
Efficient cultivation techniques of Toona sinensis: how to operate open-air, greenhouse and soilless cultivation respectively?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As the tender leaves of Toona sinensis are eaten as vegetables with excellent taste and nutritional value, the market is in short supply in recent years, and the planting scope has also been expanded. So what are the efficient cultivation techniques of Toona sinensis? How to operate open-air, greenhouse and soilless cultivation respectively? I.

As the tender leaves of Toona sinensis are eaten as vegetables with excellent taste and nutritional value, the market is in short supply in recent years, and the planting scope has also been expanded. So what are the efficient cultivation techniques of Toona sinensis? How to operate open-air, greenhouse and soilless cultivation respectively?

I. efficient cultivation techniques of Toona sinensis in the open air

Toona sinensis is a fast-growing broad-leaved tree species. It is necessary to choose sandy loam or loam which is leeward to the sun, good drainage and irrigation, flat terrain, convenient transportation, deep and humid soil and fertile soil. Places with many underground pests should not be used as nursery land.

1. Seed collection

The main results are as follows: (1) the dominant trees with 15-30 years old, straight stem shape, large crown, shiny leaves, rich fragrance, exuberant growth and no diseases and insect pests are selected.

(2) after the fruit is harvested, put it in the sun until the petal is cracked, turn and take out the seed, but do not expose it, otherwise it will reduce the germination power of the seed.

(3) after the seeds are dried in the shade, they are stored in a bag in a ventilated and dry room, which can be stored for 5 to 6 months.

2. Sprouting

(1) first rub off the membranous wings of the seeds with your hands, then soak the seeds in 40-50 ℃ warm water for 4-5 hours, then wash them once with warm water, and then wrap the seeds in cotton and put them in an environment of about 25 ℃ to accelerate germination.

(2) in the process of accelerating germination, rinse the seeds with 25-30 ℃ warm water once a day to remove the harmful substances secreted by the seeds. When 30-40% of the seeds are germinated, they can be sown.

3. Sowing seeds

Sow seeds from March to April every year. To raise seedlings in the field, a high bed should be built, with a width of 1.0 to 1.5 meters, a height of 15 to 30 centimeters, and a trail width of 40 to 60 centimeters. After the bed, the bed mattress yellow core soil or burning soil, about 3 cm thick.

4. Land preparation

The main results are as follows: (1) Toona sinensis is more resistant to moisture, and the deep, moist and fertile sandy loam woodland can be selected, and the soil pH value is 5.5-8.0.

(2) remove and burn weeds, shrubs and cutting leftovers. Land preparation can be completed on gentle slopes with a depth of 15cm to 20cm.

(3) the planting density depends on the purpose of cultivating trees, and those mainly cultivating terminal buds and tender leaves should be planted densely, with a row spacing of 2 m × 2 m and a hole size of 60 cm × 60 cm × 30 cm. Base fertilizer was applied in the hole, mainly phosphate fertilizer, organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer, and some topsoil and core soil were backfilled before planting.

5. Planting

The main results are as follows: (1) during the dormant period before sprouting in early spring, the seedlings should be drenched 2-3 days before seedling emergence to keep the soil moist.

(2) Seedling tools should be used when seedlings are raised and attention should be paid to keeping the roots intact. Classify the seedlings so that they can grow as they rise.

(3) the bare root seedlings should be planted with yellow mud roots, and the seedlings should be upright when planting, and the soil should be carefully pressed with both hands.

6. Fertilization

The main results are as follows: (1) during the seedling growth period, fertilizer should be applied thinly and frequently, mainly organic fertilizer.

(2) in the rapid growth period, it is necessary to apply appropriate amount of chemical fertilizer, such as ammonium sulfate, urea and so on.

(3) after September, we should control the supply of water and fertilizer, apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, enhance the Lignification degree of seedlings, improve the stress resistance of seedlings, and do a good job of cold prevention and overwintering. If properly managed, the height of annual field seedlings can reach 70 cm and the ground diameter can reach 0.8 cm.

2. Efficient cultivation techniques of Toona sinensis in greenhouse

1. Adjust temperature, humidity and light

(1) temperature regulation

It was observed that when the greenhouse temperature was about 25 ℃, the buds could grow 4 cm in 24 hours, but only 1 cm in the case of 15 ℃. When the greenhouse temperature exceeded 35 ℃, the coloring and quality of Toona sinensis buds were affected. 15 days after plastic film buckling is the slow seedling stage, efforts should be made to increase the air temperature, and the greenhouse temperature can be about 30 ℃ during the day. After the accumulation of natural light and temperature for more than one month, after sprouting, the temperature was controlled at 25 ℃ 30 ℃ in daytime and 17 ℃ at night, and the suitable temperature during budding period was 18 mi 25 ℃. Cover with herbs and paper quilts to heat up or keep warm as appropriate.

(2) temperature regulation

The seedlings planted in the greenhouse have poor water absorption capacity of the roots, so it is appropriate to maintain high soil moisture and air humidity at the initial stage, irrigate thoroughly after planting, and then irrigate small water according to the situation. The relative humidity of the air is kept above 85%, and water is sprayed on the seedlings on a sunny day to prevent the loss of water from drying up. After sprouting, the air relative humidity should be 70%. If the humidity is too high, not only the germination is slow, but also the fragrance is greatly reduced, so the air should be released in time.

(3) Light regulation

Toona sinensis like light, should try to choose no drop film, timely uncover grass, paper quilt during the day, but also often clean debris on the film to increase light, if the light is too strong, you can cover the grass to shade the sun properly.

2. Topping to promote branching

When picking the second crop of Toona sinensis, remove the top and set the stem at the same time (top from 40 cm above the ground). After drying, 15% paclobutrazol solution with a concentration of 200-500ppm was sprayed to control apical dominance, promote rapid branch growth and achieve dwarfing cultivation. After that, according to the development of the tree type, topping and branching in time to ensure that the crown is more branched, produce more Toona sinensis buds, and achieve high yield and high quality.

3. Water and fertilizer management

Toona sinensis is a fast-growing woody vegetable with low water demand and high demand for potash fertilizer. Per 300m2 greenhouse, the base fertilizer needs about 2500 kg of fully mature high-quality farm manure, 150kg of plant ash or 6kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 6kg of diammonium carbonate. After each picking, according to the soil fertility, the growth of Toona sinensis and leaf color, appropriate amount of topdressing and watering.

4. Cover the light isolation film bag

After Grain Rain, the greenhouse film can be removed when the ground temperature is above 18 ℃, allowing the seedlings to grow naturally. Since then, although the seedlings grow rapidly, they are easy to aging. Black and red 2-layer and 2-color polyethylene film bags should be prepared as soon as possible. When the buds of Toona sinensis grow to 5 cm, they can be covered with light-insulated film bags. This can not only increase the yield, but also ensure the non-aging of Toona sinensis buds. When the Toona sinensis bud grows to 15 cm, it is picked with the bag, and then sold in the bag. This kind of film bag can be used many times.

5. Bud picking and packaging

60 days after buckling the film, the buds can be picked when the buds grow to 15 cm and the coloring is good. Budding should be carried out in the morning and evening. The first stubble bud (that is, the bud born at the top of the branch) is of good quality and color, so it is of high quality and should be harvested at 12li 15cm. When the second crop bud grows to 20 cm, it should be harvested and topped in time to promote it to send out lateral buds and hidden buds to increase yield. Generally, it can be harvested every 10 days, and topdressing and watering are appropriate after harvest to promote the growth of Toona sinensis buds.

Before and after the Spring Festival, toon buds listed on the market should be sorted out and bundled up after harvesting. Generally, they should be packed into a bundle of 100 grams of 50ml and sealed in a plastic bag to prevent moisture loss.

3. Soilless and efficient cultivation techniques of Toona sinensis

Toona sinensis is a delicacy in early spring. It emits a special fragrance. Many people like to eat it because of its advantage. In the past, eating Toona sinensis was wild, but now there are large-scale planting bases and certain cultivation patterns. Soilless cultivation is a relatively new cultivation technique in recent years, and Toona sinensis can also be cultivated by this technology.

1. Site selection

Greenhouse, greenhouse, idle workshop or bungalow and other sites with protective facilities can be selected for cultivation. The indoor area can be determined according to the production scale.

2. Spraying equipment

Toona sinensis sprouts in the production process, does not need watering, requires atomization water supply, that is, the water supply can not impact the seedlings, but also can not make water in the plate. Agricultural back-to-back sprayers are generally used, and automatic micro-spraying devices and timers can also be installed to spray water automatically.

3. Seed storage

In the cultivation of Toona sinensis sprouts, the new seeds with high germination rate, purity and purity and full seeds should be selected. If the annual sprouting vegetable production is carried out, the seeds should be stored at the temperature of 1-5 ℃ in order to maintain a high germination rate.

4. Seed treatment before sowing

High temperature scalding: blanch the seeds with 55-70 ℃ hot water. Sprouting and sowing can be harvested 5-7 days earlier than direct seeding, and the buds are strong, easy to manage, and diseases are obviously reduced.

5. Sowing seeds

When the buds grow to 0.2~0.5cm, the seeds can be sown. If the bud is too long, it is easy to be damaged when sowing; if the bud is too short, it is easy to mix the seeds that can not sprout, resulting in rotten seeds and rotten buds after sowing, affecting the growth of the whole disk of sprouts, prolonging the growth period of sprouts and increasing the cost of production.

6. Stacking plates.

The cultivation plates are stacked together, and about 15-20 plates are stacked on top of each other, leaving a certain gap between each plate, so as to facilitate ventilation and ensure the normal breathing of shoots.

7. Water and fertilizer management

Toona sinensis is a fast-growing woody vegetable with low water demand and high demand for potash fertilizer. Per 300m2 greenhouse, the base fertilizer needs about 2500 kg of fully mature high-quality farm manure, 150kg of plant ash or 6kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 6kg of diammonium carbonate. After each picking, according to the soil fertility, the growth of Toona sinensis and leaf color, appropriate amount of topdressing and watering.

8. Pest control

(1) powdery mildew of Toona sinensis

Prevention and treatment: remove diseased branches and leaves in time and burn them. Strengthen tending management, rational fertilization, enhance the growth potential and disease resistance of trees. Toona sinensis can be sprayed with 5 Baumetu stone sulfur mixture once before germination, and 0.3: 0.5 Baomedo stone sulfur mixture for 2 times in the growing season. The branches and leaves can also be sprayed with 2.5% trimethoprim 1500 × 2000 times, or 25% sulfur suspension 200 times, 50% methyl thiophanate, 50% carbendazim 600 times 800 times. Baumedu stone-sulfur mixture was sprayed 2 times for 3 times. The branches and leaves can also be sprayed with 2.5% trimethoprim 1500 × 2000 times, or 25% sulfur suspension 200 times, 0% methyl thiophanate and 50% carbendazim 600 times 800 times.

(2) dry blight of Toona sinensis

Prevention and treatment: remove the infected branches in time and burn them to reduce the source of infection. The trunk is painted white in winter and spring. Drug control in the initial disease spot to make some small holes, deep to the xylem, and then spray 70% topiramate 200 times liquid for prevention and treatment. Reasonably prune the wound with Bordeaux solution or stone sulfur mixture. Strengthen the management of fertilizer, water and tending, enhance the tree potential, improve the ability of disease resistance and prevent infection.