
Pumpkin and what food can't be eaten together? Can I eat with shrimp? How much should I eat a day?

Published: 2024-07-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/21, Pumpkin is a kind of food with a sense of age, often eat pumpkin rice to recall the Long March Road said. Pumpkin is rich in nutrients, whether steamed or pumpkin pie taste and taste are very good. Pumpkin is what we call green and healthy food today. It is said that it can be eaten for a long time.

Pumpkin is a kind of food with a sense of age, and it is often said that "eat pumpkin food to remember the long March". Pumpkin is rich in nutritional value, whether steamed or made pumpkin pie taste and taste are very good. Pumpkin is what we call "green and healthy food" today. It is said that eating pumpkin for a long time can also prevent cancer. Of course, there are some dietary taboos about eating pumpkins. Pumpkin and what kind of food can't be eaten together? Can I have it with shrimp? How much should I eat a day? Which people are not suitable for eating?

Can pumpkins fight cancer?

Now is the best time to eat pumpkins, many friends asked whether pumpkins can play an anti-cancer effect? Let's take a look at the effects of pumpkins.

1. Rich in dietary fiber, which can lower blood lipids, blood pressure and cholesterol

two。 Invigorating the spleen and nourishing the stomach, which contains carotene plays a good role in night blindness.

3. Beauty and beauty, regular consumption is good for the skin

4. Rich in trace element Zn for human needs

5. Rich in vitamin C, which neutralizes carcinogens.

In this way, regular consumption of pumpkin does have some preventive effect on cancer, but it does not have a therapeutic effect.

Second, pumpkin and what food can not be eaten together? Can I have it with shrimp?

1. Pumpkin and mutton

We all know that eating mutton can replenish qi, and so can pumpkins, which can cause irritation and, in serious cases, constipation.

two。 Pumpkin and sweet potato

Both are stagnant foods, which can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, fart and abdominal pain if eaten together.

3. Pumpkin and pig liver

Pumpkin contains a lot of dietary fiber, and eating with iron-rich pig liver may affect absorption and cause abdominal distension.

4. Pumpkin and shrimp

If you eat pumpkin and shrimp together, you should also pay attention to it. You may have diarrhea.

Third, how many pumpkins should be eaten in a day?

Although pumpkins are good, they eat well. It is best not to eat more than one meal a day, that is, the size of a bowl. First of all, eating too much will lead to flatulence, which is very uncomfortable. Eating too much pumpkin for a long time may also yellowing the skin.

Fourth, pumpkin is not suitable for who to eat?

1. People who are allergic to pumpkins

Any food can be an allergen, so don't eat it if you are allergic to pumpkins. In other words, if there are symptoms such as a red rash or itchy skin after eating pumpkins, it may be the occurrence of allergies.

two。 People with symptoms of fever

Pumpkins are warm, and eating pumpkins may aggravate the disease if you have a fever.

Fifth, can people with diabetes eat pumpkins?

The idea that pumpkins treat diabetes has been around for a long time, and there are studies that show that the substances in pumpkins slow down food absorption, but mislead some diabetics. Many people regard it as a staple food and find that the sugar in the body rises instead of falling, which may be due to eating too many old pumpkins. But that doesn't mean you can't eat pumpkins, just eat a moderate diet. And generally speaking, tender melons are more suitable and contain less sugar.