
"Water Ginseng" how to eat lotus seeds can improve sleep? Is it better to remove the core or not? Is it okay to take 10 tablets a day?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lotus seed, also known as lotus root and lotus seed, is a mature seed of the Nymphaeaceae plant. It is widely eaten because it has the functions of calming the mind, curing palpitations and insomnia. At present, many people like to cook porridge with jujube and Euryale seeds. How can lotus seeds improve sleep? go

Lotus seed, also known as lotus root and lotus seed, is a mature seed of the Nymphaeaceae plant. It is widely eaten because it has the functions of calming the mind, curing palpitations and insomnia. At present, many people like to cook porridge with jujube and Euryale seeds. How can lotus seeds improve sleep? Is it better to remove the core or not? Is it okay to take 10 tablets a day?

First, how to eat lotus seeds can improve sleep?

Ingredients: Lotus seed, Euryale seed, glutinous rice

Practice: wash lotus seeds, Euryale seeds and glutinous rice into a pot and add appropriate amount of water to cook over high heat, then turn to low heat, boil lotus seeds and Euryale seeds and serve.

Eating method: once a day, eating for more than a week can effectively improve sleep quality.

Efficacy: regular consumption of lotus seed Euryale porridge can effectively improve sleep, calm the mind and strengthen the spleen. It is very suitable for patients with insomnia, dreaminess or palpitations.

Second, is it better to remove the core of lotus seed or not?

Whether it is better to remove the core of the lotus seed or not, it also depends on the individual physique, because from a medical point of view, the lotus seed does not remove the core, because the lotus seed core has the effect of calming the mind and removing fire, and regular consumption can effectively calm the mind and clear the heart, invigorate the body and quench thirst, lower lung fire, and so on. Generally, it is also sold in the supermarket, and the price is small and expensive, so it is better not to go to the core. However, because the lotus seed tastes bitter, the soup will taste bitter when cooking porridge or soup, so many people like to remove the core. In addition, lotus seed core cold, physical cold or gastrointestinal discomfort after eating will produce abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms, so try to remove the core when eating.

Is it okay to take 10 lotus seeds a day?

It is OK to eat 10 lotus seeds a day, but if it is constipation, gastrointestinal discomfort or physical cold patients, it is best not to eat, so as not to aggravate the disease. In addition, you can eat more fresh lotus seeds, but no more than 2 lotus pods, the specific amount to eat is as follows:

1. How many fresh lotus seeds should I eat every day?

Fresh lotus seeds generally eat 2 lotus pods a day is about enough, eating too much will lead to abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms, especially the physique cold or stomach cold patients eat older lotus seeds, it is best to remove the lotus heart, so as not to cause indigestion, gastrointestinal discomfort and other phenomena.

2. How many dried lotus seeds should I eat every day?

Dried lotus seeds generally eat about 15g a day, that is, about 10 tablets, if eating too much will produce abdominal distension, diarrhea and other phenomena, especially constipation, gastrointestinal discomfort patients had better not eat more, so as not to aggravate the disease.

Can I eat fresh lotus seeds every day?

Fresh lotus seeds can be eaten every day, but to the right amount, especially gastrointestinal discomfort, cold physique people had better be controlled within 10, so as not to eat too much to cause abdominal pain, constipation and other symptoms. It is worth noting that if the intestines and stomach is relatively weak patients, it is best not to eat, so as not to cause diarrhea.

5. How much is the market price of lotus seed per jin?

Lotus seeds are divided into white lotus seeds and red lotus seeds, of which fresh white lotus seeds are generally about 30 yuan per jin, and there are also cases of individual size sold, in which the size of the individual is generally larger than 10 yuan for 3, and if the individual is smaller, 10 yuan for 4 or 10 yuan for 5. The market price of fresh red lotus seeds is about 40 yuan per jin. The market price of dried lotus seeds is generally about 3040 yuan per jin. However, due to market and regional problems, there will also be some differences in market prices. For example, in Jiangxi, lotus seeds are mostly picked by hand, and the shape and color are good, so the price is higher. Generally, the price of white lotus without core-pulling is about 55-60 yuan per jin, while the market price of core-pulling is about 65-70 yuan per jin. In Hunan, most of them are machined, so the price is relatively cheap. generally, the market price of peeled lotus seed is about 30 yuan per jin, and that of red lotus seed is about 23 yuan per jin, so the specific price still needs to be checked in the local market.