
"King of fruits" how to eat kiwifruit? Can I go to freckles?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Kiwifruit is a common fruit market in summer and autumn. With the development of artificial cultivation technology, there are many varieties to choose from, so it is also called kiwifruit. The best origin of kiwifruit is in Yichang, Hubei Province, China, where kiwifruit is delicious.

Kiwifruit is a common fruit market in summer and autumn. With the development of artificial cultivation technology, there are many varieties to choose from, so it is also called kiwifruit. The best origin of kiwifruit is in Yichang, Hubei Province, China, where kiwifruit is delicious and juicy, and the price can also rise. So how do you eat kiwifruit? Can I go to freckles? What can't kiwifruit be eaten with?

First, how to eat kiwifruit?

There are many ways to eat kiwifruit, which are generally divided into two categories: simple and complex. Let me introduce it to you.

1. Prepare a small spoon or fruit knife, preferably made of non-wood material, so that it is easy to dig up the pulp. Cut the kiwifruit in half with a fruit knife and eat it directly with a spoon. This method is very simple and does not get your hands dirty.

2. This method is most suitable for lazy friends who want to eat kiwifruit. Peel off the skin of kiwifruit directly with a fruit knife. If you are afraid of dirty hands, you can prepare disposable gloves and bite them. The disadvantage of this method is that it may get dirty clothes and is not suitable for children.

3. Prepare a fruit knife and a fruit fork, cut off both ends of the kiwifruit, cut it in half as you usually do with dragon fruit, and cut the kiwifruit into small cubes. This method can generally be used when guests are at home, and it may be more troublesome to eat by yourself.

Can kiwifruit get rid of freckles?

Freckles are mainly a congenital or acquired skin disease, generally appear in the face, arms, neck and other parts, the face has the highest probability. There are many reasons for the formation of freckles, which may be inherited in the family or caused by excessive ultraviolet radiation. We need to look at the problem of freckle formation dialectically in order to better prescribe the right medicine to the case.

Kiwifruit can only play an auxiliary effect on freckles, not a radical cure.

It is said that kiwifruit can remove freckles because kiwifruit is rich in vitamin C. compared with other fruits, kiwifruit has a higher content of vitamin C, which can play the effect of whitening and light spots. The beauty effect of vitamin C has been very strong, eat more kiwifruit at the same time, but also pay attention to block ultraviolet rays, serious freckles need to see a doctor in time.

Nowadays, many people who love beauty are very enthusiastic about the method of treating freckles and often put a lot of energy into experimenting on themselves. In fact, no matter whether it is diet therapy or drug assistance, we should follow the doctor's advice and professional guidance, and do not rely on folk sayings and prescriptions.

What can't kiwifruit be eaten with?

1. Kiwifruit cannot be eaten with cucumbers.

Kiwifruit has high vitamin C content, and cucumber has vitamin C decomposing enzyme. If you eat kiwifruit and cucumber together, it will lead to vitamin C destruction and poor nutrition absorption. It is not recommended to eat together.

2. Kiwifruit and animal offal cannot be eaten together.

Now many topics will discuss animal viscera, giving a lot of negative impact, in fact, this also needs to be treated dialectically. In general, there are trace elements such as iron, zinc and copper in the viscera of animals, and the combination of vitamin C with kiwifruit will reduce the nutritional value of the two kinds of food.

Kiwifruit can't be eaten with milk.

This few friends noticed that milk is mainly to supplement protein content, protein + vitamin C will lead to digestive function is hindered. In particular, friends with poor digestive function can easily cause abdominal pain and diarrhea, so it is recommended that when you encounter these two kinds of food, you should match the eating time reasonably and do not eat at the same time.

Kiwifruit can't be eaten with crabs.

Autumn is the season to eat crabs, hairy crabs listed by many friends scrambled to buy, it is inevitable to encounter the possibility of crabs and kiwifruit on the table at the same time. The combination of pentavalent arsenic in crabs and vitamin C in kiwifruit can cause food poisoning and even cause abdominal distension, stomachache, stomach cramps and so on.

Kiwifruit can't be eaten with white radish.

White radish is very popular in autumn and winter. after buying it, families will use it to make soup to warm their stomach. it is a popular vegetable in autumn and winter. Eating kiwifruit and radish together will cause goiter, so we should pay more attention to it.

Now is a good time to eat kiwifruit. If you buy hard kiwifruit, you can store it with apples and bananas. Apples and bananas can accelerate kiwifruit ripening and have a ripening effect. I hope the above content is helpful to you.