
"canned natural fruit" what are the magical effects and effects of grapefruit peel? Can you remove formaldehyde? How do you cook it?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, To the annual best season to eat grapefruit, generally from October will continue to have a large number of grapefruit ripe, when eating grapefruit is also the best. We usually throw away the pomelo peel directly when we eat grapefruit. In fact, there are many pomelo peels.

To the annual best season to eat grapefruit, generally from October will continue to have a large number of grapefruit ripe, when eating grapefruit is also the best. We usually throw away the grapefruit peel directly when we eat grapefruit. In fact, grapefruit peel has many magical effects and functions, so some people will ask whether grapefruit peel can remove formaldehyde? How do you make it delicious? Details are as follows:

I. the three functions and functions of pomelo

1. Efficacy and function of pomelo in clearing away heat and detoxification

Grapefruit belongs to sweet and sour taste, belongs to cold fruit, is the top grade of heat-clearing and detoxification. It is easy to catch fire in autumn because it is dry, so eating a grapefruit can help us clear our anger.

two。 Efficacy and function of grapefruit in relieving cough and asthma

Eating grapefruit has the effect of resolving phlegm, and it is easy to suffer from cough in autumn. Eating a little grapefruit can help you resolve phlegm and clear your lungs and then relieve cough and asthma.

3. The efficacy and function of pomelo to eliminate food and gas

Grapefruit contains a lot of dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis when eaten in our human body. when eating too much food, it is not easy to digest, we can eat appropriate amount of grapefruit to adjust.

Second, what are the magical effects and functions of grapefruit peel?

1. Efficacy and function of pomelo peel in moistening the lungs and clearing the intestines

Traditional Chinese medicine shows that grapefruit peel contains physiologically active substances such as glucoside and hesperidin. Eating grapefruit peel can help us moisten the lungs and clear the intestines, especially for people with frequent coughing and constipation.

two。 Efficacy and effect of pomelo peel on tonifying blood and invigorating spleen

Grapefruit peel can be made into tangerine peel candy, usually in winter, you will see old people selling tangerine peel candy on the street. Eating this can help us tonify the blood and strengthen the spleen, but it is not suitable for people with diabetes.

3. Efficacy and effect of pomelo peel in lowering blood pressure

Naringin in grapefruit can reduce the viscosity of blood circulation and have the effect of lowering blood pressure, which is very suitable for patients with hypertension.

4. Efficacy and effect of pomelo peel in the treatment of infantile pneumonia

The use of pomelo peel to treat infantile pneumonia is to dry the pomelo skin, cut it into pieces, put it in a pot and boil it with water. You don't need too much water. If you give the boiled soup to the child, you can treat pneumonia.

5. Efficacy and effect of pomelo peel in the treatment of chilblain

Boil water with sun-dried grapefruit peel, usually take out the water and apply it to the frostbitten place when it is very thick. If it is broken, you can't use it.

6. Efficacy and function of pomelo peel in preventing mosquito bites

Generally put grapefruit peel on the head of the bed, can prevent mosquito bites, can also promote sleep, can have a good sleep.

7. Efficacy and function of pomelo peel to remove fishy smell

Grapefruit peel in the refrigerator to remove fishy smell is what many families often do, this National Day holiday to eat a grapefruit, put the grapefruit peel into the refrigerator, there is no taste in the refrigerator. It is also very good to prevent the taste of food. Cut it into pieces and spread it out, the effect will be better.

8. The efficacy and function of pomelo peel to replenish skin moisture

After eating grapefruit, cut the rest of the grapefruit skin into pieces and wipe your face to replenish skin moisture. Long-term use can whiten the skin.

Can grapefruit peel remove formaldehyde?

Grapefruit peel to remove formaldehyde is not any effect, can only cover the taste of formaldehyde, and can not be removed, even if you put grapefruit peel at home, just decorated the house still has a lot of formaldehyde, so more ventilation is the most effective way to remove formaldehyde, put some green plants that absorb formaldehyde is also possible, it is best to find professionals to measure formaldehyde before moving in, otherwise formaldehyde is very harmful to the body.

Fourth, how to make grapefruit peel delicious?

1. Spicy grapefruit peel

Fried grapefruit peel, tempeh, garlic and celery together, the most important thing is that there are enough chili peppers to make spicy grapefruit peel.

two。 Grapefruit peel with meat sauce

Prepare meat, grapefruit peel, ginger and sauce, wash the meat, cut it into slices, wash the grapefruit skin and cut it into pieces, stir-fry it together and eat it.

3. Rock sugar grapefruit peel

Prepare some rock candy and grapefruit peel, wash the grapefruit peel, cut it into strips, add rock sugar and water in the juice, boil the water and add the grapefruit peel together. When the grapefruit skin becomes transparent, you can turn off the heat. When it's cold, drying is rock candy grapefruit peel.

The above is the magical effect and function of grapefruit peel and related knowledge for everyone. I hope it can help you.