
Does eating sweet potatoes make you fat? What can't you eat with it? Raw or cooked?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When it comes to sweet potato, I think everyone knows that it not only has high nutritional value, but also can be made into sweet potato slices, sweet potato cakes, sweet potato biscuits, sweet potato snacks, etc., so its economic value is extremely high. At present, it is planted in most areas of our country. Will eating sweet potato make you fat?

When it comes to sweet potatoes, everyone must know that they not only have high nutritional value, but also can be made into sweet potato chips, sweet potato cakes, sweet potato pancakes, sweet potato snacks, etc., so their economic value is extremely high. At present, they are planted in most parts of our country. Will eating sweet potatoes make you fat? What can't you eat with? Is it better to eat it raw or cooked?

Will you get fat when you eat sweet potatoes?

Eating sweet potatoes won't get fat. Because sweet potato contains a lot of dietary fiber, which can increase the sense of satiety and reduce food intake, and its calories are very low, with an average of 99 calories per 100g, which is much lower than that of rice, so it will not gain weight. However, if sweet potatoes are fried or braised, their calories will increase, which will lead to weight gain. So people who lose weight had better eat it with cooking or steaming to reduce calorie intake.

What can't sweet potatoes be eaten with?

1, sweet potatoes can not be eaten with crabs: sweet potatoes contain a lot of starch, crabs are cold and contain a lot of protein, both eat together, will produce indigestible sediment, cause diarrhea, stones, so it is best not to eat together.

2, sweet potato can not be eaten with chicken: sweet potato contains a lot of starch, chicken contains a lot of protein, eating together will cause indigestion, resulting in gastrointestinal discomfort, abdominal pain and other symptoms.

3. Sweet potatoes can not be eaten with eggs: eating sweet potatoes with eggs can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, stomachache and other indigestible phenomena.

4. Sweet potatoes cannot be eaten with tomatoes: sweet potatoes contain a lot of sugar. After eating, nicotinic acid is produced by digestion in the stomach. When combined with tomatoes, it will produce indigestible precipitates and cause stones. In severe cases, there will be abdominal pain, diarrhea and other dyspeptic phenomena.

5. Sweet potatoes can not be eaten with bananas: eating sweet potatoes and bananas together will cause dyspepsia such as acid regurgitation and abdominal pain. When eating too much, it will produce chronic poisoning, so it is best not to eat together.

6, sweet potatoes can not be eaten with wine: sweet potatoes contain aerase, wine contains a lot of alcohol, eating together will stimulate the stomach, resulting in acid regurgitation, abdominal distension, hiccups and other phenomena, so it is best not to eat together.

Third, is it better to eat sweet potatoes raw or cooked?

Sweet potatoes can be eaten raw and cooked, but which is delicious should be decided according to their own taste, because sweet potatoes belong to melons, no matter eating raw and cooked have a very good effect, but most people like to eat steamed and cooked, so the taste will be more sweet. In addition, eating sweet potatoes raw is not easy to digest, so people with indigestion had better cook them.

Fourth, how to preserve sweet potatoes from sprouting?

In general, sweet potatoes that have just been picked or bought are easy to sprout due to factors such as indoor temperature and air, while sweet potatoes can not be eaten when they sprout, so sweet potatoes that buy more can be preserved in the following three ways.

Method 1, save the sweet potatoes with newspapers: the sweet potatoes you just bought can be wrapped in newspapers and stored in a cool, ventilated place, which can be preserved for about 4 weeks, and the taste is similar to that of fresh ones.

Method 2, drying: sweet potatoes that have just been picked or bought can be put in the sun for a day to reduce moisture, and then put them in a cool and dry place to store them. When saving, you can put several ripe apples. This will last about 4 weeks.

Method 3. Make sweet potato chips: the extra sweet potatoes can be cut into slices, then exposed to the sun for a few days, and then stored in plastic bags, which can be preserved for a long time, but the taste is not very good. You can cook or stir-fry or fry when eating.

How much is the market price of sweet potatoes per jin?

The market price of sweet potato is relatively close to the people, generally 2-3 yuan per jin, but due to the problems of variety, individual size and region, there will also be some differences in price. for example, the market price of sweet potato Longshu No. 9 in Chengwu County, Heze City, Shandong Province is 0.5 yuan per jin. Luozhuang District, Linyi City, Shandong Province, Ziyun sweet potato market price 2.75 yuan per jin, so the specific price still needs to go to the local market to check.