
What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the "evil king" golden diamond? What if the leaves turn yellow? Is it blooming?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In order to purify the air, many people raise a golden diamond at home or office, which is not only strong in vitality, but also thick green all the year round. It is one of the excellent indoor potted foliage plants. What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the golden diamond? Why do the leaves turn yellow?

In order to purify the air, many people raise a golden diamond at home or office, which is not only strong in vitality, but also thick green all the year round. It is one of the excellent indoor potted foliage plants. What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the golden diamond? What if the leaves turn yellow? Is it blooming?

1. Basic information of golden diamond

The golden diamond is a perennial evergreen leathery plant of the genus Camptotheca in the Araceae family, which is relatively shade-tolerant, also known as Camptotheca acuminata, Camptotheca acuminata, Amorphophallus pinnatifida, etc., the leaf extends from the top of the stem to the four directions, the leaf is wide heart-shaped, the whole leaf is pinnately parted, dark green, smooth and shiny, and the petiole is firm and slender, up to 80-100 cm.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Golden Diamond

If you want the golden diamond to grow vigorously, you need to understand its ecological habits, and at the same time, we should pay attention to the factors such as soil, moisture, light, fertilizer, temperature and so on. Therefore, we should pay attention to the following breeding methods and matters needing attention:

1. Soil: Golden diamond does not have very high requirements for soil. Generally, it is made of loose, fertile, breathable and slightly acidic soil with good drainage. Pot cultivation can be made by mixing rotten leaf soil (or peat soil), garden soil and river sand.

2. Temperature: Golden Diamond likes warm, moist semi-overcast environment and is not cold-resistant; the suitable temperature for growth is about 20-25 ℃, and the humidity is between 50-70%, not less than 50%; do not be exposed to the sun for a long time in summer. When the temperature is too high, you can wipe the leaves with a wet cloth to reduce the temperature. Avoid air conditioning and cold air blowing indoors. The winter temperature had better be higher than 8 ℃, the lowest can withstand the low temperature of 5 ℃, and the indoor should avoid the blow of heating.

3. Illumination: the golden diamond likes the semi-shaded environment, and the golden diamond can not be directly illuminated by strong light, otherwise the leaves are easy to appear dry leaf tip, scorched edge of leaf edge, leaf color whitening and loss of luster; can not tolerate long-term shaded environment, otherwise it will cause golden diamond leaf color to become lighter, petiole longer, leaf drooping and ornamental reduced.

4. Watering: the golden diamond likes the humid environment, and it is best to water the basin soil surface when it is dry. In summer, the climate is dry, but you can't water too much, you can water once a day, and remember to spray water on the leaf surface at the same time; you can water once a week or two in winter, usually to maintain normal humidity, watering time should be flexible.

5, fertilization: the growth period of golden diamond is generally from May to September, during this period, it is better to provide sufficient fertilizer, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, and pay attention to not applying too much fertilizer at once, once every 10 days or so, it is best to apply thin fertilizer frequently; after entering autumn, you need to control the amount of fertilizer application, and stop applying fertilizer when the temperature is lower than 20 ℃.

6, pruning: when the golden drill appears leaf yellow, leaf withering, leaf scorch and other phenomena, we should pay attention to check to see if the disease is caused, if not, it is necessary to prune the old leaves in time to reduce the loss of plant nutrients.

7. Diseases and insect pests: the common diseases of golden diamond are leaf spot, anthrax and so on, which are generally controlled by wettable powder such as carbendazim, methyl topiramate and Dysen zinc, and the effect is obvious; in terms of insect pests, there are mainly red spiders, shell insects and so on.

8, change the basin: need to change the pot for the golden diamond every spring, generally the pot needs to be changed for 3-4 years.

9. Pay attention to ventilation: Golden diamonds should also pay attention to growing in a ventilated environment, otherwise it will cause symptoms such as yellowing and wilting of leaves.

Is the golden diamond poisonous?

The juice of the golden diamond is poisonous. accidentally touching or eating its juice will cause skin itching and pharynx discomfort, so if you want to trim the leaves or change the basin, it is best to wear gloves to avoid causing hand discomfort.

Does the golden diamond blossom?

Golden diamond belongs to Araceae, it can blossom, but the condition of flowering is higher, so it is difficult to blossom in general, especially in potted plants. The flower of the golden diamond is light red on the inner wall, and in the center is a pointed cone-shaped milky yellow stamen, which is shaped a bit like calla lilies, with a short flowering period of one day.

5. What if the golden diamond leaves turn yellow?

The golden diamond leaves are yellow for a variety of reasons, specifically for the following reasons:

1. Improper watering: Golden Diamond likes humid environment, but too much or too little watering will cause golden diamond leaves to turn yellow, too much watering, young leaves dark yellow without luster, too little watering, leaf tips and edges withered, old leaves withered and falling off from top to bottom.

Solution: watering is best carried out when the surface of the basin soil is dry, the summer climate is dry, there can be no shortage of water, but you can not water too much, you can water once a day, and remember to spray water to the leaves; you can water once a week or two in winter. usually to maintain normal humidity, watering should be flexible.

2. Improper lighting: the golden diamond will be burned and yellowed if it is exposed to strong light; if it is kept in a cool place for a long time, without light, the plant will yellowed due to slow growth.

Solution: put it in a semi-overcast environment with ventilation and astigmatism.

3. Improper temperature and humidity: the temperature of the golden diamond is too high and too low or not enough humidity will lead to yellow leaves.

Solution: the suitable temperature for the growth of golden diamond is about 20-25 ℃, the humidity is between 50-70%, and the dry edge of yellow leaf is easy to appear when the golden diamond is less than 50%.

In addition to the above points, we should also pay attention to whether the golden diamond leaves are yellowed due to improper fertilization or diseases and insect pests, and deal with them in time according to the actual situation.

Conclusion: the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the golden diamond are introduced here. Usually, as long as we pay attention to the temperature, light, fertilizer and moisture of the golden diamond, we can raise the golden diamond well.