
"vegetable meat" tofu can not be eaten with what food? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As the most common bean product, tofu appears frequently in people's meals. Tofu is good and cheap, but also invigorating qi, clearing dryness and heat, then tofu can not be eaten with what food? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Tofu can't go with any food.

As the most common bean product, tofu can be said to be very frequent in people's meals. Tofu is good and cheap, but also invigorating qi, clearing dryness and heat, then tofu can not be eaten with what food? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

What kind of food can't tofu eat together?

1. Tofu is suitable for both young and old, but it is best not to eat it with the food below.


Adverse reaction

Tofu + honey

Cause diarrhea

Tofu + onions and spinach

Affect the absorption of calcium by the human body

Tofu + bamboo shoots, Zizania caduciflora, balsam pear

Easy to form stones in the body

Tofu + agaric vegetable

Destroy nutrients

Tofu + mutton

Affect one's health

Tofu + persimmon

It is easy to form gallstones, urinary stones, etc.

two。 Although tofu cannot be eaten with the above food, it will complement each other with the food below.


Efficacy effect

Tofu + Flammulina velutipes

Lower blood pressure and blood lipid

Tofu + tomato, shiitake mushroom

Invigorate spleen and stomach, nourish yin and moisten dryness

Tofu + Chinese cabbage and porphyra

Clearing heat, detoxification and diuresis

Tofu + kelp, salmon, turbot

Warm and tonify the spleen and stomach and supplement protein

Tofu + chuanbei, ginger

Clear away heat and moisten the lungs and quench thirst

Tofu + lettuce, strawberry, zucchini

Weight loss and cosmetology

3. Tofu is delicious, but these people should pay attention to eating less or not eating tofu.

(1) people with iodine deficiency disease should not eat tofu: soybeans made from tofu contain saponins that can promote the excretion of iodine in the body, so it is not suitable to eat iodine deficiency in the body.

(2) patients with high concentrations of gout and serum uric acid should not eat tofu.

(3) people with deficiency of spleen and stomach should also eat less or not eat tofu: tofu is a cold food, if people with deficiency of spleen and stomach eat it, it is easy to cause diarrhea and other adverse reactions.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of tofu?

Tofu is called "plant meat" and it contains a variety of nutrients are inseparable, and often eat tofu is also a lot of advantages, but eating too much tofu also has disadvantages, oh, that is specific how to raise it, let's learn about it!

(1) the benefits of eating the right amount of tofu:

1. Often eating tofu can prevent the occurrence of constipation in the elderly: digestion is also bad for the elderly because of the decline in physical function, and tofu as a soft food is easy to digest, so it can be eaten by the elderly in an appropriate amount.

two。 Tofu can resist tumor and thrombus: eating tofu often has a certain effect on inhibiting the growth of tumor, and the active ingredients in tofu have obvious anticancer activity, can also inhibit platelet aggregation and prevent thrombus.

3. Eating tofu regularly can also reduce women's risk of breast cancer: soy isoflavones can reduce the risk of breast cancer in the breast's response to estrogen.

4. Often eating tofu has the effect of invigorating body, moistening dryness and clearing away heat and detoxification: tofu is a kind of cold food, so it is very helpful for clearing away heat and relieving dryness.

5. Eating tofu often has the effects of beauty and weight loss, speeding up metabolism and delaying aging.

6. Eating tofu regularly can also prevent cardiovascular disease, prevent osteoporosis, improve memory and prevent senile dementia.

(2) the disadvantages of eating too much tofu:

1. Increase the burden on the kidney, and even make the kidney function decline: we all know that it is rich in plant protein, if too much intake is bound to increase the workload of the kidney, in the long run, the kidney is bound to be injured.

two。 Cause indigestion, abdominal pain diarrhea occurs: the intake of too much protein is not digestible, it is easy to have diarrhea.

3. Eating too much for a long time may also cause hardening of the arteries, endangering your health.

Third, how to make tofu tastes better?

1. Mapo tofu of Sichuan cuisine: if you want to make a Mapo tofu, you should prepare bean paste, pepper, garlic and ginger foam, soy sauce, minced meat, chopped onion and chili; first remove and drain the chopped tofu, then put oil in a hot pan, add bean paste and stir-fry red oil, ginger, garlic and pepper, stir-fry and put in minced meat; add water to boil and open the tofu, finally add soy sauce to boil and taste, you can go out and enjoy.

two。 Nourish crucian carp and bean curd soup: prepare spring onion, ginger and garlic, cooking wine, salt, chicken essence, etc., fry the flower knife on both sides in hot oil, add spring onion, ginger and garlic in clear water, simmer until milky white, add tofu and boil for four or five minutes, add salt and chicken essence to season and you can come out of the pot.

3. Fried tofu in oil: prepare diced green pepper, spring onion, ginger and garlic foam, light soy sauce, water starch, cut thick slices of tofu and fry it in a pan of oil until golden on both sides, stir-fry spring onion, ginger and garlic into green and red pepper, add fried bean curd and light soy sauce to stir well, finally pour in water starch cover to collect juice, add edible salt and stir well when the juice is ready.