
What wine can't be eaten with? Who is not suitable for drinking? Can you make it yourself?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Wine varieties are very many, generally drink more foreign, Chinese people like to drink white wine. With everyone's attention to health, wine is also popular. Because in life, people often say that drinking a little wine occasionally has the effect of beauty and softening blood vessels

There are many kinds of wine, generally drink more abroad, the Chinese like to drink liquor. With everyone's attention to health, wine has become popular. Because people often say that drinking a little wine once in a while has the effect of beautifying and softening blood vessels, especially loved by many women. Then what can't you eat wine with? Can you brew it yourself? Who is not fit to drink?

First, what can't wine be eaten with? Who is not fit to drink wine?

Wine has attracted people's attention because it has the effect of lowering blood pressure and blood lipids, and many people will take a sip, whether it is a banquet or in daily life. But when drinking, we should pay attention to the following two points:

(1) Wine cannot eat food with each other.

1. Wine + durian

Don't eat durian immediately after drinking wine, it's easy to get drunk.

two。 Wine + milk

Drinking milk immediately will cause gastrointestinal discomfort, fruit acid is easy to coagulate protein, it is recommended to eat at intervals.

(2) people who are taboo on wine

1. Pregnant woman

Pregnant women are not allowed to be exposed to alcohol, no matter what kind of alcohol.

two。 People with poor liver function

Although the degree of wine is low, it still contains alcohol, which will have a certain impact on the liver, so people with poor liver function should drink alcohol carefully.

3. Alcohol allergic population

Alcohol allergies can lead to a red rash. If you have this condition, don't drink any kind of alcohol.

Second, can wine be made by itself?

You can make wine yourself, but you have to check the process layer by layer, and you can't come into contact with iron and unboiled water. Of course, if the self-made wine does not meet the requirements, it is easy to breed bacteria, cause mildew, drink will cause physical discomfort, serious will cause poisoning.

Third, the method of making wine

1. Choose a good grape

In order to make wine, we usually choose the right variety, and we can go to the orchard to pick evenly grained and tightly ripe grapes.

two。 Wash and dry

Wash the grapes to avoid pesticide residues on the skin. After washing, put it in a leaky container and put it in a ventilated place to dry. It must be noted here that not drying may lead to subsequent mildew.

3. Take them off and drive them out one by one.

Crush the grapes and put them in a wine jar. Plastic containers are not recommended.

4. Put in rock candy

The sweetness of rock sugar is different from that of white granulated sugar, and the amount of rock sugar can be chosen according to the acceptable sweetness.

5. Canning seal

The last step is also a key step. Be sure to seal the container. We can fasten the jar mouth with plastic and leather band.

Then put it in a cool place and remember not to open it at will to avoid bacterial contamination.

Warm reminder: many people like to have a drink before going to bed, and we must gargle after drinking wine, so as not to damage oral health, tooth decay and so on. A variety of wines are not recommended to be mixed together.