in yogurt are difficult to survive in a stomach with too strong acidity, thus reducing the nutritional value of yoghurt. People with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold and diarrhea who eat bananas and yogurt are prone to abdominal pain and diarrhea, but people who are prone to constipation can promote excretion.

2, bananas and potatoes can not be eaten together, the two elements will have chemical interaction, produce certain toxins, resulting in facial spots, old people will eat old spots, young people will eat color spots, butterfly spots, and so on, can be eaten at intervals of 15 minutes.

3. Bananas cannot be eaten together with cantaloupe. Bananas are rich in potassium, and cantaloupe has relatively high sugar content and potassium ion content, which will lead to aggravation of kidney failure and joint diseases. Therefore, people with kidney failure should not eat bananas and cantaloupe at the same time. Avoid making things worse.

4, bananas and watermelons can not be eaten together, both belong to cold fruit, eating together may cause diarrhea, eating too much will also lead to qi deficiency and spleen and stomach discomfort, therefore, patients with qi deficiency and weakness should eat carefully.

5, bananas can not be eaten with sweet potatoes, otherwise easy to bloat, accompanied by stomach acid reflux phenomenon, eating too much will produce stomach blockage.

6. Bananas can not be eaten with taro, otherwise it will cause stomach discomfort and bloating pain. Stop as soon as you find it. If you find mild diarrhea, you can drink light salt water and light sugar water. If diarrhea is serious, consult a doctor in time.

7, bananas can not be eaten with beef, bananas contain oxalic acid, calcium oxalate will form indigestible substances such as calcium oxalate in beef, causing stomach colic.

8, bananas and antihypertensive drugs, antibiotics, diuretics, aspirin and other drugs can not be eaten together, light to reduce the efficacy, interfere with drug absorption, serious, aggravate the disease, can be eaten after an interval of 2 hours.

Who is not suitable for eating bananas?

Bananas are high in sugar and are not suitable for diabetics; bananas are cold and cold in the spleen and stomach; bananas can increase gastric acid secretion, which can not be eaten by patients with digestive tract ulcers; bananas are rich in potassium. Patients with nephritis, edema and heart failure are not suitable to eat, otherwise it will increase the burden on the heart and kidney and worsen the condition; bananas have the effect of moistening the intestines, diarrhea patients and patients with excessive stomach acid are not suitable to eat. Bananas will cause local blood circulation to slow down, metabolites stagnant, increased vitamin B consumption in the body, arthritis patients are not suitable to eat, otherwise it will aggravate joint pain, muscle pain.

Can bananas and milk be eaten together?

Bananas and milk can be eaten together.

The sugars contained in bananas can provide energy for the body, a variety of vitamins and minerals can supplement the nutrients needed by the human body, milk can supplement the calcium needed by the human body and provide high-quality protein, and the two nutrients are complementary. And bananas can also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, conducive to the excretion of human toxins, play the effect of beauty.

Note: bananas and milk should not be eaten on an empty stomach. It is recommended to eat bananas and milk after meals or without hunger.

Can the banana peel be eaten?

Banana peel can be eaten.

Most people throw away the peel when they eat bananas. in fact, banana peel can also be eaten, which can be boiled, juiced and roasted. Banana peel boiled water can resist depression, relieve alcohol, prevent stroke, treat hypertension, treat hemorrhoid pain, treat stool bleeding, add rock sugar to boil water to treat wind and fire toothache, its dry product and hot charcoal mother boiled water can treat oral ulcers. The banana peel is roasted over the fire and eaten while it is hot, which can improve hemorrhoids and hematochezia.

Banana peel can also destroy ripe fruit, polish shoes, leather clothes, leather sofa, stick to the face can moisturize the skin, wipe the itchy part of the skin has a very good effect, wipe the dry skin can treat frostbite, reduce chapped phenomenon.

Banana peel has so many functions, don't throw it away in the future, you will slip if you are stepped on.