
How many times a day is best? What happens if you eat too much? When to eat?

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Jujube, also known as red jujube, has been listed as one of the five fruits (chestnut, peach, plum, apricot and jujube) since ancient times. Its vitamin C content is very high, ranking first among all kinds of fruits, so it has the reputation of vitamin king. Although the nutritional value of jujube is high, it is also

Jujube, which is often called red jujube, has been listed as one of the "five fruits" (chestnut, peach, plum, apricot, jujube) since ancient times. Its vitamin C content is very high, ranking first among all kinds of fruits, so it has the laudatory name of "vitamin king". Although the nutritional value of jujube is high, it can not be eaten more, so how many dates are best to eat in a day? What happens if you eat too much? When will it be good to eat?

First, how many dates are best to eat in a day?

For women, jujube is not only a delicious fruit, but also a good medicine for tonifying muscles and bones, tonifying blood and qi, beauty and beauty, and can be eaten raw, cooked, soaked in water, stewed in meat soup and so on. As the saying goes: "eat three dates a day, a hundred years old does not look old", jujube generally eat 3 a day is enough, for smaller jujube can eat 6-8, if it is a patient after surgery or a pregnant woman who has just given birth to a child, the number of jujube can be increased, eat about 10 a day, we can according to the actual situation of their own body to decide the number of jujube every day.

Second, what happens if you eat too many dates?

Jujube can not eat too much every day, because its calorie and sugar content is very high, eating too much is easy to cause obesity, but also easy to cause fever; jujube is rich in sugar, which can easily lead to tooth decay and increased blood sugar in patients with diabetes; the epidermis of jujube contains more fiber and the texture is relatively hard, so it should be fully chewed when eating, otherwise it will damage the stomach and intestines, appear abdominal distension, constipation and so on.

Third, when will the jujube be ready?

There is no clear time for jujube to be eaten. If it is a tonic, there are requirements for time and dose. As long as you follow the doctor's advice, if it is a tonic, you can eat it at about 10:00 in the morning or around 3pm. These two periods of time can provide energy to the body and will not burden the stomach and intestines, and can also be eaten after dinner, because jujube helps sleep. People who often have insomnia can improve their insomnia by eating it.

Fourth, how to eat dates?

1, soak water to eat: jujube soak in water, nourish liver and detoxify, if it is fresh jujube, should not soak in water, it will seriously damage vitamin C, if it is dried jujube, it is difficult to completely dissolve its active ingredients, you can break it and soak it again.

2, tea to eat: jujube tea, invigorate qi and protect voice, jujube fried black tea, can treat stomach cold, stomachache, if put in longan, it is blood and qi tea, which is good for the throat.

3, soak wine to eat: jujube soak wine, blood vessels are unobstructed, jujube is easier to dissolve nutrient-rich organic matter in the soaking process, which has a certain effect on keeping blood vessels unobstructed.

4, boil soup to eat: jujube soup, cough moistening lung, jujube, Tremella, rock sugar together into the pot, add water to boil soup, can relieve cough and moisturize the lungs.

5, boil porridge to eat: jujube porridge, calm the mind to help sleep, the jujube, lily, lotus seed, millet with porridge, can regulate women's restless, restless and other symptoms, better play the effect of calming the mind.

6, boiled eggs to eat: jujube boiled eggs, nourish blood and beauty, will jujube, longan, brown sugar together boil water, beat an egg, cooked with low heat, have the effect of tonifying blood and nourishing beauty.